Yes please add RDF. The game is better with it.
Feel free to sign this petition regarding RDF : ) if we get enough signatures it might catch Blizzard’d attention.
There have been polls done by huge YouTubers and also very large discord votes , LFD is something that 56% of the player base wants. For them to take out the Wotlk feature everyone remembers is kinda missing the concept of classic. If you don’t want it , sit you happy a$$ in a major city a spam your heart out. That is not a social exp to me nor most of the player base. LFD made the game playable for us who don’t like the elitist BS you guys push. Stop ruining the game for ppl that just wanna play it how it was before. Flawed and beautiful!
You think you don’t but you do!
No one will use it. A new chat channel will be made called LFG and used. I have a great idea, use the damn tool we had alrdy? Who cares if the elitist whine. They will still buy boosts and pay for mounts on the shop so who cares what they want. Whales only complain when the guppies can get the perks too!
These polls are flawed statistical data due to nonresponse bias. Considering from what you say that these polls ended up 56/44 for and against RDF I’d say accounting for nonresponse bias in those polls the true preference of the majority of players doesn’t look good for the for RDF side.
Getting a group together might seem daunting for retail heads, but it’s really not this boogeyman that the for RDF side is trying to make out it is.
If they do choose to implement a form of RDF they could do so while keeping a likely large portion of the against RDF group somewhat happy by doing something like this compromise.
ON the last night of the summer festival, I spent an hour spamming LFG for a group to run the Ahune dungeon. Not one response. Not one! Thus is the problem with 1 realm only LFG anything. I guarantee you if the DF tool from mid Wrath was in place, I would have waited no more than 5 minutes for a group.
Also, the Kaadaj only stated that polls are for DF by 56%, not that polls-against were 44%, that was your assumption. On such a divisive issue, nonresponse bias would have been low, for those that knew of the poll. I didn’t see how the poll was presented, so I can only guess at what the outcome truly means.
The only way to get a true view of the player bases view on dungeon finder is a Blizz sponsored poll sent to each accountholders email. You would need to account for players with multiple accounts linked to one email address. Blizz will never do that because they don’t want the truth and neither do you. I actually got an email from Blizz with a poll but when I clicked on the link, it stated that the poll was already closed, less than 12 hours after the email was sent.
Alright so here is my 2 cents no one asked for. I think dungeon finder should be implemented. But why not limit it to just your server? My reason being, i returned to TBC to level my characters in prep for wotlk. The chat channel “Looking for Group” - the channel you will use to find people to dungeon, is literal spam. People selling boosts at all levels, GDKP and farm runs. No one uses the LFG in tbc, i put my listing up and i get nothing. Im on Whitemane as well, pretty populated. Dungeon ffinder that is specific to your server only, would enable me to queue and meet people - on my server -.
i think its a good compromise, alternatively, i dont mind stooping down to the ‘classic’ experience and agree that it should be implemented because thats how it was back then too. No if ands or buts right? Classic is classic and any changes takes away from that.
I don’t care specifically about the dungeon finder, but I want the game to have as little changes as possible. So that happens to include this feature.
So what happens to the inevitable low pop servers? The DF was meant to make doing the Daily Heroic chore mor equitable for players on all servers and for all specs.
As a Warlock? 5mins? No way in hell, 15-30mins on average. My suggestion wouldn’t change the time your waiting and would also ensure most groups you get are with people from your server.
except no they aren’t because their have been polls with over 22k+ votes with over 73% in favor of RDF, and for a poll to be a valid statistic it only needs 10% of a population up to 1000 votes.
22000 isn’t 10% of TBCC’s current pop and that doesn’t even account for those not currently playing or those not listed on, yes there will be many alts in that list but also many that haven’t logged in the last 2 weeks.
It’s like taking a poll of which country is better, Aus or NZ and holding the poll in NZ You will still get 10% of the population, but it will be heavily skewed and therefore statistically inaccurate.
All it shows is more people that don’t like that RDF is being scrapped are looking to get confirmation bias and to participate in polls to try and force blizz to change their decision to what they want.
Thats a load of hot garbage.
It’s really not hard to understand.
Here, do some reading.
I didnt say it was hard to understand… I just said it was hot garbage. As in that those who are both for and against RDF both apply. To say one or the other is just stupid… Here, learn to think…
What? I don’t understand what you’re trying to say. Are you saying that it was a fair poll? If that’s what you’re saying you clearly didn’t read my post or the links.
Yep, you clearly do not understand a lot of things… But I cant fix that…
Your sentence structure was hard to comprehend.
Was? or are you still having troubles…