People act like if dungeon finder was implemented someone would be holding a butter knife to their throat making them use it.
Don’t use it.
It’s not that they won’t use it, it’s that they don’t want the player pool of people spamming LFG for a group to shrink - and it would dry up because the majority of players want LFD and would use it.
No, we don’t.
We’re not getting dungeon finder and that’s that
Yes we do.
Well I do want RDF… So Nastia has my vote…
Are you another 1 of Zaalg or one of his Knights of the Que Table alts?
I for one prefer the LFG tool and I’m excited to use it in wrath.
What I have noticed is that the players who do not want RDF are the same players who want to control who and who can not run dungeons. If anything Classic has become more toxic then retail. The amount of crying, complaining and trolling is insane.
For example if a player wants to run a dungeon, maybe for the daily heroic. And a number of trolls on that server do not like that person. Essentially the player either has to get a group with his or her guild, or forget it. I see so many good people get lynched by the trolls it isnt even funny. Does Blizz do anything, NO… They say put them on ignore and report them if the continue to harass. Which doesnt do any good as those trolls have multiple characters and accounts.
So, does anyone want their fait tied to a bunch of trolls? No one does. But not having RDF is going to allow those players to be gate keepers for other players. Which is bad.
We want RDF!!
no we don’t
People who don’t want it won’t be affected in anyway if its added, people who do want LFD will be affected if it’s not added…
Seems an easy decision.
Yup, I’m not apart of that “we” either. Everyone on the forums seems to think whatever they want personally is what “majority” wants. Could it be the majority of what forum users want? Possibly. But that’s not the majority of the player base and contains far different player types than those who purposely stay away from the forums. This is why I’m annoyed whenever Blizzard casts voting on here. It should be on the launcher.
We want RDF!
The decision was already made. There is no dungeon finder lol lol. So weird, it’s like you all live in a different reality where blizzard has yet to make a decision. Say it with me- there is no dungeon finder
No decision made by Blizzard is a concreate decision, it’s like you live in a different reality where Blizzard is actually true to their word
Sing it with me homie- “there is no rdf at release”
Now /dance with me!
Useless and not required, vs almost useless and forced to use.
The “TBCC Version” could at least be completely ignored, where this new one cannot.
The irony of this being that:
Narrator: There were indeed, cats in America.
I’m doing jazz hands here. No RDF puts me in the mood every time !