I’ll put it into layman’s terms. It’s much more likely for people that don’t like an outcome to go looking for things such as petitions and polls then it is for those that liked the outcome and aren’t actively seeking change. Therefore the polls are heavily impacted by non-response bias.
Well since you didn’t rephrase your terrible attempt at trying to convey something that was incomprehensible. Yes, I’m still having troubles.
No thanks on dungeon finder. The new system looks cool! Cannot wait to try it.
it isn’t new, retail has been using it since Legion for Mythic dungeons and M+
Would be a thought since the new system is de only wai, eventually have the decency to cross realm sign up for group. Money hungry or not the 6-8 ally on whitemane or horde on benediction might could see a new face without paying extra money. No insta queue just click the button in the lfg tool and see them actively looking.
RDF at a bare minimum needs to be implemented for 1-60 leveling. PLEASE. The old world dungeons are so dead, yet have some of the most interesting designs.
Currently it’s not worth creating a group for an hour, running halfway across the globe (without fast mounts) and running the dungeon just to come back to your quest hub and now be slightly over leveled. RDF breathes life into old dungeons that are currently useless.
When was the last time you ran Uldaman? Sunken Temple? Sure there are random runs every now and again, but these dungeons are largely ignored.
Yeah cool, so they can do RDF and queue to BGs and nothing else, what’s the point?
Leave your thoughts on this thread if you’d like, trying to get exposure for a compromise idea that would address those concerns.
I do like the realm lock idea for 10-15 minutes as a compromise for dungeon finder. I also suggest adding realms with it, and realms without it. If a player wants to use it, use it. Personally, I am for the dungeon finder - spamming chat looking for a group isn’t my definition of being social or building a community. It is a QoL feature. My classic guild is fairly active during certain times of the day but that’s not always when I have the time to play. Same with the players I’ve friended from pugs. We’re not always playing at the same time so I’m stuck spamming chat, looking for a group.
Yessss, we do want It!
Yesss we want it!!
I want RDF…
Get off of the wow forums and check other sites…vast majority of people want RDF…
I am thinking boosters are the once crying loudest they do not want it…would hurt their gold making potential
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
yas we want it!``
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