WoTLK Classic Heirloom Gear

IMO removing LFD is dumb and will just be circumvented with addons just like it was in TBC Classic.

Removing heirlooms will just make leveling alts harder for no reason other than “but my RP!” It was more about leveling alts faster. By the time someone gets heirloom gear they’ve already done the quests and acquired the gear. I don’t see why they should make gearing alts harder.

Agreed. I love LFG and the heirloom gear. However, I’m disappointed by Shadowlands, especially changing the myriad of dungeons we were able to run. It was fun to play all the different dungeons, but now it’s just the BFA dungeons. :unamused:

Its haves and have nots.

The people that have a guild group like the community or fact they can ask in guild and get a group easily or help someone else run their dungeon within the guild and know they have just earnt a favour (for when they have a dungeon they want to run).
There is also an element where they feel cheated of that experience when there is an easier path (LFD) because it invalidates there way of life… it is very similar to Taxi Drivers hate towards Uber/ride sharing services.
A disruptive service which provides a much better experience and convenience for the customer. In this analogy, those that want it are Taxi Drivers, those that don’t are Uber/ride share customers.

Agreed! No one is up for dungeons, because not enough people are on to get a full group. If we had some cross realm grouping we might get to do the dungeons, again. Only way I’ve been able to do dungeons is with a higher level taking us through cause they’re bored in TBC… I was excited about lfg coming back with the fun variety of dungeons. They made all the dungeons bfa style in retail, which is annoying. If they keep changing stuff like this I may just work harder on making my own mmo, and quit WoW. I loved being able to chat with random people in lfg. I made a lot of friends that way. I don’t see why forcing people to play one way is “good” to them. Not everyone socializes the same way.

Also, having to run/fly all over the map just to play a single dungeon for 20-30 minutes and then having 2+ people leave making another run impossible is not viable for someone who works full time.

My how quickly the “Changes Will Ruin My Classic Experience” club has become the “Changes are Required to Maintain My Classic Experience” club. Those of us that wanted dual spec were told how religiously the game must adhere to its original form. Now the cool kids want features stripped that were in the original game lol. I guess if you whine loud enough you really can have your cake and eat it too.

I will be honest, we have paid level boosts in classic. We also have the ability to que from anywhere in the overworld now, for pvp, for leveling experience. I see no reason, in the era of min maxxing, and leveling in general, everyone hates it. To not include the dungeon finder at this point.

Just banish dungeon finding from the end game at this point. From 60 thru 80, any of the raids, and heroics, would have to be formed on foot. For leveling, in my op, it is absolutely fine.

Especially since you can que up for pvp and get exp man. Like i see no reason to ditch dungeon finder at that point, which does the same thing. That way, everyone can get to end game faster, which is the only thing that matters anymore for retail or classic.

And also, leave optional boss encounters out to. Why encourage folks to skip bosses. Some folks might need gear.

And homogenization is the real evil when it comes to the dungeon finder in my op. Man that is like, all you do on every class in retail. Spam buttons and hop around. Not thoughts. No strategy. Just spam buttons, jump around, no resources. Things die.

Dragonflight does seem cool, but if they don’t complicate the class designs more, and add more abilities that rivaled class designs we had in wrath, it just will be a bit of a miss.

If wrath was the middle ground. Cataclysm forward was the hyper insane crazy middle ground. As much as i like retail, i do not like how fast it is. A dungeon in the dungeon finder in wrath could still take a while. Any dungeon in retail takes like 10 minutes. And if you are healing in either classic or retail, you better keep up with that super fast crazy tank.

So i see no reason to not add the dungeon finder. At end game, yah keep it manual grouping and matchmaking. But for leveling, it is like, who gives a rip. Anyone leveling right now, its just, need a tank, need a tank, need a tank. Need a healer, need a healer, need a healer. Need a dps, need a dps. Oh im a dps. Oh sorry, bro, groups full now. Good luck sargeant.

Like come on yo. PVP is ok to be queable for at a moments whim, and paid level boosts are ok, but the dungeon finder for leveling is not ok. The hypocrisy is real lol.

I am just frustrated with the hypocrisy. PVP battleground finder is ok. Queing up anywhere in the world is ok. Paid level boosts are ok, because, millenials and folks in general have like 5 minute attention spans now.

Then, oh boy. Can’t add the dungeon finder on top of all those things, that, in my op, already break the magic of classic.

Nothing more game breaking and immersion breaking than seeing folks randomly teleport out of thin air into a battleground group at the click of a button.

So why is that ok, but dungeon finder is not ok? It’s stupid.

I can remember leveling back in the day and getting the whirlwind axe from wailing caverns.

I used to feel so powerful with that axe when I got it.

The Wrath Classic forums are over here:

It’s important to note that there are different groups, in the Classic community, that want different things and have remained consistent in their stances. Unfortunately, these different groups tend to contradict each other and clash with another sub group’s wishes.

For example:

I never wanted this and part of the reason I didn’t play beyond Vanilla Classic.

I didn’t want CRZ, either which is why I have remained on the only normal RP Classic Vanilla server (non-RP servers have been CRZ’d) regardless of how “dead” it is 'cause I’m standing up for what I believe in. And, if I’m alone in that fight, so be it. At least I’ve been consistent.

EDIT: To be frank, I like the empty open world. I tend to play solo, a lot, anyway. No competition for Black Lotus nor a need for an anti-spam addon, since nonsense isn’t being spoken in any chat channel lol.

Why are people talking about leveling in classic like it’s some skill intensive game? It wasn’t hard it was just obnoxious.


Everyone gets what they want. Everyone wins.

People over here acting like LFD was bad for the game when the alternative was RuneScape general exchange levels of spam in trade chat for groups

Yah i remember back then to. It was really cool getting the whirlwind axe.

I got the same thing on my warrior in classic bc for nostalgia purposes.

The reality is, to me now, it does seem that wow doesn’t exactly promote a game that attracts a more intelligent playerbase. At the same time, we are allowing some stupid changes to go through, but not other changes.

If classic wow was truly classic, we would have like a original classic and burning crusade classic hybrid. Because dungeon finder was one of the bad things of wrath in my opinion.

You remember the old days of alterac valley where you had to walk up to the battleground area of hillsbrad, or the arathi basin arathi highlands area for for arathi basin ques. I honestly feel that should have been applied to classic to, if it was truly classic.

Like i don’t know what it is, but alterac valley has been a stupid battleground since bc. Not nearly as fun. Also, i think vanilla did a bad thing anyways by making battlegrounds cross realm. I would rather pvp against people in instanced pvp with people i see every day than complete strangers. And even now, battleground ques are cross realm. And you can que from anywhere in the world, for experience points to.

I mean, i think classic is officially not classic anymore because of the battleground change. The one that allows you to que up anywhere in the world at the click of a button. One button to join the que. Another button to zone into the battleground.

And level boosts are stupid to. Classic wow should have been about exploring the overworld. Leveling up. Getting to end game. And half the groups i get in classic are to impatient to wait on you. No one has the patience to do the walk of shame when they die.

At this point, i think the line should be drawn at dungeon finder. No hyper min maxxing. That stuffs annoying and the people who do it are annoying. No homogenization of class designs. I want like super complicated class designs blizzard with every ability in the game across every spec.

At the same time, dungeon finder did destroy world emersion. Because it teleported everyone to the instance. I definitely would not mind a dungeon finder that just created a group for you. Keys would be something optional. Like the one for sholomance or sm armory. And once the group was created, you just trekked to the instance. And yes, even stockholme or ragefire chasm for cross faction stuff.

That system would have been so much better than the one we got in wrath of the lich king. Because it automated the entire experience. At least if it just found a group and picked a dungeon for you, you would have an excuse to leave orgrimmar.

That would be my compromise. Have the battleground que finder find a group for you. Once thats done, you go out to the bg to enter in alterac mountains, or arathi highlands or whatever. And the same thing with dungeon finder. Creates the group for you. Then you trek to the instance selected. Nothing more at that point needs to happen.

People are just tired of spamming for groups. I just want that process done for me at that point.

I’ll bet. I’m tired of seeing it, too. To be clear, it’s the spammers like this:

“DPS LFG”, “Tank LFG”, “Heals LFG”, “DPS LF SM”, etc.

I find the community responds better to “LFXM for SM, PST”.

In honestly feel like the process of the group getting created at this point, should be the only thing automated.

I mean, i dont give a rip about keys. Especially for outdated leveling content.

The big issue that the dungeon finder has is that it is a bit to convenient. I don’t think it should teleport everyone to the dungeon. And i think the pvp battleground que finder should work the same way.

It completely deletes the world. You can just sit in org and que up all day every day. My ideal vision of the dungeon finder and the battleground que system, is that it should just automate the matchmaking part, and only set up the group for you. After that you run to the instance selected. Keys would be one of those things, where i think the scholomance key and the scarlet monastery armory key, for example, should be treated like the theives tools for rogues. Still available, but not used for anything.

I mean, it isn’t like blackrock depths and scholomance are used for progression anymore. They are just used for leveling up. To get to 80 where the actual action and progression is.

Leveling should be important. And wrath of the lich king was the last time we had any true progression in my op. I think if they pulled their cards right, classic cataclysm could do well. But they need alot of work to do to recreate the experience so that it doesn’t recreate the original problems that drove everyone towards wanting classic servers to begin with. I honestly feel like a dungeon finder of that nature, which just automated the matchmaking process, would be a fair compromise.

That way, as you are sitting in que, you could do your quests or whatever else. And as soon as the que popps, what up boys and girls. And then go to the instance selected.

Same thing with the battleground finder. Nothing ruins immersion more than having folks randomly teleport to the bg out of nowhere. So i think that the same thing should happen here to. It sets up the battleground group for you. And then you run to the battleground portal. I would go for this compromise to, as it still keeps the world relevant.

I mean, judging by the forums and the comments i have seen, most people seem to agree, that constantly spamming trade for groups while leveling is a complete annoyance and a chore. So those solutions i mentioned, would solve that issue. The group would be created for you, and then you would walk to the instance as normal, which would encourage communication. On how to get there and all that good stuff.

This is why people have a hard time finding groups. They don’t take the initiative and rather an automated system do it, for them, so they don’t have to do the work.

True, that it’s not everyone, but there’s a whole world out there filled with recruits. Trade is only accessible to people in Major Cities. Do you really think EVERYONE is just chilling in a Major City? No! You gotta go out into the world and recruit! Utilize them FPs to fly through zone per zone and let EVERYBODY know a dungeon group is trying to form. Not all of my recruits are from Trade. A lot of them were from OUTSIDE/levelers.

That’s why the boost exists, too because people don’t want to do the work is why we have this problem of lazy people, not wanting to do anything and (honestly) are just looking to be carried.

Simple as that.

Blizzard not making the world relevant deletes it.