WoTLK Classic Heirloom Gear

Disagree, I have added quite a few people from LFG, that be raid, dungeon or arena. I am 2.1 in arena, AOTC in ever tier I raid and typically 8/X mythic or CE. If you can’t engage with people in LFG, that’s on you. Maybe you should try pushing conversation. If you sit there expecting people to engage you, then yeah. It will not be engaging.

Be the change.

Yeah I’ll just say it again

It’s not entirely the fault of the system, but I definitely believe that people are the product of their environments. There are always exceptions so you certainly can make friends or form bonds to continue grouping with people past a random pug, but that is in spite of the environment not because of it.

I ain’t playing Retail much these days so I can’t be part of the change, and honestly I’m really fine with that. Part of me wants to like Retail WoW and get back into it, but I’m really ok with it.

Your suggestion is idiotic. Your main won’t get heirloom gear. In all the content that matters you will have to earn everything and do it exactly as you are saying. Heirloom gear only helps ALTS to level up a bit faster, which is good in my book.

Most old school players will agree that certain features in WoTLK lead the game away from the Vanilla experience as we know it today. Blizzard recognizes this, hence the removal of the LFG tool. Calling it WoTLK “Classic”, but leaving all of the same features from back then, is not what I would call a Classic experience. If that is the case, why not just keep going and recreate Retail all over again with the same mistakes as before? Certain changes are necessary to create an alternate version of the game that could actually be called “Classic”. LFG and Heirloom Gear need to go. Regarding the paid boost, I’m totally against that, but we all know Blizzard wants the cash, so that option won’t be removed.

Yeah, because garage drop rates aren’t a thing.

I for one prefer the finder tool.

Sitting in a capitol for extended period of time trying to find the last few for a group is not a fun time.

Classic does not have sharding.

Exactly, homie. We have retail. We have classic. They don’t need two versions of the same damn game.

I wonder what low-level content will look like when WotLKC launches. Obviously the die-hard Classic players will be starting from 70 with their TBCC toons, right?

But I’m looking to start at level 1 when WotLKC rolls around. I figure if I’m going to play a Classic version of the game with a finite endpoint, I’m going to do it in the best version of the Classic game – which IMO is WotLK.

I more or less skipped Vanilla Classic and TBCC for this reason.

But I do like running dungeons. I’ll be sad if I miss that boat entirely because no one is playing anything pre-Northrend. Kinda just hoping WotLKC pulls in more “new” Classic players due to WotLK’s popularity so it’s a non-issue. Might be a bit optimistic though.

Wtf is this post.

Get a grip dude.

What does sharding have to do with cross server Group Finder? Did you forget your post?

You argue why cross realm grouping is bad because you’ll never see them again and I told you why you were wrong. Cross server grouping also means cross server friends.

You can not group up with people on other servers in classic. So no it doesn’t.

Jesus you Legion babies sure love loot bloat. This isn’t Diablo

I’m fine with auto grouping - what I’m opposed to is being teleported to the dungeons

Stop being myopic.

If they included LFD then we WOULD be able to play with players cross server making your argument about “playing with strangers you never see again” specious.

You can not group up with people cross server. Therefore your entire argument falls apart. The amount of people who will become super best ever friends ever using dungeon finder are so minimal it’s not even a viable statistic. Every single metric we have shows Random Dungeon Finder, Sharding, ect has only made the game more and more toxic than anything.

If you feel no investment in your reputation as a player then why wouldn’t you be a complete wad to the random people in your DF group. The atomization of the community has got to stop.

Loot Bloat
World quests
Mythic +
Legendary “Powers”

Weird these things appeared after the lead of Diablo went to WoW.

In the original iteration of LFD you couldn’t manually make a cross server group but this isn’t original anything anymore. We also never had mega pop servers in Vanilla/TBC like we have now.

A modern LFD would have modern social tools like cross realm friends and open world grouping so I repeat…stop with the myopia.

No one wants that in classic. Keep playing retail, sweetie. No one believes in your magical retail community that is suddenly super good because of Dungeon Finder. Everyone with two braincells to rub between their cheeks knows that you’re full of crap.

LOL just based on all the topics concerning LFD in the upcoming Wrath Classic I’d say you’re the one who’s fos.

BTW no one is saying LFD made the community better just that it didn’t kill it like nutters like you think. CRZ hurt server communities far more.