WoTLK Classic Heirloom Gear

I think blizzard did make the world relevant in wrath. It was actually getting people to go out and do that stuff.

Humans are just getting incredibly lazy and impatient. Maybe it has always been that way, and humans have always been this way. And of course not everyone is like this of course. But the internet and all this bullcorn technology has just enabled how impatient and how lazy alot of humans really are. It is that simple.

In wrath of the lich king, there was so much stuff to shoot for that made the world completely relevant. Mounts and pets became a huge deal in this expansion alone. Things that the average hardcore pve or pvp player wouldn’t give a rip about. But those people have pvp and pve actvities to attend to.

But you could go out and organize a group for the black war bear. Or get the 600 gold for the brown bear. Finish up those achieves for loremaster. Farm gold. Farm for the swift zulian tiger. Etc.

Like the world is plenty relevant. It is getting players to actually go out and do anything, and create groups, and all that. That is the issue. No one wants to create groups or any of that stuff manually is what i am seeing here.

I loved WoTLK more than any other WoW DLC. It doesn’t mean I want to slowly regrind hundreds of hours of in game earnings. Give me my heirloom gear to quickly get me back to where I was when I quit WoW. All these complainers just don’t need to acquire it. Nobody is making them use it. If they don’t want to run with me then don’t. If they can’t find non heirloom groups then they are in the minority group and others shouldnt have to suffer for a few to have what they want.

the dungeon finder should be in for levelers at least cause thats all some people do and we all know no matter what you say about classic it ain’t alive enough to not wast dumb amounts of time trying to do lower stuff i see it everday and the simple fact whether alot of you want to admit it or not y’all buy boosts a massive amount of people playing classic does and don’t try to deny it so ya bring the dungeon finder back for leveling at the least. and i done been to these instances so many times before i don’t care about teleporting there lol cause we all know most people skip the lets make the world relevant with boosts and yes we know it’s true for a big percentage of people it’s plain as day so don’t ever bring up we need to make the world relevant in 2022 in classics.

i don’t ever see heirloom gear coming back but i really see no problem with it cause at the end of the day heirlooms ain’t making wrath die people getting bored will kill it back to what tbcc is right now which ain’t much from what it was at release.

heirlooms imo one of the best changes in the game, while also being one of the worst changes in the game.

i liked getting powerful stuff from dungeons and feeling a power creep but realistically heirlooms were fine

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everyone who replied to this is a retail andy that wants everything handed to them yall go get your free legendaries and 8 hour 1-60 leveling grind while all us real gamers talk about the real game and its glory before it was dumbed down and turned into the trash that is retail.

the only issue i have with heirlooms is character progresion like starting at level one with shoulders and all that and never replacing it like i remember getting my very first shoulder peice on my first toon in 2008 leveling a dwarf warrior in loch modan it felt so good to get those white shoulders nothing specil about them but they were my first shoulders and then leveling and getting all blues then all purps like it felt so good doing that prog now everything is handded to you (retail) which is why i went to classic when it came out