WoTLK Classic Heirloom Gear

As we all know, Wrath of The Lich King Classic is on the horizon. One of the main changes they mentioned was removing the Looking For Dungeon Feature. They admitted, and it is a fact, that this feature alone bred a big gap between Vanilla and Retail WoW. While I think this change is perfect, I suggest another. Heirloom Gear, though normalized in Retail WoW, is another Feature that aided in destroying Vanilla World of Warcraft. Acquiring gear through Leveling/Questing is an awesome part of the game, and when Heirloom Gear was introduced in WoTLK, it also aided in increasing the gap between Vanilla and what we now call Retail. These “Classic” versions of the game are a breath of fresh air, and since Blizzard are re-creating History, why not do it as they should have done it so many years ago?! I am calling out the current Activision/Blizzard team to suggest that you remove Heirloom Gear from Wrath of The Lich King Classic. I loved Vanilla, and I love Classic.


To this day, I still don’t understand why people like having to spam the chat with LFG messages. Is spamming the chat really “socializing”, or is it just cluttering the chat?

I also don’t understand what heirloom gear has to do with the social experience.


Awesome part?

Or more of a “oh thank the gods I can finally replace this weapon thats 10 levels outdated”


I’m guessing that they’re already planning on removing what little is left of heirloom gear from retail, in order to make sure that levelers suffer with empty slots and gear that hasn’t been upgraded for 30 levels, because RNG is god! And only by suffering with really, really bad gear will casuals be inspired to do mythic raiding!

Seeing a player in “leveling gear” trying to tank a dungeon at level 10 with an ilvl of 4 is sad.

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All of your responses sound like they come from people who have become so comfortable with the dumbed-down version of the game, that the thought of making it more difficult is a travesty. There is zero adventure in clicking a button to spawn gear in your bag, and if you have a piece of gear that is outdated for 30 Levels, that problem isn’t the game, it is you.


People who Hate LFD: Selling Stocks runs! 2 Gold per run! 3 spots open

People who love LFD: Warrior Paladin and priest looking for tank and heals then ready to go! (no lie saw this one today)

I myself will heal a LFD and help my son’s character get faster queues. If I have to look in chat, probably not gonna run many dungeons - just do world quests


you can get addons to post for you every X seconds.

Well said OP. And i can’t believe it’s been that long since they introduced heirlooms, it feels like they were a bit more recent for some reason lol like in Cata or something. Time flies!

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I agree, that’s why im not into classic and how dumbed-down the end game content looks.

But i guess casuals just love to “struggle” with leveling as if it making it take longer like in classic makes it harder.


You say dumbed down version, I say practical. I do not want to sit in Stormwind looking for a deadmines group for 37 minutes just so one of them has to leave as we arrive.

I think it is a fair statement that, most of the people that would play WotLK classic are the people that played it when it was current. Meaning, they have all grown up, have responsibilities and don’t have the time to stand around trying to fill a group.

If you do, good for you. Proud that you are that devoted to a video game.


I’m already not going to play wrath until they add in lfg. That was by far my favorite part of playing that expansion, being able to actually run dungeons.

Just look at vanilla classic, never touched bc. Month or two goes by and there’s nobody running dungeons anymore. It’s just a paid service.


I still don’t get why some people care that others were having fun by leveling faster with heirloom gear. It’s useless now.


Yea but you have to mail it to all your toons separately in Wrath. It is account bound, but not really.

I want RAF and TCG in as well. I made lots of gold with Swift Spectral Tiger sales and also TLPD sales. I would get on this pally or my shammy and kill the TLPD if someone didnt buy it from me or my crew back in the day. Be cool to play WoTLK again.

I really wish they would STOP MEDDLING in classic designs. No one is asking for modern blizzard opinions in the classic games. People want THEM for a reason.

“Well, we think…”

STOP. Stop right there. No. Stop it. Get some help.


why is it always people championing changes for wrath and saying if you dont like it play retail? how about i want to play wrath and if you don’t like it you can play vanilla tbc or retail? the alt friendliness of wotlk with dungon finder and heirlooms is one of the things that make wrath better than vanilla or bc imo. i was looking forward to playing many different characters. oh btw theres a level 70 paid boost and you are gonna complain about heirlooms and dungeon finder?


I admit, and it is a fact, that you people who advocated for removing LFG and are advocating for removing heirlooms are mouthbreathers.


Ah… the “optimal” social gaming experience, lol. Having an automated system spam advertisements for us. This is clearly superior to having an automated system go the extra step an form the group as well.


So, this game wouldn’t be WotLK Classic then with these changes.


Why do people insist using chat was “socializing?” Typing “lf2 more dps Heroic nexus” to get slammed and pick out the fist two people. Then when you get there you say hello and blow through the dungeon. I don’t recall anyone being much more talkative in dungeon groups than they are now?


Honestly, I’m actually good with the LFG features that transported your party directly to the instance and limited the need to have to sit in a city and spam chat every few minutes. It was extremely tedious to have to go to SW/Org, put a party together (which needed a lock prior to Meeting Stones being able to summon folks), then travel back to the instance (and sometimes go back to square one if someone suddenly dropped group).

What I take issue with was making things cross server in 3.3 at the end of Wrath.

I feel that was the real beginning of the end for many of the social aspects of the game. Before then, you had a server reputation to worry about, and it generally kept people honest. Those that didn’t quickly became known on a server for all the wrong reasons, and the worst of the worst eventually reached a point where just trying to get into any group or guild was a struggle.

You quickly learned things such as what players to avoid, and what players to treat like raid bosses if you were on a PvP server.

Now? Well, with things being cross server, it’s almost like a switch got flipped in the minds of many folks:

“I’m never going to see these people again, so I’m just going to roll need on everything!”

Granted, personal loot systems made that issue non-existent, but there’s still the fact that people actually go out of their way to be jerks to others, simply because there are practically no consequences since people are even too lazy to bother with reporting them in any meaningful way.

Sadly, at this point I feel that’s a genie that can’t go back into the bottle :-/