Didn’t the other two classics start on their final patch? Are they doing this one differently? I could be down with a complete redo as far as content releases go (with less time between patches). That might be fun to relive the whole experience.
No they didnt. But Classic TBC started two full patches after when it should have and the prepatch was half a month shorter so there was zero way for any players to get the blood knight R14 BE paladin armor this time around like you could last time. If they release WoTLK in a late patch then that means no prelaunch event.
That isn’t how things work.
Dungeon finder wasn’t until 3.3.5 when you just ran the dungeons outside Icecrown.
You don’t need dungeon finder.
You don’t need it.
Yea I am let down as well, the “community” only looks for certain classes for dungeons to make them easier…My mage finds groups easy, but other classes seem to get left out. I think with dungeon finder everyone can run dungeons and like old times, make it work with what they get.
is this the right place?
Nobody needs to play the game at all.
A lot of people who said in advance that they were anticipating playing wrath classic because of the dungeon finder have decided that this change means they have lost interest in playing.
I see you didn’t say you were planning on playing. It’s interesting that it seems a high proportion of people who lecture us on how this will purify the game weren’t planning on playing at all. They just want other people to have to live with this.
But as you say, nobody needs to play the game, and a lot of people who were only hanging onto retail because they were expecting to play wrath have already left.
So do you count that as a success?
- Release of the [Icecrown Citadel]
- [Kalu’ak Fishing Derby]
- Cross-server LFG
3.3.5 - Release of [Ruby Sanctum](
- Cross-realm/faction/game chat
Seeing as you’re wrong about the patch, it’s safe to assume you’re wrong about everything else.
In real life, I don’t see women choosing to invade other peoples countries and whatnot…
It was definitely played differently than it was back in the day for sure.
I feel like the lack of a dungeon finder does not bother me to much to be honest. It was one of the bad things about wow in recent years. I think one of the big things i personally did not care for about it was just the fact that you could sit in a major city or wherever all day and get instantly teleported to the instance. I think if blizzard had incorporated it in the beginning to basically, it automated the matchmaking process. But everyone had to group up and run to the instance, and figure out how to get there from scratch, etc.
This would at least encourage communication. Keys would cause an issue here, as some instances required a key first in order to enter, and if all the matched players had never been there before, you would be done for. At this point in time, the average player just wants those levels busted out and done with.
Heck a friend of mine playing classic wow has 4 accounts going, for the 4 level boosts. The main classes he wants to play, and then he just power levels the others if he wants them. And that is a main point these days is power leveling, like getting levels ASAP.
I mean, min maxxers have every right to exist, if thats what you like, enjoy it. But don’t ruin everyone elses fun. It is pretty common in retail to, with covenants. Like oh you don’t have the right covenant/class combo. Well get the heck out of my mythic plus raid. And in classic wow, alot of guilds forced you to get all the world buffs and all that junk, and it was just so stupid.
The reality is, bad people exist regardless. Just find a normal playing progression guild. As far as wow goes, classic or retail variants, people just want things fast. Rarely do people actually play the way it was designed. Heck i still am working on my first level 60 in shadowlands. I am just so oldschool. That is just how it is now though with the average player, enabled by the internet and technology. We know everything there is to know about every version of wow, and people just exploit it for their own gains. The internet and technology is just enabling human behavior. We have changed. Heck you couldn’t even post youtube videos of the original world of warcraft. That was still privately owned.
Not that that is a terrible thing, i mean classic wow was still fun. But it was a huge oversight on the part of #no changes. On top of everything being done quicker and min maxxed to heck and back, everyone wants something new instantly to once everything at end game is conquered or whatever. I am definitely hoping blizzard at least overtunes some stuff in wrath classic, because it will be done and over with before we know it otherwise. Not time gating, but just something that makes it a bit more time consuming. Because if all the raids on launch are cleared in like 1 hour, it just won’t have that feeling i think the developer’s are going for.
At the same time, it does make me wonder how blizzard will handle future expansions under the classic name. Cataclysm wasn’t exactly a bad experience. Just misguided if i am being honest. Being able to que up and do everything with automation and queing up, kind of defeated the purpose of exploring all this new content the developer’s had built from the ground up. So having no dungeon finder, and perhaps adding other changes, such as removing experience from herbalism and mining, and the world even quests not giving experience, would add greatly to this. And having to form groups from scratch.
At the same time, with pandaria classic, they could remove CRZ entirely, and make it so you couldn’t just que up in some phase for pet battles to get experience either. I definitely think adding the social experiences back would be a huge step forward for the classic release of more modern expansions to. In cataclysm and forward, you could actually do questing and actually get legitimate exp from them, and you really could not do that in wrath. Sometimes you were just grinding pre dungeon finder.
I also feel it is interesting to mention the pvp queing system, which has been cross realm and cross battle group since vanilla in fact. It just did not give exp back then, and you had to que up in orgrimmar in order to get the que timer to start. In wrath, i remember for a fact that you could que up for pvp any time that you wanted, and in the trial of the champions patch, you could get experience to from grinding bgs. So my question, will this automated feature be in wrath classic. If so, i see no reason to not have the lFG tool as well. I honestly wanted the earliest form of classic wow when it came out. The one where you were in an AV battleground for like 6 days. PVP used to be heavily server based to, where you would see the same people constantly.
I mean, either way, it will be nice to play wow in the days before it went from this methodical and tactical kind of a game, to this run and gun kind of a game we have now. I cannot think of an exact analogy, but it was different for sure. Now tanks and dps if they are cool enough, can just spam all their abilities endlessly, not really caring about undergeared healers at all or their mana count. Seriously. Who the heck is able to heal in retail. I never will heal in retail again. Like the gameplay is insanely fast in retail. It legit is just a button mashing contest. So it will be nice to go back to when every class in every role had to actually be responsible and manage their stuffs.
the whole point of “Classic” was supposed to be to INCLUDE all the current QoL to experience the older content as though its new. It is nothing short of absolute idiocy to do otherwise and the very reason why Classic will never be more than 5% of retail WoW. Blizz simply doesn’t listen, nor will ever higher a competent economics or finance person, given that 7 business magazines clearly have already stated some variation of the following:
“Classic idiocy makes Blizzard lose over $18 billion” - Blizzard’s Classic ends up as nothing but a spinoff forgetting to include the same QoL as the Retail
So all they get are niche players. Absolute idiocy.
PS: Blizz, hire me. If I don’t make u over a billion $ in my first year with you, fire me; no questions asked. Caveat: I may have more degrees & certifications than anyone who works at your company, but I’ll be happy to burn them. Thanks.
not playing classic wrath then and so are a ot of other people.blizzard can loose all that boost and sub money.
I’m not happy about them removing the dungeon finder from WotLK, either. I was actually looking forward to having that in the classic servers. I hate having to spam the chat with advertisements just to do a freaking dungeon. It’s an incredibly boring way to spend my play session.
I want a dungeon finder. No, I NEED a dungeon finder blizzard. Please rethink this decision.
Cata changed the entire worldscape. With the wow we have now, we literally cannot visit certain parts of WOW that were. Up thru LK classic, we can. This is why i think classic should stay pre Cata.
And also the dev teams went off from Blizzard during that time. They are all gone. WoW should simply end after Classic WoTLk does for all Classics and everything retail.
There was nothing hard about LK dungeons. Posting in chat hoping to get taken for a group was a pita. LFG came out at the end of the expac and was a godsend.
What happened to no changes?
Who knows when they will stop with the classics lol. There are Pservers popping up for all the expansions. Even WOD has one haha. If they have a chance to make a few $ off of a rehash classic they will probably keep tossing a classic version of every expansion out there.
It didnt come out when WoTLK launched the first time. It came out later. Shouldn’t be different.
Because there always ppl around to ask to do things