WOTLK Classic - Dungeon Finder Removed

My theory as to why is because people are now going to have to give Blizzard more $ to pay for server transfers if they ever want to get fully geared past item level 220 as those were the ilvls back then. And so now you cant do it the way you used to.

I want it in because it was in the last time. I want everything to be exactly the way I remembered it. Thats why I originally refused to play the Classic version because it had better graphics than before. So my toons I recreated for my SOM and Classic… I use Classic level graphics for them. This toon was made in WoTLK first patch. But my lock and warrior Sham EU Blackrock DE all Vanilla toons. I only had 3 60s back in the day. 2 were good one had full green gear at level 60 and I always got one shotted in PvP and didnt get invited into raids and dungeons on that toon. I had a few dozen other toons but no level 60 besides what I just mentioned.

Playing brings back memories. I want to relive it again.

I dont want stuff added in or taken away. If I had a struggle before, I want that same pain and unfun struggle once again. That way when I accomplish something, I know I earned it. And if something was easy back then, I still want it to be easy this time around because I am not hardcore 100% of the time… not even close. Sometimes I just want to relax.

So… TL;DR for my post is, dont ADD was not there and dont TAKE AWAY what was there. If you are claiming to release a Classic and make multiple changes to modernize it, then it is no longer a Classic.

My mains didnt need it that much because I could always find a group but most of my alts did need that feature. Now Im going to have to pay a bunch of gold to get my alts boosted which is going to suck.

Keep LFD in game. Never add LFR to the game for Classic ever.

Hopefully Cata Classic is never released. That prepatch saw the biggest sub drop from a single patch in WoW history. Over a quarter million players unsubbed in the Cata prepatch and WoW subs have been dropping ever since.

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I am so furious. Yall are killing casual players! you come home after a days work thinking ill run some dungeons. let me just click the … wait… no dungeon finder?!! i have to spend forever to get a group? haha wipe on a boss everyone dips out. oh boy!! this is gonna be fun!!

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huge mistake on blizzard /dev team removing dungeon finder… it gave the game content alot of attributes…helped people who missed raids or repetative game play to cover a great amount of content ,badges ,meet others from other realms and get perspectives from theyre peers on how to do certain mechanics that they wouldnt have inside theyre guilds/player circles, plus out side perspectives on specs and how to play character classes .nobody knows everything about every and plays them perfect ,thus the point picking in talent trees and the reasons for placeing those points were they are … hueg let down blizzard/microsoft/activison blah blah , still ruing ing content for those that found the original content was flawed but in alot of cases is what made it endearing for alot of us in the wow community …im probably going to cancel my sub over this , i pay for this entertainment i dont pay to be disreguarded on what i feel is VERY important to the content which ive enjoyed for alot of years


It does not matter they are supposed to be making classic game servers. They need to quit screwing with it and just release them as they were despite your so called 80%. If you do not like Dungeon finder then play TBC or Vanilla. People that play Classic versions do so because they liked that expansion. I have been for No Changes since day one as far as game play is concerned. It really does not matter anymore anyway because what they are releasing has not been the real classic versions. TBC right now is a pain in the____to find groups for low level dungeons. You do not need to have the social part of it after people have leveled passed it. LFD was good for people who like to play alts. It matched them with other like minded people wanting to do a certain dungeon. Anyway I am done ranting about it. I still say NO CHANGES is the way it should have all went down and they should not have budged. Still ticks me off they are removing a core feature to a classic expansion.

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pretty much this


That is why they should not do ANY changes. Some want it and some do not so give them the classic version with no changes so they cannot argue about it. No changes means they are getting the classic version as it was. If they did not like it back then do not play it. Blizzard screws up when they try to make everyone happy. It cannot be done so just release it as it was and be done with it.


The main reason dungeon que is a nice feature is that people can run lower level dungeons below level 70, or below 10 levels to lvl cap. Removing this tool no doubt makes boosters who sell runs happy. Boosters are the only ones who will benefit from removal of dungeon ques. Guess Blizzard loves boosters, and will probably add more player boosts for cash.
This idea is worse than removing flying at the start of each expansion by far.

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Lack of dungeon finder is why I didn’t stick with Vanilla Classic, or do anything with TBC classic. I had hoped I could play WOTLK Classic but alas, no dungeon finder = no end game for me. If I can’t queue, I don’t do.

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…you do know Classic and BCC have been based on the final patch of those expansions, with content unlocking in time, right? Which would mean Wrath Classic SHOULD have all the features of the final patch of Wrath.

Not having it at the start is one thing, but not at all is just discouraging and makes me not want to even try it.


Wrath LFD tool had me running more dungeons than I had ever run in both vanilla and BC combined, in probably about 2 weeks time. I never understood how people were ok with random BG groups, but random dungeon groups were horrible.


I’m so excited they’re doing this, features like dungeon finder are what ruined the game. Anyone who wants dungeon finder can go back to retail.

Don’t worry, 5m in, people will be crying no tanks…

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I was hoping to play WOTLK Classic since Wrath was the time I was most satisfied with WoW… but without LFD I won’t have an endgame. I am not wasting my time in chat trying to find groups that fall apart because it takes too long to form. If I can’t queue, I don’t do. Where are all those #nochanges people now?

Ah well. It’s sad, but I guess WOTLK classic isn’t going to be something for me to enjoy.


Dang, people gotta communicate with other players to get in a dungeon group? That’s downright oppressive. :flushed:

Horrible change. they really need to stop catering to the gatekeepers, its already driven away a lot of players to classic


It wasnt there from the beginning anyways. It was added in a later patch. It came out patch 3.3. Not patch 3.0.1 like you are all requesting that it be. They are not going to change the entire game just because a few people are too lazy to find a group in trade chat.

Everyone is missing the point! If your server dies and you can’t get a group together, do not despair.
Just buy one of our handy dandy boosts that is totally in keeping with the Classic experience on one of the small handful servers that is still active 3 months into WotLK Classic.

retail is garbage, not worth the sub. *and it had nothing to do with any of the group finders.


LFD enabled me to do dungeons for the first time. In one I met a guild leader who asked me to join their guild. This lead to raiding.

LFD really changed the game for me. If it’s not included I won’t play it. WotLK will be doa.


Amen brother!

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