Hoping after WoTLk ends. They announce a Cata Classic then Im unsubbing right then and there.
A lot of things weren’t there at first and were added right away in the previous two classic stints… why should this be any different? Dungeon finder is great… spamming trade for a group is terrible.
They released TBC in a later patch and the prepatch was a full week shorter making it impossible to get the pally blood knight gear without using major exploits, which a lot of us did. You know it’s a broken launch when you are forced to use exploits in order to play the way you played the time before when you did it legit. Kinda get the impression that Blizzard wants classic to fail. They have done everything in their power to make sure that it does. Even bad mouthing it time and time again.
So blizzard wants classic to fail because you feel you gotta go out of your way, to supposedly get what you wanted, i think the game was fine from the beginning? I had a blast for the few months I played… granted I refused to play through the garbage that is vanilla wow and boosted my shaman. WOTLK should be releasing with dungeon finder… there is no reason not to have it right away. I’ll probably hold out playing until they get group finder, I’m not suffering through trade chat grouping again.
They split the two classics which causes both to die out. If you didnt want to progress and leave then just dont buy the new epxac and stay in level 60 Classic forever. No need to split it into two parts to where if you bought it and your friend didnt, you coudlnt even talk to eachother.
That’s what people wanted, many wanted TBC and some wanted to stay in Vanilla. That’s not a bad thing… they got what they wanted.
This makes no sense to not have df. I have personality disorder and have a very hard time talking and communicating with people and the df allows me to avoid any kind of direct contact with people. i solo and quest, so i guess if no df then i wont be playing Wotlk classic.
I think removing dungeon finder from WotLK classic is one of the dumbest things blizzard has done since W3R.
But it wasnt even in there to begin with. Came in a later patch so just wait and see. Too few people play Classic TBC to go onto WoTLK and be able to do it without a DF though. But it did not come out first patch.
Wasted time usually, who wants to “hope” and stand there for hours looking for a group
They will see that normal casual players(People with limited time) will lose interest fast
Yeah, let’s just toss dungeon finder in TBC instead because that made complete sense.
I don’t know about anyone else, but those of us who work, don’t really have time to sit around in trade chat for hours looking for a group, so with that said, what the (insert expletive here) Blizzard?
You say it is, but stick to the model. There’s a reason people enjoyed this xpac as much as they did.
These people are so far removed from this game that they are clueless about what would even be appealing, or fun.
I swear sometimes I think they can do this to make themselves look like heroes in the last hour.
But this also seems like a terrible conspiracy theory so idk
Is it really a genuine LK experience if you take out a tool that helped people run groups now is it?
I know its also a tool that others say made the game toxic.
They’re not going to rethink this until probably some time in the game when people get frustrated, and their subscriber base wanes, or there isn’t as much interest as there could be for this reason. Then they will swoop in and be the hero.
They aren’t in it for anything other than money.
I’ve played since Classic-I honestly think that Pac Man is more fun. At least the game has a clear direction and objective.
I seriously feel like I have been in a domestic violence relationship with this game for a few years now.
I promise I will change, you’ll see. It will get better. Then it’s not. Then it is initially, and then, BAM!
We’ve been clocked with dailies. Boom. New area’s using other areas as redesigns. Smack, more things to grind.
When was the last time you saw an armor set, or weapons that were so mind blowingly amazing that you cut classes, or called out of work to work towards?
I used to call out of work regularly to play because the game was so addictive.
Now the woke culture has completely hijacked anything that made this game fun. The flirts aren’t meant to PG, the game has an age restriction. You can thank the previous management for that misstep.
Its just a matter of time before the dances become too suggestive, or the draenei laugh is found offensive by someone.
This game is a complete shell of what it used to be.
It almost feels like what a blue screen of death felt like before logging in to play.
Too soon?
Anyway, if you love the game that’s awesome. This is just my experience.
Like any other DV relationship, I’ll feel better in a few hours. Remember how it used to be until they come back around and tell me they have made some awesome new change, or added a new race, or hero class lol.
I just can’t quit you, but I can love you and try to leave, but end up staying for the sake of my friends and nostalgia.
Its a crazy, vicious cycle.
They aren’t going to have it at all, despite the fact that a great many players have said that this is the reason they wanted to play wrath classic. It’s not coming later. Some of those players who were only playing retail until that happened have unsubbed because there is no longer any reason to hang on.
It’s a bad business decision.
That depends on the definition of “the community” they are using.
A couple of streamers and some guy in the office.
I disagree. It’s a social engineering experiment intended to “prove” that removing the group finder will recreate a magical community that never existed, and bring back wow to peak player numbers.
Expect to see the group finder removed in 10.0, too, even though this will be a colossal failure that will doom wrath classic because of all the people who changed their minds and won’t be playing.
Disagree hard. Earlier devs have said that people who do LFR do it because they don’t want to raid. They choose not to. You can’t make them raid by starving them of gear. Shadowlands is proving that again.
I think they will. But even if they go back on it right now, it’s already too late. People who leave don’t usually come back when something is fixed next year.
I think that would kill WOW, and i think theyre gonna try to do it to spite Microsoft.
I think it’s to spite the playerbase, and to prove they were right and everyone who complained, everyone in the industry who did things differently was wrong.
They will end up proving only that everyone else was right.
LFG isn’t being removed in 10.0, that’s the same as "were removing flight in WoD’…you know how that went. LFG is the lifeblood of activity in retail wow.
We can’t be sure of that. Nothing is certain.
Absolutely. And yet, they’ve removed LFD from wrath even though most people who were planning on playing cited that as their main reason. And now many are saying they’ve changed their mind and no longer have interest.
Don’t you think Ion wants to remove the group finder? How many threads have we read lately on how removing the group finder (and even eliminating cross-realm play) would magically turn the intolerant hardcore esports crowd into a fount of helpfulness and altruism? Where do you think those posts come from?
Most of those threads are prob the same few people on diff alts. You can be sure that Ion will not remove LFG, otherwise there will be another huge sub dip like the wod tragedy because people in 2022 don’t have time to run back to SW and Ogrimmar after pug leave on a heroic prog boss or form for a dungeon after 2 hours. Even Ion knows better then to mess with the one thing that’s keeping content easy to form.
Factual. I was hyped for Wrath classic, but if they’re going to remove LFD then ill just stay retail side for the time being.
Not having it, is honestly a big reason for me to NOT play it. I hadn’t played any Classic yet, but since I joined late WoTLK I was going to play this one. But I love love love dungeons, and used to level through dungeons and grind them so without a queue to teleport me inside, I just wont bother playing. Honestly that’s why I skipped classic/TBC, I would have hated WOW before all the things started being added to make it easier/faster