Worthless titles?

Rank 14 is just the, “I have the gear to boast, but actaully got carried by premades” title. It doesn’t mean anything more, the gear besides the wep will be outscaled next tier.

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you saiud nothing about achievements… you said titles

They original vanilla ranks are not the same thing as RBG titles. Original ranks are no longer available

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you said pvp TITLES have been unobtainable since 2006 you said f all about ranks

I love your answer Ottillie, thank you for sharing.

The original titles are earned from the original ranks. You’re just arguing semantics. Vanilla achievements are respected because of how old they are, not because of how hard they were to obtain. The titles/rewards don’t mean as much in classic as they do on retail, and never will. When you see a Scarab Lord riding around on his mount in BFA it’s a much bigger deal than it will be in 2-3 months on classic.

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…funny thing is the pvp title on this pally means more then the pvp title on my classic rogue…everyone in classic has a title, not the same for a retail toon that went through vanilla…

Nobody cares about the titles. They just wanted the gear. It’s the best most can get until AQ and naxx.

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Agreed, pvp titles mean nothing in classic, an actual vanilla pvp title in BFA is prestigious. Tbh I wish I could take off the titles in classic

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Also true, titles in a 15 year old game don’t mean much. Also it takes so much time to get to r14, it’s just dumb lol. When I was in high school the idea of playing a video game for 16 hours a day every day for months on end was like heaven. Now when I’m almost 30 it’s just sad.

Agreed because the titles show you played Vanilla. It doesn’t matter to me though because I won’t play retail anymore since I don’t like it at all. I quit entirely after 5 days even though I bought a 6-month sub because it’s just solo dress up game with a bunch of dailies and zero server community.

Actually, they mean even less on retail. You can earn the classic PvP titles by doing rated BGs on retail. In fact, they’re even more widespread simply because you just need to unlock the achievement and then all your alts have access to the title forever.

Plenty of GMs and HWs running around on retail

When I see R14 I think cheater/botter etc. sucks for those who earned it legitimately I admit.


the rated titles CAN BE BOUGHT, just like arena titles, the vanilla title I got by solo q’ing and hours of solo play…I did it on my own, no paid carries…

Nearly all of the marshals on my server wouldn’t have gotten r14 without covid. Just some pvers who lost their job and decided to roll premades all day, never to que again after their grind. The marshals that got their titles before covid were av spammers, never touched wsg before hph meta change.

I reached my goal of r12 months ago but I’m still 92% r10 because I still que up. All the og grand marshals de-ranked like 8 times lol.

If this game didn’t have bgs I wouldn’t pay tbh. It sucks that these premades clog up the games for epics that get replaced next phase. My zg chest and shoulders with t2 helm have just as much stam and sp as my r13 in those 3 slots. Stopping at 12 was a good choice.

Right, which is exactly what I’m saying. The classic titles mean even less on retail because they’re much easier to get and can even be bought, like you mentioned.

…you are mixing up the vanilla titles which weren’t bought and sold with the retail titles which were bought and sold…you could completely suck butt at pvp and pay for a spot on a top 10 worldwide rated BG team and get the title…I even remember one of these guys saying all you had to do is stay out of the way and you would get the rating for the title, either in rated BGs or arenas…I will say while talking to horde warlord something or another he AFK’d his way to the title on the forums and a whole bunch of people were wondering why after admitting he AFK’d for the title on the forums why blizzard didn’t take it away from him…blizzard protects the horde is what I have always believed…

Which the titles themselves are the same thing my dude lol

If you got to R14 on an Alliance character in vanilla, your character has the title “Grand Marshal” unlocked.

If you get to 2400 in RBGs on an Alliance character today on retail, your character has the title “Grand Marshal” unlocked

There’s literally no difference except the actual achievement unlocked, which getting to R14 in vanilla gives you a feat of strength achievement. The title itself is exactly the same, which brings me back to my original point that a R14 title on retail means even less than it does in Classic.

rank 14 is pretty embarassing, showing that your a no-lifer, but the weapons are good.

…2 different things, if you don’t understand the difference, I’m sorry but I can’t help you…