Worthless titles?

I’d say they were in OG vanilla, but with all the hindsight and such that we have now, I’d consider it less impressive in Classic.

Look up what the Alliance R14 title is in Classic. Then, look up what the Alliance 2400 rated BG title is on retail.

Let me know if they’re different.

Titles are about aesthetics, not value.

…the difference is YOU COULDN’T BUY THE TITLE IN VANILLA…they didn’t have guilds/teams selling the title like they do in retail…you didn’t get the VANILLA PVP TITLES by buying them, you had to grind them out on your own…the VANILLA PVP TITLES you had to work for, the retail RBGS and ARENA titles you could buy…it’s very simple…

Something being popular doesn’t make it “good”. It’s all a matter of perspective. I don’t think Classic WoW is the best game out there, but I don’t think it’s the worst game, out there. I’m very impressed that some people need the opinion of others in a high amount of quantity, in order to justify to themselves that something is “good” :wink:

Gen 1 r14 is something to brag about IMO, those people had to put in some serious hours and back then there was a lot more premade vs premade action. Now that brackets are much smaller and most servers have reasonable bracket caps its honestly pretty easy and nothing to brag about. Most of the good players stopped ranking months ago so now all you do is stomp casual pvpers in a premade for a couple hours a night.

Today I’m hitting Rank 12. And I have never had more respect for the Rank 14ers than I do now. The amount of consistency and commitment and time and consumables and coordination it takes to hit those high ranks are unfathomable to anyone who never pushed beyond probably Rank 10.

Do I think the community had more awe for R14 in Vanilla, yes, of course, just like how a full T2 set used to mean something worth inspecting. The difference is that while obtaining raid gear has gotten easier, PVP is just as long and arduous now as it ever was in Classic; show a little respect.


I think anyone who has PvP’d seriously in Vanilla knew R14 didn’t mean anything to begin with, people just listened to YouTubers and streamers that didn’t know what the hell they were talking about over experienced players because “muh content”.

It’s OK though, come Wrath Classic everyone will have forgotten and be like “Oooo that High Warlord is legit.”

I turn titles off. They occupy too much screen space in a raid setting. They probably mean something to someone and I won’t take that away from them. They should be proud of it to themselves. My world won’t revolve around their title.

Not going to pass judgment on you OP, but whenever I hear this argument I feel like it largely boils down to jealousy over attaining the gear. It was never about skill, hence the system change in TBC with Arenas. 14 was a goal of mine going into classic as I knew I would be on medical leave for surgery, so it worked out. These days, it really depends on the class or goals of the person to say if it is “worth it”.

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