Worst tuning in Wow history

At least you have a good reason to play tank now.

They must’ve gotten the SoD team to do the balancing this patch.

Bro, it’s World of Warcraft. Of course the devs are going to buff the hell out of the classes they play. :joy:
You know you would do the same thing if you had that power

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This is, in fact, the worst balance tier for healers since M+ was introduced.


Like we know Mages are the golden child and they will literally die if they don’t have a spec being SSS tier.

But I gotta know, what dirt to Shamans and Frost DK’s have on Blizzards balancing team to actively get buffed despite how strong they are.

Like damn.

Genuinely crazy that the only spec that is S tier that got nerfed was Prot Warriors.

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Considering Frost DK is in the top 35 M+ group runs world wide on IO, I would say this is a skill issue.

oh. i thought this thread was gonna be about which expansion had the worst tuning… was very curious what folks were gonna say it was (my vote goes to bfa with corruptions).

You need realize mages got hige reworks right? The buffs are making up for the damage loss on those reworks. If yer gonna be salty be salty at what shaman are about to do

Yep its disgusting.

using the 95% as a metric of balance is short sighted at best

the overwhelming majority of players will never see that level of play and balancing according to that is pretty dumb.


Can tell who the devs are playing this season.

It’s not relevant if you think it’s dumb.

Balancing in ANY competitive video game will always be based off what the best players can do with something.

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Yep, the reason they are the best players is because they understand the mechanics and how to use abilities and timings better than other players. Games should be balanced around optimal gameplay, because then it rewards skill acquisition and thoughtful execution. There’s always going to be players who are smarter and figure out the optimal playstyles sooner.

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its not that i think its dumb, it is dumb. logic is pliable but thats just snapping it in half.

As a MW I was half expecting R sham to get the nerf hammer harder than the poison cleanse totem nerf. Instead they get some buffs while other healers are left out to dry or are being nerfed slightly more.

Such great tuning. /s

If mistweaver monk wasn’t so fun playstyle wise Id have left WoW long ago. Revival barely tickes in raids and they are gutting life cocoon even more with the talent change. ( New talent is nice for FW in that you dont need to stack it, but it doesn’t stack as high anymore, so for those of us who didnt FW and could easily stack Calming Coalescence to 100% - we get a nerf, yippy! Instead of implementing a different way for FW to stack CC they gut it and make it a lazy passive )

Do better blizz.

There’s zero logic in your statement. It’s not dumb, it’s how wow and literally every other competitive video game ever makes balancing decisions.

What happens if Leblanc in league gets balanced around the average player cause she’s harder to play optimally? Or Tracer/Genji in OW?

The players that can use them the best will be untouchable.

If wow balanced fire mage around what the average player can achieve with it, every HoF/CE raid would require a ton of fire mages.

You don’t tune specs at the top of a bell curve if you want a competitive game, full stop.

The other thing is that not many actual “balance” changes happened. The vast majority of the changes are talent point and hero talent changes not actual balance tuning

Is the Deathbringer slight rework producing similar numbers to pre .5 patch? If so, then the buff seems unnecessary. But if the rework caused DPS to go down, then maybe the buff was needed?

I hate the saying" blah blah in the history of…"

It’s a cheap line now, very cheap, cheapest it’s ever been, cheapest in the history…"

Yeah, the crazy thing is ret’s get all these nerfs without even being on top.
Sure they’re doing good but then nerf.
Every single expansion.
Even when they are middle of the pack at best they’re getting nerfs.
They’re like the Torbjorn of wow, getting 37 nerfs in a row and then if you pick that character you get a ban and the customer support agrees that you were trolling to pick that character and your ban is justified.