Worst tuning in Wow history

That doesn’t change the fact that adjustments aren’t creating wild swings in specs, which usually points to poor balance discrepancies.

Note: I didn’t claim this was the greatest season for balance at any point, lol. I simply said it’s not even close to the worst, which it isn’t. Anyone claiming otherwise either is deliberately misinforming or hasn’t been around for many tiers.

I also pointed out that the current slated changes are questionable af, so anyone losing their minds here is just being dramatic.

The reason people are saying it’s the worst is because they are massively buffing the specs that are already overperforming which isn’t really something I can think of them doing previously.

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needs a bigger nerf tbqh

huh? ret needs a bigger nerf lol

im sure there are many other classes that need nerfed before even galncing rets way

yes, it absolutely does

Don’t worry, next patch will be the worst balance in history, and the patch after that will be the worst ever, and the one after that will be the worst ever. So it won’t be the worst ever for long. :slight_smile:

So everybody who isn’t a mythic raider should just find another game?

Hint: when a business is designed around a tiny minority of customers to the exclusion of the needs or wants of all others, they’re going to take their money elsewhere. That’s what happens when Blizzard designs the entire game around top mythic raiders, the tiniest player demographic of all.

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I keep being promised wow is going to die because of xyz reason so I can be free from this addiction, but I keep getting let down lol.

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Horrendous and make no sense. Hoping for a reply from Bliz…otherwise I guess I’m playing dk and mage ffs…

Right but can we agree that these two things are not mutually inclusive?

  1. Not a chance these changes last very long (at least to the over-performers)
  2. Even if they did, we’re nowhere near some of the historically bad balance tiers.

A very questionable tuning pass doesn’t equal “worst tuning in wow history”, lol

I’ve played WoW for far too long to expect it to make sense. :smiley:

You also have weird cases like Ele shaman, where the spec’s players are divided over whether the major inbound changes are a slight buff or being nerfed into oblivion, they just agree that they don’t like it whatever it is.

I just don’t understand it

Hint: there’s not a single competitive game in the world that balances off anything other than the best players, whether you like it or not.

Oh we have. A lot of times, actually. To be honest, we have been this close more times than we haven’t.

That’s a pretty shallow way of looking at it. WoW isn’t “dying” anytime soon, but that doesn’t mean Blizzard isn’t losing players and money from frustrated people quitting. And when Blizzard starts losing money, investors get unhappy. What happens then? Content gets rushed, bugs slip through, quality drops, and even more players leave. It’s a cycle.

WoW isn’t dying, LOL. I can pause my sub whenever I want and come back in a few seasons to see if things have improved for me. No need to stay subbed if I’m not having fun.

Bottom line: vote with your wallet. Whether WoW is dying or not shouldn’t be the reason you stop paying for a sub. The only reason that matters is whether you’re actually enjoying the game.

And when Blizzard starts losing money, investors get unhappy. What happens then? They buff the popular classes and ignore the others to keep people subbed.

I fixed that for you.


This forum needs a sarcasm font for me and the rest of the millenials with warped senses of humor.

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They talked about letting go of the old pillars of wow but they still hold them firm like the one ring, slobbering all over them still in secret hence why some classes shine while others keep getting kicked to the ground.

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I don’t even know what to say to that. For me, it all boils down to whether I’m having fun, and right now, I’m not. I play BM Hunter and Resto Druid, and I mainly focus on M+ (since I can’t raid unless I stop DMing D&D, and there’s no way I’m giving that up, LOL).

BM Hunter in M+? A joke at this point—AoE damage is a meme, so I’m not even bothering. Resto Druid? It wasn’t as terrible as people made it out to be, but the perception alone makes invites tough. Plus, the gameplay feels off. We’re missing the cooldowns to make it fun—Tranq is so bad it’s not even worth taking in M+, and Flourish is locked behind a talent choice that makes it almost impossible to pick.


Just because I’m not responding with sarcasm doesn’t mean I didn’t catch yours. Believe me, your sarcasm was loud and clear, LOL.

I wish I could embed images. I’d make a meme using the Yoshi and Toad Kissing meme to describe the scene better.