Worst tuning in Wow history

Who’s doing the tuning in wow headquarters?

Frost DK and mages are already doing well and they get a buff. Meanwhile warlocks and priests don’t get touched??? Am I missing something here? Balance Druid nerfed? DK and mages are gonna blow everyone out of the water with these changes.

Please tell me this is a joke.


You seem upset.


“Worst tuning in wow history”



This your first tier?

Specs haven’t been this close in mythic raid in forever.

The general delta between worst and best performers could put anyone at the top if they play their class at a considerably higher level than the top performers for overall raid DPS.

That’s almost never happened in “wow history”.

The current balance notes are admittedly questionable, but calling this anything close to the worst tuning we’ve ever had is either pure ignorance or willful misinformation.


The tuning does seem a smidge wack, but honestly it’s whatever, i feel content where i am tuning knob wise, it’s entirely my kit’s lack of existing in the modern era that bugs me, and that won’t be fixed til at 11.1 at the earliest

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Buff Ret pls


i’ve been hearing this since Vanilla.


Taking a lot of grains of salt on the wowhead thing. It seems like blizzard did a lot of iteration on underused hero talents and basically no bug fixing so a lot of these numbers on wowhead read to me as “this is what we’re getting with active bugs or bug fixes” which I don’t think comes across well when advertised as aura buffs. You also have things like ele shaman not changing at all aside from “big aoe damage” despite it being fundamentally different in terms of what we will be building on tuesday. I’ll have to recraft my gear and relearn the entire spec and apparently that is no change to single target. /doubt

That said even if accidental nerfing fury and buffing arcane/frost isn’t a good look. And I don’t think the fury stuff has room to be accidental since they got minimal changes if I remember correctly.

OP is right. Just because you adjusted the filter to the 95th percentile and looked at the score doesn’t meet there isn’t an output disparity and it shows you don’t understand how to read logs. If you dig deeper and actually look at the logs you’ll find there are classes pumping ahead by a significant amount. The further problem to this is that classes that are already at the top are getting buffed FURTHER while locks and priests who are underperforming are getting close to nothing.


Lmao, right, let’s not consider the balance at the top end of mythic which is where balancing decisions are made.

You didn’t read what I wrote, clearly.

I said balancing is relatively tight compared to tiers historically, which is absolutely an accurate statement.

Saying this is the worst tuning in history is beyond incorrect, and if you’re asserting that it isn’t you aren’t worth my time :v:.


Like I said - you don’t understand how to read logs and it shows how lazy you are. Go do some research and find the tangible numbers on what the top performing specs are actually doing then you come back here and spout your nonsense about “relatively tight” balancing. Is it the worst balancing I’ve seen? No. Is it close? No.


The worst in history? C’mon now.


Are you really talking about mythic spec tuning when we don’t even have a logged kill for a lot of specs and only twenty or so guilds have even cleared the raid? Logs have also been sketchy as a metric due to granted power effects like aug evoker, pi, and the like alongside wowhead arbitrarily just ignoring some damage sources even if relevant to a boss kill.

Saying anything about tuning this tier is questionable with such sources lmao, saying this tier is the best or worst is premature at best. I suspect though that this tier isn’t particularly well balanced just going off of how much class stacking happened in the world first race.


Don’t worry. They nerfed fury warriors again. I know that was bothering you tremendously!


Yeah I will wait until tomorrow for results but wowhead claiming that even that some specs got atention they got nerfed as result seems something that only blizzard developers would do…

Yeah it seems the tuning has been dropped pretty hard. I gave up my priest of 20 years because it’s unfun. Never thought I’d ever do that. Paladin is just a whatever at this point for filing alt/lowby key runs for friends. Shaman is sitting pretty which I guess is because Thrall Metzen is back. Monk is just middle of the pack like usual and because of all the healer whiners about "having’ to dps and only wanting to heal, tanks were gutted so bad that it’s a serious struggle for all but 3 tank classes. It’s wild man. Wild , wild. But hey, we get mogs tomorrow!


oh get over yourself, when someone says “worst x in history” you don’t have to look for a single exception.
the tuning right now is horrible and blizzard priorities are reversed when it comes to corrections


2 and 5 are getting 11% and 8% buffs respectively lol also you really don’t understand how to read logs.


asa bm hunter i feel this

like they didnt need ot change anything but buffed the good roles and pooped on the worse roles


Exactly this.