Worst tuning in Wow history

I saw warlocks in RWF. They must have some utility.

They were and so were priests.

Gateway, Healthstones, PWF and PI is fairly fundamental in a raid but doesn’t do anything to point out the disparity between their personal output (which is quite lacking).

I remember during BfA I ran a Void Priest and did perfectly fine. I got to Shadowlands and got killed several times on every quest until I finally moved on to something else.

It just seems to be something they do. Each class/spec has it’s day but not every day.


A single exception? Lol, your head is in the sand.

I have a hunch I know a little better than the 4/8 BM hunter parsing green and blue in heroic.

The tantrum echo chamber is strong in this thread.

There have been many, many worse tiers. I specifically mentioned the current balance changes don’t make sense.

But go off, everyone, I’ll leave you to your dooming.

while still leaving some of the most universally despised ones entirely untouched. Gotta love how a few weeks ago they buffed aldrachi reaver to try to get people to play it and the havoc community’s response was “don’t buff it, we will never want to play this, if it ever becomes meta i’ll just quit/reroll. How can we be more clear that we hate this abomination?”
Meanwhile: radio silence.

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In a game as relatively complex as this, with this many classes and 3 specs per class, you’re never going to have perfect balance. And when there’s no perfect balance, somebody always has to be the top spec and somebody always has to be on the bottom. Just the nature of the beast… though it still sucks when it’s your spec on the bottom.


i hate how the devs
rework ret paladin by

nerfing haste interactions thereby lowering rets dps.

and lets not sugar coat this-- ret is gettign nerfed in 11.05 by a friggin rework

so we can passivily provide non facto healing in groups?

what a joke


The tuning is the worst when it comes to healer balance in almost every piece of endgame.

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Not so much this but moreso that some classes have MULTIPLE specs in the top and their classes are getting further buffs while some classes have MULTIPLE specs in the bottom aren’t getting much of anything. Doesn’t make much sense - does it?


Pack leader still in shambles. No one going to play it

That would be me, whats wrong with tuning ?

1 warlock for healthstones, because their single target isn’t bad enough to sandbag the team

Their AoE on the other hand…

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You haven’t played for very long if you think this is the worst tuning in history.

A 5% buff sent sin from bottom 3rd to top 3rd in Mythic raiding. That shows pretty tight tuning.

There will be further adjustments after the patch 100%.


“It’s not that bad, look at this very specific, very limited piece of data. See? Not that bad”…

Meanwhile, BM Hunter got a NERF in his ST when his AoE damage was around 40% behind, and now BM’s are around 30% behind in AoE and 9% behind in ST… LMAO


noone ever played it, it was that bad of a pick, lol

If you can’t see how a 5% change moves a spec around that much shows tight tuning, that’d explain being mad about BM hunter.

Either way, you can expect further adjustments after the patch reworks many specs.

Playing a BM hunter explain being mad about BM hunter.
NOT playing BM hunter explain NOT being mad about BM hunter.

Well we will see, my sub is already paused (nice feature you can pause it for 6 months without cancelling it, good for people like me), 11.0.5 is Blizz last chance to keep my sub for this season. If I dislike, I’m leaving for one or two seasons, maybe more, who knows…

Shadow Priest got several flat % tuning and they are still bad.

Classes need to be worked on more than just a tuning %.

They need reworks.


It does seem pretty weird ngl

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No mate you don’t I only post on this character feel free to check achieves 4/8 mythic not 4/8 heroic. The problem with looking at an aggregation of logs is it doesn’t show specific things that specs excel at. BM has a spot on every fight but silken court largely due to single target prio damage even though it has major suffering on aoe for example