Maybe they should stop coming up with poorly designed/half-baked events if they want the criticisms to subside. The event is supposed to get people engaged, trying out/gearing up alts, and getting them hyped for the expansion.
Lengthy lockouts on enemies that die in under 30 seconds, coupled with an overbearing and excessive currency grind, ain’t it, chief, no matter how much you want to wave your apologist flag.
Sadly I have to agree. Won’t REMEMBER this one that’s for sure.
Can’t even go to Dalaran or hearth or portal in sw. Broken
I don’t know where anyone is right now. Dragonblight is up, but every single node is a ghosttown. Every node in every other event zone is also a ghost town. 1 or 2 people killing things here and there. The first couple hours was a crowd tho. Dunno. Layering issue?
They burn them too quick with no thought for others, no teamwork there ugh, hugs
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Hardly any loot drops, gotta wait 90mins per boss and be there the moment its up and the currency that drops is horribly low. This is by far one of the worst prepatch events I have done. Might as well stick to M+ grinding at this point for alts
Are we getting a Tabard? Because I want one for sure.
So basically they copy/pasted the Dragonflight open world events without taking any lessons from their main problem which was the time between events. This is why I don’t have high hopes for the expansion, Ion and Co can say they learned from past mistakes all they want, until they actually show they have it will all just be rhetoric.
Sharding the zone would help with lag trying to get from portal to portal. 10,000 people trying to do this is almost zero to impossible.
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It’s pointless doing this event because apparently it take less than 30 seconds for a group to kill the bosses. Since it takes over an hour for them to spawn, the chances I will ever be able to kill one are zero since I don’t live inside the game waiting for them to appear. On top of all that there were hundreds of game breaking bugs introduced into the game with last weeks prepatch and NONE of them have been fixed.
I have completely lost any confidence in blizzard to be able to successfully pull off this new expansion.
Update: I was lucky enough to have time to play when the lich king memory was up. Killed him with a group in about 20 seconds. Blizzard, this is pathetic! This only happens ever 90 minutes? Even having to wait 1/2 for something like this is too long! Either make these bosses tougher or have them constantly spawn.
After doing all of the pre-patch events since wrath… yeah, this one is worst.
Bad blizz, do better.
It truly is the worst. Horrible. Now I am super worried for the xpac.
Add to everything in the opening post what really feels like meager pickings for those of us who always don’t seem to get our tag in on the bosses.
I’m not finding this fun at all.
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It’s the most boring pre-patch I think.
Ultimately need to crunch some numbers. But assuming you havent played since the first or 2nd raid of DF, and you have every class, thats alot of Alts to gear up. It feels like its going to be basically impossible at this spawn rate. If you only have 1 or 2 toons to gear then its probably fine. But at 90 mins, im guessing your gonna get 6 pieces or 7 max a day…and thats only if you can play the game like a job. If your playing 3 hours then maybe you get 2-3 pieces. Yikes.
I guess on week 3 when it goes to 30 mins, a dedicated player would gear much easier. But even then are you getting 10 characters ready? And yes i know you dont need it on all your characters but if you wanna do that, feels bad.
I dont see the point either. Its not like this gear is gonna impack current raiders right? Im assuming anyone in a guild that plays a character regulard is over 500 GS anyways. So why not just make it every 30 minutes? My theory is that they dont wanna tank SOD numbers with raiding just out over there. So by spreading out the events it keeps people engaged in the classic loop. Silly regardless. Just make it 30 and if that means people are done in a few days and waiting till Aug 26 thats perfectly fine.
You have a full month to milk these bosses until you have every possible thing off them for all your alts and anything else you want. I am sure by the end they will be as much of a ghost town as any other pre-patch event.
“We here at Blizzard feel that we have a very strong sense of learning from past mistakes; and thus are proud to announce our plans for the next big event: Invading Russia during the winter with inadequate supplies.”
All the DF stuff is empowered, just run the event for the box with champ gear, Valdrak weekly for another box with champ gear, and weekly DF events for 480 gear.
I wouldn’t waste any of the currency buying 480 tokens from this event, it’s already going to take a good bit of grinding and alt swapping with weeklies to get the cosmetics.
Not to say I excuse this event - I think it’s poorly designed - but given the vendor gear is nothing great and can’t even be catalyzed to tier, why bother using it to gear?
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Yes, and then there won’t be enough folks around to kill the bosses…
I am admitted a huge fangirl for bliz…
But this pre patch event? FFS bliz these events are not new. They are so fomulaic. So, explain, ho the hell did you eff it up so bad? You know there will be lag, it isn’t like this is something new.