Worst pre-expansion event ever?

I was so sad I missed that as a kid. I remember watching videos for quite a while about the chaos that went on.

looks like camping the boss spawn location (i’m sure it’s on wowhead) is the play…


Yup guarding my pillar watching anime at the moment xd


I miss the pre-patch events that messed up cities, caused mass chaos and panic, and was a graveyard of player bones. We don’t get anything cool like this anymore. Wrath, Legion, and Shadowlands had some of the most memorable events (to me, anyway).


The issue here is that this IS NOT a “here’s a tabard” quest, it’s a “here’s dozens of things that cost thousands each…ok now the mobs drop 1 currency each…also the main event lasts 30 seconds and doesn’t respawn for 90 minutes”. NOT the same at all.


Legion pre-patch was a lot of fun, so they made sure they fixed that.


This is like the eighth time they’ve made a pre-expansion event that was, like, the most alt-unfriendly thing ever.


Not only did Legion have the demon invasions in the zones, you could become a Fel Lord and kill players and NPCs in major cities if you had a good system in place to make sure you never got caught.


The lack of a reset distance for the ghouls made it amazing. The AI would naturally form packs as they converted other NPCs and just destroy everything until they ran out and then start over again.

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and it can’t be turned into tier gear for some reason either. its catch up gear, why is this not enabled? still trying to finish the mog sets on multiple characters and this would have been a huge help


The shadowlands event was waiting for a rare spawn for a chance at a rare pet or a rare bag

I doubt this is worse

The SL event had a bunch of rares and the rares were well announced.

I have to sit here for 26 more minutes just to kill 1 boss for a weekly? It’s absurd.


Isn’t the gear warbound so you can just farm it easily on your main to pass over to alts?

I honestly didn’t look too closely at it but I assumed that was the point. If it isn’t then… meh.

Some is. The gear from the “chest” didn’t appear to be as I got an Axe on my Evoker and it’s lower than what he has. Doesn’t mention warbound or “war” anything for that matter on it.

You ain’t farming anything the event ends in 3 minutes and then you get to wait 90 mins more for the next one


Yep, spent 20 minutes in it, in disbelief of how bad it was. Figured I was missing something, then realized that yep, that’s it. Definitely vindicated my decision to not purchase TWW ahead of time, I’ll just skip it at this point. Every idea is bland and tired AF.


Yeah but its not like it drop very plentifully and its quite expensive


Ah yes, because the pre patch event totally has any bearing on how the expansion will be lol

I mean I jumped into two and took home 3k or so in the first couple and it’s here for a week.

Definitely a terrible event but it’s like the siege, you get there on time it’s doable.

Yep. I made the mistake of doing the event on my main, expecting that to be the best way to farm warbound stuff for alts. Got a soulbound 493 that was a downgrade.

So here I am on my undergeared alt, camping the next boss in hopes of getting a tag in before it dies.