Worst pre-expansion event ever?

Said about every event so far. In a few days people will be complaining because they already have everything from the event. Though Blizzard will probably tweak the event along the way as well.


How is everyone sure it’s one spawn per event?
Is that from PTR or just hasn’t spawned “yet” in the current event?
Is the first event already over?

yea i think this event needs a tweak or 2 lol.

both me and my wife went through the dushwallow marsh portal as soon as the event started. it took around 2 1/2 to 3 mins for all spots to be filled to 100%. went to onyxia, she took like 20sec to release and died in under 15 seconds.

now afk drinking coffee waiting for dragonblight. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


Game tells you to go back to dalaran or wait in the next zone lmao


This is the most boring, uninspired, poorly designed pre patch event ever. They could have easily taken Time Rifts, remixed them into what they want it to feel like for this event, and made it spawn once every 30 minutes. Buff the boss HP by literally 200% so people actually have to play the game.


Aside from the horrendous lag… this is pretty on par. HOWEVER:
Putting the portals was a great Idea in theory… NOT SO MUCH ON A FULL SERVER… where there is a BUNCH of players… either trying to do the quest or trolling with toys, lagging the area out so bad you can’t turn in the quest. Yes,. Sharding happens and may work but this was one thing that they might have not thought on…? I dunno. I managed to kill a boss in duswallow, and it gave me three things… all warbanded except for a thing I guess that you have to get twenty of? I dunno. Overall… I’m waiting until later tonight when there aren’t so many RUSHING to get the quest done… holy lagmonster batman…

It’s really quite bad. If you’re a normie with a job/kids/pets and you can’t be there for the 10 second window the boss is active every 1.5 hours, you’re just out of luck. Incredibly unfriendly design choices here.


I swear the hearthstone event was like this too why dont they learn :melting_face:


Simultaneously the best and most hated prepatch event in the history of WoW.

The event boss really does need to respawn at least 2 or 3 times per-zone.

Can’t really go do anything else between events because if you miss that first couple of minute window when stuff spawns you get almost nothing.

It should be something along the lines of the main event restarts 5-10 minutes after the boss dies, until maybe the last 15 minutes before the next zone swap.


By participating? I’ve done two zones so far. The event spawns and within a few minutes it is over.

Chill out.

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The “funny” thing (Hehe, not haha) is that the casual or “normie” person is probably the one to benefit from these events because of the catch up gear.

The l33t gamers already have their main and alts outfitted in max ilvl or close gear, so the 480 Vet gear doesn’t really help.


for alts legion is the best pre patch. that last weekend i did all my leveling at lightning speed


Went in with 59.XX seconds remaining, got the quest, while flying over to Onyxia…

“Too bad, sucks to be you, go away for an hour”.

Seriously? this was what they hyped up?.


I’m just gonna go back to playing remix.

For me, objectively the worst pre-patch I’ve seen since BC, at least all the others you could join in and actually do something.


At the very least bosses should spawn near the end of the timeframe to give people a chance to get there, and anyone in the area gets credit when it dies regardless if you could get a hit on it within its few seconds of life.


I’m so confused why it’s 480 still. Just start the catch-up at 502.


Even that wouldn’t bother me if we could put the gear in the catalyst. But, well…

Either way yeah, 502 at this point wouldn’t hurt anything.


Then people have to farm crests/stones (because they aren’t transferable) and that’s more “Played” time to show the big bosses.


Deathwing would fly by and murder entire leveling zones…