Wod says hello. We were literally stuck for hrs unable to create garrisons
The Challenger shuttle was a much worse launch if we’re talking about history.
By far the worst launch ever was WoD…days and days of not being able to play…days and days of DDoS happening…to the point Blizzard gave all the player base 5 free days of paid subs…
I don’t know
I literally haven’t had a single issue. Only thing ng you MIGHT consider an issue was at the very start where no one could get on the boat for 10 minutes but thats not bad at all.
Thank you Blizzard for this enjoyable and memorable experience. Bravo. Never have I enjoyed such a miraculous game. =D
Not the worst, at least not yet.
However the first night was unplayable on many realms (the realms with most of the players), the first full day had random DCs and ability delay and ridiculous lag, especially with anything interactable (quest items, NPCs, vendors, etc), not to mention many realms (again those with most of the players) crashed again yesterday evening.
So no, I’m not going to consider it not bad at all just because YOU didn’t have any issues, most likely playing on a dead server.
Someone was obviously not here for Wrath release
Guess you forgot WOD launch.
Launch was great for me. No issues. Same for my friend group. This is definitely not the worst launch, not by a mile. Too many of you didn’t play during wod launch and it’s apparent.
During wod people couldn’t play for something like 5 days. Now you get blocked for an evening and cry like you lost a limb.
Worst Launch in History
You must of not been around for WoD launch.
You are not wrong. I have to agree this is the sloppiest launch/pre-patch in World of Warcraft’s history. I’ve been around since Vanilla but have been a persistent player since Burning Crusade and yes, the daily maintenance is getting old.
Every expansion has its rough spots for the first couple of days due to server overload so I expected that, but the amount of bugs and bad coding is startling. There were a few launches that didn’t require daily maintenance and constant emergency fixes. This is the first. I love this game and have since I started playing. There are reasons for this and the fact that the game was pretty smooth (putting aside server-related issues) after big launches cemented my love for the game.
They implemented a lot of new UI content and a massive overhaul of the AH and maybe it was too much to handle as the bugs alone have obviously caused many disgruntled players to say the least.
The constant downtime since pre-patch is the worst I’ve seen. It wouldn’t be so much of an issue if it wasn’t a subscription-based game, but many players including myself have spent a lot of money over the years on what we believe to be a good game. One would expect the game to be rigorously tested before releasing content -this does not include the BETA testing. Own personal internal testing is expected by paying customers to work out some of these bugs before BETA testing. Being in a family of software developers I can completely understand that some things don’t go as planned when systems are implemented on live servers, but it is imperative that the pain is lessened as much as possible and that the overall gameplay is not harshly affected. This I can honestly say isn’t the case with this expansion. There are MANY bugs I’ve screenshotted since pre-patch that impact the player in a negative way.
I really hope that they step back and really take notice of how much this affects their customer base and maybe internally even do some comparisons to previous launches. I hope changes are on the way so that the game can get back to what it used/expected to be.
There is no way for Blizzard to avoid this problem short of separate phased zones for single severs at launch.
Then there is the problem your phased out from others on your same realm. Sure grouping will put you back into phase with them but that doesn’t fix everything.
Then for all that coding and work it would take they would just be shifting back to normal mode.
I’m not paying a higher monthly rate so there’s less lag at launch. If you can’t be patient this game isn’t for you anyways
Wrath for me wasn’t bad at all for my realm…the only big issue was the release of the patch called The call of the Crusaders…that knocked all realms around the world offline many for over 32 hours…but the opening of LK went quite smooth for me.
My experience was logging in and gaming for 10+ hours and having tonnes of fun. Got DC’d twice while dragon riding. Pretty good in my opinion.
I don’t think it was a bad launch at all. Every game has things here & there but this has been the smoothest launch yet for me by far. Had a few disconnects when jumping a lot but really no big deal.
Only people I’ve seen have issues are a few scattered posters on the forums. Everyone I know who plays and my entire guild has been playing with almost no issues at all. Quite a smooth launch.
launch was solid overall except launch day on a52
This is the worst out of the last three but out of all of the expansions it’s in the top half of the better launches.
Lol nice bait.
Boat was late. And got DC once, that was it for me. Played about 4 hours. High pop server.