Worst Launch in History

I honestly had no issues whatsoever. I semi-RP walked my whole way to 70. maybe that’s why I had no issues.

Lmao you’re delusional. I play on Illidan which is the most populated horde server and was playing just fine after I let the initial wave get ahead by about 2 hours.
OG TBC…Now that was a truly horrible launch with about an entire week of not being able to play the game. DF was a farcry from that debacle.

With a thread title like that, I’m guessing OP was too young to be around for the TBC launch.

Pretty sure Challenger was worse

There was worse launches. WoD comes to mind immediately.

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umm you havnt been playing wow long if you think this launch was the worst.

the worst launch im pretty sure was WoD’s launch

Respectfully, the AQ gate opening debacle was worse than everything.

The fact that people intentionally leveled around the garrison (and not for gameplay design reasons) during WoD determines this to be a lie. You went to the Garrison = See ya in a couple hours. If lucky.

Not even close to the worst. We have had launch days when the game was unplayable completely.

This must be only the second expansion you’ve played then if you truly believe that.

Yeah WoD comes to mind…

They cant keep getting away with it!!!

nothing new, all expansion started like this before dragonflight.

It wasn’t as bad as WoD.

I had no problems playing all evening other than one instance error that bounced me physically back and forth for about 5 or maybe even 10 minutes max. I could move and then I’d wind up rewound I think to where I was previously. Anyway, that hiccup was brief and otherwise I had fun playing all evening long until late here.

I should note that I was playing in Shadowlands and got Bankcow to level 60 because bank alts are people too. I deliberately avoid new zones at launch always until things settle down and the first waves have made their way though. Less stress for this old casual cow. :smiley:

As others have noted the OP clearly hasn’t experienced a bad launch. I can’t imagine what might become of them if they did considering the reaction to this one.

I wonder what’s up with the forums here still showing me at level 52.

Worst forums ever!!! lol

Can I freeze my gametime? Have 45 days yet

It wasn’t.

Baby’s first launch experience?


Maybe some Desitin would help. :grinning: