Worse cinematic, 8.3 or Shadowlands?

No cinematic has ever told us if we kill the villain at the end of the expansion.

Not Legion, not BFA, not Mists, not WoD. So what’s your point.

How about you watch the cinematic that was right after the Shadowlands cinematic. It’s literally narrated by Bolvar. Heck Bolvar is on all the promotional art for Shadowlands. Also, we never saw Varian die in the Legion cinematic, nor did we know the outcome of the Siege of Lordaeron in the cinematic. You’re just hating for no reason.

But you do. They’re right there.

I don’t know what you’re trying to say here. All I’ll say is that Blizzard have confirmed Sylvanas is the villain of this expansion along with the Jailor.

There’s no ambiguity. There’s just stupid people who don’t know how to look at the trailer on THEIR LAUNCHER.

I actually liked the Shadowlands cinematic, at least it was epic. 8.3 was just DBZ but without Goku screaming for 13 hours

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What’s worse - watching the greatest villain in WOW history get Goku’d or watching the OTHER greatest villain in WOW history get owned by undead barbie? :thinking:

I just cant help but laugh at people that think gender is the issue people have with Sylvanas

I doubt we fit in the Mary Sue bill, we all probably die in stupid ways and wipe multiple times in raids

Err, i dont think Bolvar is really a villain, if anything i think hes neutral unlike Arthas who really was a villain

I’m sure that’s not how it works, Bolvar wearing the helm is to keep the scourge in check, not the LK.

You realize there’s almost a year between now and when that shadowlands intro takes place, right? They could very well be planning on explaining the power increase, but everyone is so impatient.


On the bright sides, started the raid today, and the excitement of the fight, the feeling of progression as part of a real raid team for me nullifies the crappy cutscenes.

The Shadowlands cinematic is a Sylvanas fan fiction brought to life.

The 8.3 cinematic is a kick in the face to all the lore and destruction to all the hype they’ve been generating over the years for N’zoth and Ny’alotha in just a minute.

So yeah 8.3 is by far worse.


No, but we definitely could tell that we’re going to fight against Legion, and there will be Illidan in Legion xpac. And we definitely could tell that Alliance and Hored will fight each other (again) and that must be big main story in this xpac. Ok, what’s our enemy in Shadowlands? Can you tell?

Is she villian in this expansion? I didn’t get the feeling of that. You knew that Blizz said, at the beginning of bfa, “She’s not going to be Garrosh 2.0.” I understood the comment as “She’s not villian and will not end up in raid boss like him.” So I tried understand her actions until she said “The Horde is Nothing” and fled away.
So it seems that NOW people try to re-interpret the comment as ‘she’s not Garrosh 2.0 in bfa, but she can be in Shadowlands.’ :woman_facepalming: THAT is definitely Blizz fault.

Well anyway, as long as Sylvanas is villain and I can kill her in Shadowlands, then I’ll be fine. With everything.

That’s not our fault. That’s Blizz fault. They should’ve made the cinematic even teenage girl who doesn’t know about ‘how to look at the trailor’ can understand. Isn’t that the function of cinematic? For the sake of marketing, too.

That’s what I’m talking about now. Even old users who knows ‘how to look at the trailor’ are complaining about how ambiguous it is. Well I know probably they just don’t like how Blizz described Bolvar there, but, it’s something that Blizz could’ve expected beforehand. I mean, it’s THE Lich King! What do you expect?

And if you say it’s players fault, well that’s something we never can make compromise.

This. Blizzard has become one of the #1 targets of the reactionary gaming community whose whole life revolves around getting pissed about how certain pieces of entertainment media are “betraying” them. It’s a never-ending cycle. Blizzard could deliver a brand new Porsche to their front door and they’d complain about the upholstery.

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The Shadowlands cinematic is fine. People dislike it because of their head canon.

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I disliked the shadowlands cinematic because it failed to make me interested in what comes next. That is a first.

The video with gameplay stuff in it did a better job of making me want to play.


You are just changing your argument every two seconds. What are you even on about? I can barely understand what you say half the time and the other half is just constantly changing.



No. They meant she won’t be an endboss. They said at chinajoy that they weren’t going to kill her off that early, and that they had more plans for her.

No that’s just you not even understanding what is going on.

I meant that in a joking manner. I’m making fun of the fact that it’s seemingly so hard to figure out the good guy and bad guy in the cinematic.

I’m convinced you’re just a troll. I won’t be wasting more time here.

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What am I changaing? When you asked “what do you mean direct and obvious” I answered like this.

And my answer for Legion and bfa cinematic is definitely correpond to this answer. WE COULD TELL what we are going to do in the expansion.

Ah right, coz of Sylvanass I confused. Sry.

If you say so :woman_shrugging:

Alright I hope that ‘more plan’ will not be revealed as ‘Sylvanas is the Titan’ or sth.

Alright if you say so. I heard that before in here, so maybe that’s how Blizz works. It’s surprising how you guys can tell such things, bit I’m rather new here, I do hope that you guys are right.

If you say so.
Hey, you confused me with those who mad at the trailor because of Bolvar, and hence can’t understand what I’m saying. I usually don’t say sth like this, but you are just one old player who wants to believe everything is fine with Blizzard.
This is waste of time.

No you said your issue is that there was no villain. Now you change your mind to the general threat.

And you can tell in Shadowlands.

That’s absolutely not going to happen.

No. I’m saying I can’t understand you because your grammar isn’t the best at some points.

Shadowlands has potential for the future.

8.3 is what it is.

Yeah but both cinematics are out. Shadowlands being terrible is worse because we haven’t even gotten there yet whereas 8.3 is here and it’s only a patch. I say the trailers bode poorly for the expacs

had to look this up…

8.3 is wrathion and the whole zap-the-old-god thing, right? shadowlands is sylvanas breaking the helm despite the LK having a massive horde of deadguys he could have thrown at her?

the latter is still animated no matter if I loathe the content. the former…uhhhh YAY I’m in the video, ma! :confused:

WoW’s an anime now.

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for the expansion cinematics they need to go back to how they did the BC - cata

the big bads being badarse and destroying stuff. today the cinematics are way too narrative driven and interwoven and connected, which shouldnt be.

8.3 cinematic is okay. shadowlands is downright fanfiction to me

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