Worse cinematic, 8.3 or Shadowlands?

Lol funny then how all the other Blizzcon cinematics were fine. And how “Sylvanas” and “Mary Sue” were trending together after that.

LMAO no they didn’t. Seems you are projecting.


To me I haven’t found an end-cinematic for 8.3, there was a brief mid raid cinematic with Wraithion, but all that happened at the end was a cut-scene.

To me, you can’t end an expansion with something that looks like a cut-scene, that’s just ridiculous. It is literally criminal.

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The constant focus on her “smokiness” wasn’t a dead give away?

As I said, it’s presently cool to hate on Blizzard.

All you heard at Blizzcon was how awesome the cinematic was. It was very well received.

She needed something more distinct than her usual shadow looking magic.

Also that doesn’t even seem like something she couldn’t do, she does the same thing in HotS for example.

I won’t disagree, but they did show it plenty of times, it just looked too similar.

This is their problem with the writing though too, the inconsistencies as to what kinds of powers do the Lore characters have, they should have limits in the reality of the game so stuff just doesn’t become a skill they have once because reasons.

I would give the 8.3 cinematic a 3/10. It was shoddy and rushed. It makes zero sense to kill an old god like this. Wrathion being the first boss really killed that story for me. This story could have been so much better, and gone a lot more in-depth.

I would say the SL’s one is a 2/10. The SL’s cinematic opening made me excited. WotLK is my favorite xpak. Sylvanas going super-OP solo in ICC was bad though. Made me think “Why bother, if she came already solo it all?”. And, she somehow ripped the Helm of Domination apart with her bare hands! #WTF

Because of 8.3, I shall let my sub lapse until SL’s, Just waiting on remaining RaF free time to run its course. Have not done the patch content since the day after it came out.

Because I love WotLK, I will be giving SL’s a serious run. Just hope it is better thought out than the story they gave us in the cinematic.

Long story short: Both suck. Both waste good story potential. N’Zoth gets a slight edge for aesthetics.


Blizzcon has an inherent bias within itself as people are exited for the con. It takes something specially disappointing like diablo mobile to ever cause any criticisms at Blizzcon itself. People outside of Blizzcon were quick to realize how idiotic the whole thing as. Again, if it’s just because cool to hate on Blizzard how come other content, including about WoW was well received?


Everything is exciting and well received at BlizzCon. It is a fanboy event. It does not represent the millions of players across the library of Blizzard games.

People aren’t “Hating Blizzard”. They are expressing their thoughts on the products. Blizzard knows that pleasing 100% of the players is not possible. They know you can’t make everyone happy. Do you honestly think they don’t know this after how many decades?

I, myself, have been an avid player of their games since the 90’s. I have my original release day purchased StarCraft on my desk, next to release day versions of Brood Wars, Diablo and Diablo 2.


I guess the 8.3 cinematic, but I also have no problem whatsoever with the Shadowlands Trailer cinematic and the 8.3 one is mostly an in game cinematic (unless we are talking about the Wrathion one?).

Don’t really have much of a problem with the 8.3 cinematic in itself either. No problem with N’Zoth getting laser beamed (it is not anything particularly outlandish for a fantasy setting, and has happened before in WoW itself). I guess I just have a problem with how the Black Empire/N’Zoth stuff was handled in general through the expansion. I can’t really say N’Zoth didnt get his own expac, because he certainly was relevant and plotting throughout BfA, and being in the background fits with his character, though faction war and Sylvanas did muddle it. Ny’alotha would have been cool as its own zone though, but I am not surprised that they were low effort for 8.3 (and I do like that they have been utilizing old world Azeroth at least). But yeah it definitely was not amazing.

Damn this should be it’s own thread, you really made me think.

This. The Shadowlands cinematic at least had my emotions going with some story, even if it left me shaking my head over Sylvanas’s plot armor.

The 8.3 raid finale cinematic was just “bad guy dies”. No story, no tying up loose ends, not even one of the good guys flinging purple goo off their sleeve.

You could replace the 8.3 with this and it wouldn’t affect the story.

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Which one smells worse, puke or crap?

I love the shadowlands cinematic.

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Complaints about the Shadowlands cinematic (and especially trying to compare it unfavorably to 8.3’s in-game cinematic) just serve to lessen the credibility of the people complaining, and only add weight to the type of people who try to downplay all criticisms on the forum as just being the product of perpetually and unreasonably angry customers.

Could the Shadowlands trailer have been better? Sure, I can think of changes I’d have made to it. Is her strength in the cinematic an actual problem? No, obviously not, except to people who can’t stand the idea of a story holding any aspect of the source of a character’s power back for later revelation. The game had already clearly revealed that Sylvanas had been gaining significant power of a mysterious nature to anyone paying attention.

There’s all sorts of reasons to criticize Blizzard’s handling of story. “Powerful character they told us was gaining mysterious power winning a fight as a lead-in to an expansion where we’re going to learn about the mysterious source” is not one of them.

It’s obviously a different thing to say “I wish they’d done the cinematic better, here are all the things I’d have liked to have seen that would have better.” But trying to insult and downplay the Shadowlands cinematic we got? Just ridiculous.


:face_with_raised_eyebrow: I watch few youtuber or streamer and certainly do not judge anything just because anyone say something.

The main function of the cinematic is to deliver the important point of the story. If it fails to do so, there is no way the cinematic can receive high praise. Even though how great quality it has, or even though it’s not cinematic’s fault.

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Why are we comparing the Shadowlands trailer and that garbage N’zoth cinematic?

Oh, because a couple people who don’t pay attention didn’t realize that Sylvanas didn’t actually defeat Bolvar and only cheesed her way to pry the helmet from his head?

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Said this earlier, but it seems that these big-brain Shadowlands haters don’t seem to pay attention much. If they did, they’d figure out that Sylvanas only got her new powers from the Jailor who has been fed millions of souls in BFA. On top of that, it seems they didn’t notice that Sylvanas didn’t defeat Bolvar in single combat. All Sylvanas did was run away and use her chain arrows to hold him in place. She literally cheesed her way to victory.

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That’s the thing! Why do you think there are a lot of opinions about whether Bolvar’s defeated or not??
That’s because the cinematic couldn’t deliver the message well. All ambiguity.

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What do you mean? He lost his helmet, but he wasn’t killed.