Worse cinematic, 8.3 or Shadowlands?

I liked the Shadowlands cinematic, despite it being about how great and mighty sylvanas is again. It was definitely interesting.
Death of N’Zoth was just incredibly underwhelming. Not only was it way too short, but it was definitely the end of Return of the King. Like, I think we’re missing content, something we haven’t gotten to see yet, and won’t until the pre-patch events or something.

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Their wuite siilar, huge characters going down very easy with no real weight to the videos…me scared

I’ve been normally one to defend Blizzard this Expansion, but you nailed it there buddy.

I couldn’t agree more. That cinematic could have been something spectacular. But despite how pretty it was, I still just… Don’t want to revisit it… That’s a first for a launch Cinematic.


Shadowlands cinematic was worst in every way except for visual quality.

She will be another Kerrigan.

I dunno.With how badly the shadowlands cinematic was received maybe its a good to time to cut back on them.

I liked the Shadowlands cinematic. I mean it was dumb but it was cool. Mostly dumb because Sylvannas is a joke character and the story leading up to that point has been nonsensical at best.

The N’Zoth ending cinematic was a LotRs rip off though and completely deflated whatever kind of villain he was supposed to be.


8.3 by far.

People hate shadowland cinematic because " muh lich King is the strongest and coolest ever" and because of how they hate so much Sylvanas that they prefer to ignore the Jailer empowering part and just prefer to call it plote armor.

8.3 is just a remake of cata with us killing a vanila enemy with a camehameha is a one minute cinematic.


this THIS!!!
How can they NOT think of this???



Nono I don’t ignore it. It just can’t explain enough. Coz I don’t know the Jailor. Do you?

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While the Shadowlands cinematic looked amazing, its content (Sylvanas one-shotting the freaking Lich King) is atrocious. So as bad as that cinematic is, it does have one redeeming quality. Everything about the N’Zoth cinematic - visuals, content, length - is a complete joke. At this point, I’m sad to admit that I fear for the future of my favorite game.

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In the end, i rather have entertainingly bad then an underwhelming amount of nothing.

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This thread is VERY interesting, way less lopsided than I thought it would be, a lot of people with different opinions

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Shadowlands for sure.

I can shrug off with N’zoth being defeated like that. Underwhelming but had to happen so oh well.

Sylvanas being a total Mary Sue in the cinematic and a super emo edgy elf just made me cringe.


Shadowlands cinematic was great. It got downvotes because it’s cool to hate on Blizzard because of Hong Kong or whatever fake outrage is going on at the time.

N’Zoth finale was hot garbage.


8.3 end cinematic is so lazy and uninspired it stole the death of sauron music from Return of the King. No development no characters saying anything just pew pew laser and copyright infringement.

In the end its an insult to the biggest bad we have had in many years who deserved his own expansion set in Nyotlotha but got shoved into a single patch.


8.3 ending cinematic is super disappointing especially compared to the Legion ending. I liked the Shadowlands cinematic. Thought Sylvanas breaking the Helm of Domination was a great moment for her character.

It got downvotes because people is sick of almighty Sylvanas.


People LOVED the cinematic, up until their favorite youtuber or streamer said “Mary sue”, then they convinced themselves that it was bad. Pretty normal for the WoW community tbh lol

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What cinematic?

There wasn’t one lol.

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