Worried FFXIV will kill WoW

Yes he did. I follow Taliesin & Evitel and a Japanese-English translator who is a fan of the game on Twitter and they both tweeted about the racist thing Yoshi P said!

People bemoaned the “loss” of “kill 1 dude” world quests in Shadowlands. Truth is, there are a few dozen of them, but they were all moved to the Maw.

I said 2 years ago that the world quest targets / rares in the Maw should drop anima. It would have alleviated the mana problems people were having, and story-wise that’s where all the anima was being funneled to anyway.

No he didn’t.

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nfts in a nutshell

Isn’t the current raid tier in XIV kind of poo-poo rn?

Not that I know of. There are people running around all over the place with their raid sets lol.

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The irony of someone saying this from Moon Guard isn’t lost on me lol.


If you avoid Goldshire, Moonguard is fairly tame. Balmung on FFXIV… pretty much anywhere in Limsa Lominsa or Ul’dah is… uh… well, it should not be viewed under a black light.

Well, at least you don’t deny it lol.

Meh, WoW will be the WoW killer if anything.

This has been my problem with all the FF games. Or at least the ones I’ve played (which is, I think, 3 of them? maybe 4…)

It feels like WoW pet battles. (And I’m not a fan of WoW’s pet battles, although I’m a huge pet collector…)

Yeah, you see that a lot. People go in 14 clicking buttons like WoW and do horrible dps.


You didn’t even try looking for pvp, did you? PVP recently got a HUGE update and people are loving it. Crystal conflict is one of the best PVP battlegrounds I’ve ever experienced. The flight system isn’t stupid…they offer flying literally DAY 1 as long as you do an hour or 2s worth of questing, the combat isn’t bad at al…its a matter of finding the job that clicks with you, when I tried samurai/dancer/reaper, I loved it. Combat was awesome with them.

Not going to repeat the last one but what? Please show your source, there’s no such activity going on like that. And if such “creeps” like that exist, so does everywhere else…you can’t say creeps don’t exist on wow either, specially on RP realms…who proceed to stalk female players.

As for the story…its different for everyone. I LOVED it. It was so perfect, no retcons…just FF1.0 to FFXIV Endwalker, one huge epic story. But story isn’t for everyone…if you hate it, thats on you…your not a story person then, your a “I wanna beat the enemies up” jump into action type of person.


It’s because their GCD is so long… which, according to a number of things I’ve read over the years, has something to do with the bargain-bin engine that the game runs on. This is the same reason that, despite being WAY more of a fashion-based experience than WoW and it’s transmog system, FFXIV’s wardrobe is extremely limited and apparently cannot be expanded.

They did expand it though, twice. I agree the transmog system is better though since you don’t have to store the physical item.

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Look, I’ll be honest, I don’t like FFXIV, but I’d probably still be playing it if Blue Mages had more to do. THAT was fun.

can’t atm. Need to turn in my penny count so I can buy more booze

Not FFXIV, but…try blue mage on Final Fantasy Origins: Strangers of Paradise. It came out in DLC2 some bit ago and it is FUN. Enemy skills are so broken when combo’d right. I can tell you don’t like FFXIV thought…you didn’t give it half a look recently if you didn’t see PVP changes as of late and still judge it for “past updates” when you did try.

Lots of WoW killers that aren’t killing WoW…

And yet you are here doom calling, instead of playing ffx
I have nothing against ffx per say I’m not sure where the “this or that” mentality comes from
Play both, play 10 games, who cares.

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