Worldsoul Memory Rewards

My big issue with them is that I joined one and then it ended after I got 9 points and it ended, so its a completely inconsistent experience apparently or just extremely lackluster.

These are necessary in Blizzard’s mindset because they force you to play for a longer period of time then you would otherwise do or than you actually want to.

I genuinely wish these were fun.

You said it so I didn’t have to.
I don’t even bother as the rewards are NOT worth the effort.


I did a couple early on, didn’t seem to receive anything much for my efforts and decided my limited game time was better spent elsewhere.

This feels like a development miss to me, an opportunity to add something new which just didn’t work. The prepatch event rewards were more worthwhile.


Did anyone actually do these events outside of maybe the first week of expac launch???


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Not sure where you got that assumption.

there was a bug last season where if you joined a group/raid for memories and the leader was from OCE, you got WAY less.

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Let’s be real. This isn’t going to make anyone want to do them any more than they already do, which is for the most part not at all.

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I haven’t tried one yet this season, but when I’d do x5 memories last season, it was basically a guaranteed coffer key even if I wasn’t trying very hard.

If you were trying to max out your delve vault slots, it was sometimes helpful to do them, because you needed 8 delves a week and I don’t do anything but bountiful delves.

Also, I did them for the achievement and Echochaser title.

Pretty much, I did one or two first season and it was just… well… annoying for not much reward.



This was a really bad and needlessly complicated feature that most people didn’t bother with, and I genuinely hope it doesn’t come back next expansion.

Delves are great and I really enjoy doing them and will keep doing them for gear. Don’t care about Worldsoul Memories at all.

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Nice. Good to know. 100 was always my bare minimum I strived for anyway. It’s just a nice number. Rewards wise that feels just fine since I always play solo.

I like Worldsouls more than World Quests but I don’t understand why they exist. Why can’t stuff just drop from regular mobs or mobs inside of dungeons? Why does this need to exist?

I did one the other day (the x5 one), it was pretty much empty and i was mostly held back by the lack of things to kill… came away with 40 coffer key shards or something ridiculous like that lol

I think it’s insane to structure these events around large groups when they’re meant for solo people.


My biggest problem with these was that they just weren’t FUN. Did you spend any time working on THAT? While you were spending ENDLESS hours developing this complex scaling system to allow people to join these events alone or in large groups. Did anyone stop and ask… but what is fun about this?

Unlike a delve (for which these little events provide coffer key shards) there is no need for tactics or strategy. You run around and kill some random stuff. Every now and then there seems to be a thing that will happen without warning where you may need to play some sort of mini-game. But it makes no sense.

I am guessing that you are calling back to some quest from bygone years or something. But none of it worked for me. Send the people who did this back to the drawing board. And tell them it is a GAME.


it’s crazy how there’s very little transparency in advance of season handoffs re: which currencies get purged and which ones will remain. not just that, but i haven’t seen any open discussions or informative resources either. it’s always a bummer when new season starts.


Can someone tell where those radiant echoes are I tried two and there nothing there???

Because it’s a terrible system that is not worth doing.