With the launch of Season 2, many players are returning to the Worldsoul Memories to help Azeroth deal with those long-ago events and earn rewards in the process!
We’d like to talk about how those rewards are given out, because there’s been some confusion about how things are awarded.
At a high level, as you defeat enemies within the Worldsoul Memory, you increase your Worldsoul Memory Score (found at the top of your screen during a Memory). When the event ends, your Worldsoul Memory Score directly translates to the level of your reward with no variability. That is, scoring 100 points in a Worldsoul Memory always gives the same level of reward.
However, not every point is the same. The first points you earn in a Worldsoul Memory are significantly more important to your score than later points. Increasing your score from 10 to 20 increases your reward much more than increasing your score from 200 to 210. There are several breakpoints, but the most significant are at 100 and 400 points. While Worldsoul Memory Score can go very high - rewards stop increasing only at 5000! - once you hit 100 points you’ve already earned more than half the total possible rewards, and at 400 points you’ve just over three-quarters of the possible rewards.
And of course, if you used the “Many Radiant Echoes” option to join the event, your rewards are multiplied by 5. The breakpoints are all the same. If you did five Worldsoul Memory events with a single Radiant Echo and earned exactly 100 points in each of them, you would earn exactly the same reward as doing a single Worldsoul Memory event using Many Radiant Echoes.
It’s worth discussing why things are set up this way. Why are the early points worth more than the later points? The reason is simple: we want players to feel like it’s okay to play how they want while still rewarding group play. Players who join Worldsoul Memories solo or in small groups will naturally earn fewer points than those who join in a full synchronized raid group. However, because these breakpoints exist, and the earlier points are worth more, the players in the small group aren’t missing out on as many rewards as they would if the rewards scaled with score completely linearly.
We hope this helps you understand how Worldsoul Memories work, and good luck collecting those Valorstones and Coffer Key Shards!
I still gotta say it’s weird to need a fully coordinated raid to get the maximum reward for something you get from doing delves
In other words: I’m ignoring their existence the same way I did last season.
That was a good read, but I can’t discuss it too much because I have zero experience as a game developer. In fact, I’m happy just to see a blue post in general discussing the mechanics of the game. Feels comforting.
Therefore, I’m going to reward Chimes by polymorphing them into a duck.

Cheers, Chimes. 
So, do they reward anything of note besides the Coffer Key shards?
I only did them 2 or 3 times, since I wasn’t particularly interested in key shards.
Valorstones too, I assume.
But yeah the whole system is one of the few pain points for alts that exist. I don’t understand why keys are necessary.
They are probably the fastest way to get them on your alts if you do delves on them.
Yea, last season was terrible solo. I would be the only person in there, for only 5 min, and I would barely manage to kill 2 things. I was lucky to get crystals, and that’s only because the mob was throwing them out for me to pick up.
Tbh the only reason I do these is to try for the achievements. I wish I had used up all my Season 1 Radiant Echoes, tho.
Also, have they never explained these events before? A full season passed.
I just did one like an hour ago . used the 5x multiplier . Ended the timer with like 180 points? The rares and adds dont spawn fast enough to get a high score. How is someone even getting 5000 ?
Still probably will just do the achievements for these and then leave them alone again, unless I’m just in dire need of valorstones and am not feeling like group stuff at the time.
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Thanks for not actually including a table to show the breakpoints. It would suck to have a blue post with actual proper data and direct, useful information.
Valorstones was all I got in addition to the shards when I did one in undermine yesterday. About 240 stones and almost 100 key shards.
Did the 5x multiplier.
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They think people want to do this in large groups, which they don’t.
World Souls were by far the best way to get stones in season 1. 100s of stones for a few minutes of effort. Hopefully it’s the same this season.
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What about the bug where you only get the minimum reward even thou your score is 300+ happens when I as a OCE player have joined US server group, the events lags as it ends you see everyone else getting 100+ frags and you get 29.
Can you put some safeguard in as committing 5 memories and only getting 29 fragments is something totally unacceptable.
Would be nice to see a similar blue post about the change in the flying orbs no longer giving crests, or any of other numerous “nerfs” to random stuff that’s now existing as of season 2.
Not returning to worldsoul memories because you funny people deleted my 250 Radiant Echoes without notice.
I could have sworn I flew through one and got a crest but I could be wrong - I’ll try again tonight.
PS: I don’t intentionally seek them our. Only if I’m flying but one was in my path either Wed or Thurs night and I flew through it because I remembered someone saying it didn’t give crests and I wanted to see if that was true and after I flew through it I thought it did… Will update later tonight.
Needlessly complicated.
And, seemingly, forever ruined by just how poorly this was launched. Extremely buggy, it often wasted currency and/or didn’t reward currency. I distinctly remember spending quite a bit of time to save up 5 Echos and … poof vanished because the event was bugged.
So much so that basically everyone in my guild stopped doing them.
You think we’re an outlier? Look in the group finder.
If there are 20 groups right now, 19 of them are to farm cloth and the other one is to farm Sparks. Over the course of a week and if there are 500 groups, you MIGHT see all of TWO Echo groups.
No one wants to do these. And it all goes back to HOW POORLY this was released. >(