Worldsoul Memory Rewards

Delves also drops pizza now, least you’ll have someone who on case you run out lol.


I only do Worldsoul when I run out of keys and have 5 essences, but let me speak plainly:

If there needs to be a blue post, it’s too complicated.


Soooo its still pointless to do them? Key shards and stones is nice in the first 2 or 3 weeks of the season then we are swimming in so much of those and the memories become pointless. Would be nice if they dropped crests as well.

The heck is a world soul memory


And either way, I’m still soloing them because I CBA to find and join raid groups for this.


Worldsoul Memories were dead on arrival content. I did like 3 week one of the expansion and then have never touched them again. There is literally no point to do them, it’s a complete waste of time.

Hate to say it really.

They could have been good, but there is an absolute void of structure or reason to engage with them. They provide literally nothing.


I thought they were considered the best source of valorstones in the game

Thanks all!

Its funny, I’m Valorstone capped already. Just doing the campaign and a couple of dailies. No real crests or gear to upgrade yet.

But I will keep it in mind, I was VS poor couple times last season.


This is one of the dumbest things I have read in quite a while. Who thought this was a good idea?


5000? Why is this even setup for raid groups? Hitting a score of 200 should be the high water mark for a single person.

Every person added by a group or raid when you enter should add 200 to get the highest reward. So a group of 5 would require a score of 1000 and a 5 group raid force would require that 5000 score.

it is donkey-backwards to grade a solo player’s performance against a 25 person raid force. All 25 of those people should have to work just as hard as the solo player.


They’re very good early in the Season to get more than 4 Keys for Bountiful Delves.


[ X ]


lol when I’m constantly capped?

With all due respect, Mr. Blizzard, the reason nobody does this content isn’t a lack of information about it.

The event is boring. The variable reward is frustrating. It just feels like you “got hosed” after you complete it. An empty feeling like you could have, and should have been able to do better.

And a few weeks into the season, nobody needs slivers of keys anyway. So why suffer?


Does anyone actually do these beyond the first week of a season? Genuine question, because I don’t know a single player from my large guild who does, and we’re all longtime players. I did one single event at the beginning of WW. It was completely empty and overtuned. I am a collector and a completionist, and absolutely could not be bothered. There was, and is, no incentive.

I was holding on to the Radiant Echoes with the intention of spamming them at the end of the expact for the inevitable meta achievement requirement, thinking at least it would be faceroll then, but of course all those echoes are now deleted/reset and I assume the difficulty increased as well.

If you’re not even getting collectors and completionists in there to do this content, I don’t know who else is. They’re certainly not needed beyond the first week, maybe two, of a season. After that we’re drowning in valor stones and key shards. I play daily and I have never, not even once, seen a raid group forming for these. Never. Surely you guys have the data that no one is doing these??

Can’t wait to spend days farming these for no other reason besides the meta (/s)… what an enormous waste of dev time. I’m not usually this negative about things in the game but this is really bad.

I mean the fact that this came out in August and only just now, 7 months later, anyone is bothering to explain how it works kind of tells you all you need to know.


wow I’m definitely not constantly capped


Don’t run 5 soul memories for now. Over 200 points on radiant difficulty only got 28 key shard, I’m down 1 key for the season


They aggressively overestimated how popular this feature was going to be.

The 3/4 breakpoint should be 100 points, and the cap either 200 or 250. Something a group of 5 could comfortably achieve but one you would likely be a little short on going solo.

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I never thought too harshly of these things. A 5-minute event for a coffer key and some extra fragments along with a decent chunk of valorstones is a good enough deal for me.


why make such a complex unique system for this? and then, why hide how it works to players? Just like everything else in this game - it’s unclear and relies on third party sites or guess work to understand.

Just use the same system you use on theater troupe? big progress bar, rewards at the markers, scales based on number of players, easy to understand.