Worldsoul Memory Rewards

Worldsoul memories are terrible and should be deleted from the game.

Just give people another key per week from something more straight forward.

Or just remove delve keys entirely since they really just make you do tedious annoying world content and bountiful delves are already limited per day. Cap total bountiful chest opens per week without keys would be another option.


Best part about them is they’re also still broken.
The multiplier from 5x and x10 sometimes doesn’t work…


Just did a 5x and got 37 key shards with a full raid group and 900 score.

this is exactly why I and many others dont even bother with it if you arent even going to fix this insane bug that screws people out of progression.


Yeah I ain’t doing that broken crap.

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The saddest part about worldsoul memories is when they were announced it sounded like it would be similar to the pre-expansion event system which was kind of fun.

The actual TWW worldsoul memories are not fun or interesting in anyway at all.

If they just copy and pasted the pre-expansion event system and had it drop fragments and maybe catch-up gear or had it double as optional leveling content that was just up in adventure mode, it would have been a useful thing to have in the expansion.

I think I joined a couple of these memories early in season 1. Found these to be rather boring/unfun and lackluster in terms of participation. Once I found that the premise was to buff currency/key intake, never bothered again. For those that frequent delves often, perhaps memories matter. I do roughly 3-6 delves per week so I have totally ignored worldsoul memories.

This bug also happens if you are doing one of the new worldsoul memories in Undermine and some group pulls the world boss. Five radiant echoes got me 10 coffer key shards with a score of 260.

Then don’t make breakpoints, especially some random “significant breakpoints” at 100 and 400 to complicate things; just draw a curve like y=x^0.5 and you’re good to go.

Same. I did two last season. In the first, there was no one there but me. I spent more time running around trying to find something to kill than I did actually killing mobs. The second had a few more people, but still very few mobs. It wasn’t worth it at all.

One of them has been broken since the expac launched, it’s in Ringing Deeps or Az, either one. It has a worm mob that pops up that resets over and over and you end up spending 5 minutes killing it for it to reset, disappear, reappear with full HP, etc.

They’ve been broken.