Worldsoul Memory Rewards

Even with a large group, you’re constrained by respawns

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I did a Worldsoul Memory I think once, maybe twice back in early season 1 and never touched them ever again. You guys really need to go back to the drawing board for this one, because it’s a big stinky.


If this is accurate, I think you’ve got a bug.

I was in a ~10 person raid group for one of the new Undermine Worldsoul Memories earlier this week. Most, if not all of us, used the “Many Radiant Echoes” option to earn 5x the rewards. I don’t remember what our final score was, but it was well over 100 points. When the event finished, at least 5 of us only received ~30 Coffer Key Shards, while others got 160-170 shards. It was if the 5x multiplier only worked for some people in our group, and not others, including me. I received 32 shards, despite using 5 Radiant Echoes to start the event.

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The event is bugged. You’re probably confusing people complaining about the bug, or bugged rewards, with some meaningful confusion over the event in general.

Doing an x5 and only getting ~30 coffer shards is not worth the time.


Correct, my guess is that the respawns might come slightly quicker just due to them dying instantly… but if you’re in a large group the same mob counts for more “points”.

I did see people grouping for it in season 1, I think in season 2 people aren’t going to bother to do so.

OK… I read this but I’m:


I dont know what the He :ice_hockey: :ice_hockey: I read…


If you’re using some logarithmic scale to dole out rewards I think we have strong evidence to say you’re doing it wrong and you should stop building overly complex systems for paltry rewards. Seriously.


Still not doing these. Also, but some bullets points up for those scores so people can see them.

yep, not remotely worth it for me personally. i did one last season with two other people and i got like 7 key shards or something. i had no trouble killing stuff, there just wasn’t much to kill or do.

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I don’t care about the explanation, or the worthiness of the cause. The ROI on the time invested in these just isn’t worth it for me.
There’s far more interesting content to partake in than running around in these events for a pittance of valorstones and coffer key fragments. I ended last season with something like 30+ coffer keys just one 1 character, what makes you think I’m going to do them THIS season?


So you’re telling me the only way to correctly play this is to earn 5,000 points everytime, got it! - WoW community

Solo Players: Bro my rewards are tiny compared to those 5k groups this sucks!

Thank you for reading Padgarre’s brief introduction to the WoW community mindset 101. It’s all or nothing, or it’s the worst thing ever made!

grind random content to earn partial resources to go and grind other random content to hope to get partial resources to buy skins and sometimes get very undertuned gear.

i guess the valorstones are useful, but they never really line up with the quantity and/or type of crests I need. I am always starved for one or the other and then have to go back into grinding mode so I can to the activities I would prefer doing.

the overall gearing progress has improved over the years, for sure, but this seemingly endless parade of currencies and resources is simply tiring.


The players getting the radiant echos are doing so through bountiful delves only… which can be done solo or in small groups. Why do the developers think the echo reward system needs to be adjusted for large raids of people?

I’ve had too much pizza I can’t think but I’m going with maybe

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I stopped doing them because I was alone in there trying to chase the timer for a reward

:crab: :ocean: :crab: :ocean:


Would of been nice to know this prior to spending to get into 2 Memories.


it has nothing to do with comparing your rewards to somebody else’s rewards. i just think it’s a combination of ‘not a ton of fun’ and ‘not really worth the time spent’ for my personal preference :slight_smile:


I don’t know about you Pyri but I need max juicy rewards all the time cause that is all that matters. BIG MONEY!

And just cause you have cool glasses on doesn’t mean you’re cooler than me!


you know what? i’m convinced. NO WHAMMIES!!


Take the L on this system. It’s bad. It’s not even worth doing for the achievements.

Just make it soloable with a simple point scale that I can understand without a math degree.