World/Server First!

You putting RETAIL and Vanilla or Classic in the same sentence says about enough I think…

I only responded in kind. One or two sentences of my own for one or two sentences of yours.

Well, not all 100 of those posts are ours, and I don’t think it’s really “trying” so much as “easily achieved” at this point.

Might want to read it again, buddy. Those words aren’t in the same sentence.

This hurts my feelings. You thinking you are winning. I /lol in your general direction.

But, Im a bit concerned about this from earlier

Can you please confirm, if you do in fact find me adorable. As I am about to renew my one true gaming sub, that is Tinder.

Not only will it be done the first week but all bosses are gonna be one shot. Its hilarious.

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I am only interested see about server first to level 60. Though it will never repeat what the vanilla experience, it is still a very intense competition world wide.

It doesn’t matter how much time is /played, because the trigger is always the 1st, which is First come first serve. /played is just a measurement.

I think this time the /played would much shorter than the original record (again they are not compatible). I would expect someone do this in between 72 hours to 84 hours. So they will sleep much less this time :smile:

In terms of raid kill, only onyx/rag may matter. But it won’t be from technical difficulties/battle tactics pow, but rather guild management, IMHO.

Jeez, takes me 4 hours of swimming just to find the right island.

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I don’t think Method will need to spend significant time grinding gear. They will roll MC in greens and some dungeons blues from attunements. I’m assuming method has 60 people that are dedicating all their time to classic? Not sure how many people are in Method and will be dedicated to this.

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Nope…every boss has already been beaten 10000s of times.

I’m curious to see if anyone will no life hard enough to beat Rag within a week but every other raid has been cleared day 1 on private servers.

It’s nothing special.

I honestly can’t fathom why anyone would care about classic “firsts”. If there was some new crazy hard core boss that everyone was wiping on over and over, a first kill would be a nice trophy. There is nothing in classic (at least phase 1) that is like that. Everything you could accomplish is pretty easy and the first to get whatever it is… is just the first. It’s gonna be somebody, but it isn’t special.

It’s like celebrating being the first person to check out at the grocery store in the morning. You were the first but… who cares?

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People aren’t exactly gripping their seats wondering what the times will be here. It’s just going to be interesting seeing how much faster people level than Joana’s record. It doesn’t take staring at a twitch stream for this.

Will be more like “Hey cool, someone leveled to 60 in 3 days 23 hours” or whatever. Then something you randomly read on the forum about who killed rag first. I’ll be busy playing.

You have to do the quests too and this is all after staying up for 5 days straight. That’s the issue. It’s doing it all in 7 days.

I’m going for world first to go to bed after playing a few hours.

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Then good luck getting 4 day 10 hour played to 60 as that’s a very slow grind.

oh, I couldn’t help it sorry.

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It took the world record holder longer than that and he had 100% rested xp from lvl 20 all the way to 60.

Method will not have rag down before the first month

World first is in context of rag. It doesn’t matter if it’s vanilla or classic.

Rag was killed 15 years ago.

If you are calling this world first. You’re just wrong.

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Pserver bosses are easier. They have wrong value armor and resistance. Its lower than vanilla was. As well as classes being able to stack armour reduction abilities from warriors, druids and rogues on pservers and world buffs that you couldn’t in vanilla. It mathematically reduced bosses armour to close to -500% according to the pserver devs.

You just do the quests as part of the leveling process and grind the rep at the same time. Pre-qs are obtainable at lvl 55 and the other ones you can do in MC that night and have warlocks to shuttle.

If you have a guild like Method you have people who will be dedicated mules doing nothing but lvl 20 warlocks and parking them all over for transport.

Of course people are. Most of us just don’t care. If you have some kind of job or life with responsibilities, you’re probably not going to play for 100 hours per week.

You can’t be first but you can be next. :sunglasses: