World/Server First!

I’m going for the “Server Last”…

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Going for world first death :slight_smile:


I’m going for world first for most casual leveling experience.

the raiders dont need professions, someone else can(and will) do that for them.

most people seem to severely overrate the gear requirement for MC as well, you dont need bis at all

the rep can be handled by a team dedicated to doing that. in case you didnt know this is how method does things. they have core raiders and an army of alts to help them

… So… they’re somehow going to get there in a week, yet, people leveling professions (that are level-locked per tier and require quests to unlock different bits - and raiding itself to unlock flask recipes) - are going to provide them things that they, by that point, cannot achieve in the given time frame?


You don’t need flasks. Most you’d really need are health/mana pots and those drop from mobs and some vendors.

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you are wrong when you say it cannot be achieved in that time frame.

i dont know if you have ever heard of method but they make a living by clearing raids with less than ideal gear and professions. they wont need flasks

the biggest hurdle here will be leveling, the raid is the easy part. the rep will be handled by a group of mages

Lol the same method that faction changed their entire roster for a slight advantage?

of all the things they have done thats what sticks out to you? tons of guilds have transferred for reasons like that

In Classic? Nope.

They might’ve been getting Ragnaros and Kel’Thuzad kills in vanilla.

So are you, if your standard for being upset is posting about it. Judging by this:

… it wouldn’t surprise me if you’re the one that’s actually upset over this. Maybe drink some water and clear your head. Come back when you’re not inebriated and incapable of thinking straight.

That depends on what is left out of the post.

Leaving “yay” out doesn’t change the meaning of your post at all. I respond to what is worth responding to. If you notice I have a tendency to cut out a lot of your post, it’s because you’re not being very concise.

You’re the one getting hung up on the humor bit, bud. I’ve been talking about the distinction between Classic and vanilla more than anything else.

Is this more of that “humour” with a ‘U?’

Quote about? What are you talking about?

Haha, you’re adorable. Go read my post history and count the likes on my posts compared to yours.

I more or less reply to every single thing in your post a few sentences at a time so that my response to each portion is understood clearly.

Go home. You’re drunk.

And the talent changes, itemization changes, class balancing, modern client, modern add-on API, battlenet, 15 years of collective knowledge, and so on.

There’s also the fact people are starting fresh, and “world first” is obviously short for “world first in Classic”.

Yes, Ragnaros was killed over a decade ago… in vanilla. No one is suggesting that someone who goes to kill Ragnaros in retail is getting world first. That’s because retail is the same game. Classic, on the other hand, is not the same game.

While you won’t be the only one, I think the player base at large either won’t care ( they’ve lost a ton of steam over the years) or they will view it as something already done and not new.

While I think a ton of people are looking forward to Classic, I think most will be looking forward to enjoying it in their own way and won’t be in a big hurry. What everyone else does will be of little concern.

Can I please get a TLDR for this?


Thats it?

Even I was expecting something more.

You disappointment me.

Do you want a TSDR now, too?

And you see this here. EXACTLY WHAT I SAID. Its been done. 15 Years of collective knoweldge and you think its a “WORLD FIRST”

But not in Classic. Your problem is you keep thinking “world first” in this context refers to retail; it doesn’t.

This is the only real roadblock, the time commitment required to have enough people level 55+ to fill a raid.

Why would you ever need everyone to have max professions? Maybe 1 alchemist at 290 to make greater fire protection pots but otherwise don’t know why this would be a barrier.

Geared for MC means you have a warm body level 55+. You need 1 person with Honored Hydraxian rep to douse runes out of 40, more if you don’t want to summon back and forth to the Duke to recharge.

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No. What I want, is for you realise you decided to carry on like a beat up holden commodore on a Saturday night, when I was just trying to have a joke and a laugh. And look where we are know. Nearly 100 posts in, and your still trying to beat a drunk bloke at a game of “FORUM KING”.

World first!