World/Server First!

Tyberim, you are going to upset a certain someone.

I just did that by accident playing hearts of iron 4.

Think I had 4 hours of sleep and 68 hours played.

My secret: lots of skoal xtra, mint.

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The first rag kill is really the only one that’ll be of any interest, where we see just how fast people can level now and face the logistical challenge.

All the other raids are going to be cleared the same day they come out. Who gets first kill on Nef, Cthun, and Kelthuzad is going to be mainly based on who gets all of their raid squad online after the reset first. Probably will be multiple kills within minutes of each other, that’s not very fun.

Obviously people will be loaded with consumables ready and waiting for those releases, along with plenty of gear they’ve been farming.


Can? Yes.

Here’s what I left out of the posts I quoted from you:

Do you think any of that really changes the context of what I was replying to?

No. Career politicians are a problem.

Considering Classic isn’t even out yet, the content hasn’t been cleared at all, let alone over a decade ago.

Don’t confuse responding to someone with being upset with them.

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55 will be fine for mages. Melee ginna be runnin wit fishn poles.

And hydraxian rep.

Really? No one has ever killed Ragnaros? Or Kel’thuzad? Leveled through pre-Cata Westfall?

Dang, I wonder what those several million players back 2004 did with all their game time.


I mentally distinguish between vanilla firsts and classic firsts. I can’t be the only one, can I?

I thought I gave vanilla firsts more weight. But in a way, today’s professionalism will make the firsts competition interesting. Never cared at world firsts before, but today I have an informed opinion about how fast is possible… so seeing the results of these attempts is something I’m looking forward to.

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You seam really upset about this whole classic/vanilla thing…

And yes, leaving things out then posting them later completely changes the context of the replies. Does it not?

Im well on the way to drunk town. I tried to make a funny. Realised some folk didn’t like it. Apologized for my poor sense of humour, and thought we could move on, but nooooooooooooo, you still gotta carry on like a freaking pork chop. Or a girl scout with her cookies stolen. Or a pelican. Or a wingless penguin. Or a jockey without a horse. Or a monkey who dropped his banana. I could go on.

And lets count those hearts you seam so happy to quote about. Im up about 3-0 I think. So there. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

At least @Morehwine 's posts were worth a read. Yours are just select cut and paste of everyone else’s with the bits that suit your replies.

Can we get back to a relaxed fun atmosphere now, if thats ok with you?

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I concur…


If the game is as Vanilla-like as it possibly can be, then it is essentially the same game. Claiming a WF in Classic when people 15 years ago cleared the exact same content with the exact same bosses with the exact same classes doesnt magically make Classic’s kill ‘different’.

The only meaningful difference between Vanilla and Classic is the playerbase.


Your going to give a certain someone a brain hemorrhage .

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Negative flight master.

MC did not come out in 1.12. Specs are different. Maybe node frequency has changed. Threat and debuffs are different.

New firsts won’t diminish old ones, but I think its fair to call classic firsts world firsts (or at least classic firsts).

This is not vanilla. It never will be.

We all know the streamers will I mean they get paid to play WoW 8+ hours a day but I have a life and need money to live and can’t stream so not me :expressionless:

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Well, I’ve never been one to stand in the way of someone so determined to be wrong.

Carry on.


Ill be putting in a lot of hours but i dont plan on pushing to be first or top. If i get there great but i dont practice leveling or run routes.

ya there;s what 15 people MAX in starting zones let’s see how that goes at launch when more then 500 people can play

Hydraxian rep takes 2-3 hours of grinding elementals in Silithus in a raid. People always mention this like it’s some huge barrier but of all the things to accomplishing a first week MC this is easiest.

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Yeh. its nothing. Im almost 100% sure, that people will be using these mobs to level as well as grind rep at the same time.

Top 3 for elysium’s 2nd sever was
3 days 10 hours 48 mins ~ mage
4 days 23 hours 16 mins ~ hunter
4 days 23 hours 33 mins ~ mage