World Quest: Are you kitten on me? Bugged

I was able to complete this WQ on both remaining characters by switching into War Mode. Some people have reported being able to complete it by switching out of WM. Combined with my experience of being able to complete it on two characters without issue early in this reset cycle, and my experience of seeing more and more handholds vanish each time I checked, it almost feels like the handholds “wear out” in a given phase. Maybe sooner on high pop servers. I play on a low pop server and this is the first cycle I’ve ever had a problem with climbing quests.

I’m not suggesting this is intended behavior, but maybe some errant code is causing handholds to have a limited number of uses.


This is the first climbing event that I’ve ever had any trouble with. When it finally expires and pops up at another site it’ll be interesting if it was some type of code messing things up.

Holy shiz. Why did this work? Thanks so much. Right before reset as well.

Same issue on Moon Guard.

It’s back up again after reset and it worked perfectly on main, WM off as usual, same character that couldn’t do it this last weekend except after turning WM on.

broken again. was broke first time i tried last week, came back next day, was able to do it just fine both times it was up. now, yet again it’s missing handholds to progress past the first few jumps.

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Another day, another server maintenance and broke yet again on Thrall.
The starter handhold this time.

Stormrage here… third handhold is missing… Rupert doesn’t work so everyone who tried this (in the fifteen minutes or so I was there) had the same issue… go up two handholds… lose grip and parachute down.

Broken for me. Moonguard alliance.

Ive been to 5 different shards, its broken on 4 of them. The 4th handhold, but also one shard was missing the first one to even start the quest as well.

I just went and tried the workaround but not only was a rock missing, so were the kittens! I don’t know why rocks disappear (and now in this case the kittens as well) but my only personal work around has just been to keep checking back until I’m on a working phase.

Bugged for me as well, first time i could climb the first 5 rocks and no further, then go stuck in a log in/disconnect loop and come back to now only having the first rock available.

This solution has not made the first rock appear for me, it is gone regardless as mode, re-log does not fix. Tried going away few hours, coming back issue persists.

Bugged for me too. I can only go up about 4 rocks or so before theres one missing that stops you. everyone here trying with me is experiencing the same thing.

Can’t even start my climb as there is no rock low enough to start the climb. We just had reset and still dealing with all of these bugs!

Gilneas—Still broken last 2 days, same, same, missing hand hold rock.

Still broken

How does a 10 minute fix for an intern take a month to do?

This could go the same way as the community chat bug… never addressed for years.

I tried several times for a couple days could only go up 3 rocks today i could go up to 5 rocks, my server is Blackdragon Flight, now I can’t remove the gear either and walking away pretty far.

as of today, Jan 3 this is still bugged. Last week you could only go up one or two stones. This week I can’t even start the climb. Please Blizzard fix this world quest!

First rock is missing