World Quest: Are you kitten on me? Bugged

Just used the mounted buddy system to fly a group member up so they can grab a hand hold, and it worked. They dismounted as they grabbed a handhold and completed the quest for us both.

No it’s not.

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We shouldn’t have to group up to do a really dumb quest. This has been going on since it came out. Blizz just being lazy.


Trollbane server, the first rock is missing and then the 3rd and 4th are missing. Can’t even start it

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Trollbane server, the first rock is missing and then the 3rd and 4th are missing. Can’t even start it

Same with me! It’s really weird cause I did it fine on my main this afternoon. Then, when I went on my alt now, I got the bug. I took the advice of other people who said to join groups that didn’t work, and joining groups or sharding only broke it even worse. This time it wasn’t just one rock missing to climb up, the rocks completely disappeared now there is no way to climb up at all. Relogging doesn’t work, shutting off add-ons doesn’t work, nothing works.

Bugged on Suramar. You can go up 10, then no further. Missing a rock.

Fourth shard is still missing

Still bugged on Stormrage

Still bugged on Drak’thrul can’t get pass the second grapple point

Yesterday I only had the missing additional boulder on Lothar. Today though I get the pack and I cannot climb at all. Everything is grayed out. I’ve reset UI as well as logged out and in. No help.

Still bugged on Nesingwary. Was missing the fourth stone and only able to get it to spawn by joining a group. But after getting the fourth stone to spawn after the fifth stone there isn’t a stone, a sixth stone in the line, to reach the seventh stone above the fifth stone.

Also missing, on Sisters of Elune.

Same Issue US_Khaz’goroth
World Quest : Are You Kitten Me?
1 or more Important Rocks Are Missing At The Base of the Climb So No one can Go up.

As this quest was up twice this week, it was definitely fine in the first half, but now
 no rocks to start on. There is at least 3-4 missing rocks at the bottom start of the climb.

Server: US-Korialstrasz

Bugged on US- Emerald Dream as well

First stone missing on Arathor

Is it this hard to fix one quest blizzard smh

Why this is still bugged?
It has being ages!!!

Yup still bugged Zuljin