World PvP is Dead

Didn’t you know that if you transferred off your dying/dead realm after or during Vanilla its definitely NOT because you wanted to maintain your guild/friends circle/or actually play the game, its ONLY because you’re scared to WPvP against people that aren’t even good at PvP?

Apparently I was unaware that this is the only correct reason and got accused of the same thing today on another thread

hillsbrad foothills OFF LIMITS 2 hordes

my alt there but wont ever raid because… west, maybe thats the reason more people dont go to grob, timezones are important for raiders
but leveling was fun tho

Uh-huh, sure.

That’s not what the comments from you in this thread says:
Reinvigorate World PVP - More Rewarding Kills - Burning Crusade Classic Discussion - World of Warcraft Forums (


Come to Grob,

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Like it’s cool I know you don’t like me so you’re not going to answer honestly you’re just going to be disingenuous like you are.

If you weren’t an RP player and you are responsible for 100 people you would not have picked an RP server to go to you would have went to bene like we did.

It was clearly sarcasm I think I’ve seen maybe four horde here the whole time.

i saw a couple barbies leveling in zangmarsh a few days ago
mind controlled then into falling off the planet
i did /wave /kiss him first tho
you know, rules of engagement


Is that some sort of gotcha?

Remove the PVP tag and put PVE what is that going to do?

This accusation offends me. It was the truth.
I have nothing against you, it’s always a fun debate because we hold opposing views.
All in good fun and hopefully someday, to change your mind. :stuck_out_tongue:

But fine, my entire Classic story:
Skeram horde until alliance died.
Sulfuras horde until alliance died. Horde friends quit.
Rerolled Earthfury alliance (35% of realm at best) and they too…died. Bene was forming.
But it was a ton of fun while it lasted, being the underdog. I stayed until it was 1% but at that point, I missed raiding and the server was so small I was ganking the same handful of people.
Obviously it was on the wall that Bene is where everyone from all of my previous servers went, but supermega server doesn’t jive with me. Laggy, overcompetitive AH. Too much going on in LFG to stand out. And why would I want to be around people that were literally the ones who abandoned all of my old homes. It hints to a lack of commitment that you would find in all things…like guild loyalty, or persisting through a few dungeon wipes. Quality.

Not to mention, I need good wpvp to have fun. Moving to be the 90% of a server isn’t fun. 60/40 was the only reasonable choice left. I’m relieved it went to 50/50 now.

The only sacrifice I made was living in EST and playing on PST Grobb.
But I am completely happy with my choice and I just deal with it.
Better than a hollow single faction experience drowning in more people than is realistically necessary.

Curious, how many wandered off to new guilds as soon as you got there?

But yeah, all guild leaders had to sell the best choice to their following.
To say anything but Bene would have been a risk. And one shouldn’t take risks when it could cost everyone.
Still, I will always find it terribly amusing. Herders and sheep.
I merely left the flock.

I was horde in classic, 60 troll priest on Stalaag

Rerolled alliance on whitemane to be a part of the change.

Started whitemane and hit 60 right before bwl launched.

Left whitemane when it got to 90/10 sometime in phase 2 of tbc.

My guild was a day 1 whitemane guild tho.

The Earthfury horde friends I mentioned came from there. Good Morning.
But yeah, Faerlina now.

And I find things like that sad, that they’ve been driven off the server. Years of history, ya?
All server populations have been unnaturally volatile and that makes forming or finding a good community so difficult. It’s a big part of why I will never shut up about Grobb.
Finally a good place for me after struggling through all of classic so far.

flight simulator problems

All you need is the range to land a few good warlock dots.
Flight’s cancelled.

Eh most of whitemane came to Benediction.


(Did you figure out how to make the x bigger?)

Why are you always talking about size?

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I don’t. It killed off my retail server of Emerald Dream. Too many people turned warmode off and we were left fighting randoms from different phased servers.

Glad to have a community back with Classic. Glad to have realm-only WPvP back with a balanced server of Grob.

Grob’s full. We don’t need any refugees. Hope the PvErs are enjoying their boring swamp servers.

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Famous last words.

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things happened because blizzard provided free migration of characters without planning, this made dissatisfied players or PVE players leave or go to realms where their faction was stronger, which generated this imbalance, consequently the imbalance caused many to be forced to leave so they don’t get slaughtered because of it, but this has happened now in season 2 of TBC I play and follow since the beginning of the classic, at least the servers Benediction and Faerlina, anyway that doesn’t change the fact that this situation is not their fault ours and it’s totally pointless, and that BLIZZARD has to fix it. completing I see a problem in releasing for PVE players who are so afraid or who hate PVP to be able to go to PVE realms, because there is a place to have only one faction