World PvP is Dead

The average Grobb player is a back peddling keyboard turning clicker.

Tbf, if you want wPVP, it’s the best server in NA

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Fixed that for ya.

Realistically, it’s hard to say what we have here anymore.
Fairbanks horde and that free xfer wave brought in a lot of heavy hitters. I see plenty of arena titles around.

Good mix of everything on both factions and that’s all that matters.
Both factions.

hilarious how some PVE players live in a bubble and think that everyone thinks like them and that their idea is absolute, Stop talking nonsense, the release of free migrations caused a portion of dissatisfied players to migrate, unbalanced servers which forced others to have to migrate because of the imbalance that was one of the main causes of the servers being as they are today, and not this nonsense idea from you PVE players that “we hate PVP, we have to end PVP, let’s make everything PVE servers of just one faction because that’s the best for everyone and that’s common sense”, WRONG! this problem was caused because of this attitude created by blizzard because of unplanned free migrations. now wants to use as an argument to justify the current situation of servers.

It’s honestly sad, instead of Bene they should have just stacked up Pagle. At least dealing with the other faction is optional on a pve server. The majority of people that tipped over pvp servers without any care for the faction turned minority, is just utterly disappointing. Your gaming experience should not put others out to where they now basically have to leave the server to regain a decent quality of life. I hate how alone I am in thinking balance matters on a pvp server.

A fair amount of it is simply the stigma with pve servers. Why roll there, it must mean you’re bad at the game. Why roll there, you would end up restricted from ever moving to a pvp server. Why limit your choices.
The result…everyone started on pvp servers not actually planning to care about pvp. Or balance. Or anything resembling fair contest. Me me me.

So pve to pvp xfers need to be opened.
Maybe people would go where they actually belong.

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I agree, they should have created their characters on PVE servers, like pagle(full alliance) and mankrik (full horde), I don’t see a problem with releasing migrations for PVE players who want to run from everything PVP Servers can provide, but this PVP Servers pointless situation, can’t continue! PVP Servers are fixed, if necessary release migrations for PVE players to go to their respective PVE realms.

No, no matter how many times this is explained y’all seem to never understand or refuse to listen to it.

We started on PVP servers that was balanced in classic which is where we did all the wpvp we wanted and had a blast.

Servers started swinging in whichever direction and then wpvp was started to happen on servers in tbc that were 70/30 or worse so the minority xfered to a server tipping the scale on that server in tbc to their faction so then the minority did the same thing and rinse and repeat.

People chose these servers in classic and had wpvp.

Most players choices were faction heavy servers so they chose that to be able to actually play the game and giving up wpvp was a small price to pay in tbc as its basically irrelevant and not as fun as it was in classic.

Y’all keep preaching this strange narrative that everyone somehow just was trying to avoid wpvp, they were trying avoid being on a 80/20 server with no one to play with or be able to do anything but die in the world due to the imbalance.

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Its like how every group of friends has that one person who talks mad crap but cant back it up but hes got numbers on his side in most confrontations.

Its not hard to act big when youre the only faction on a server when in reality youre just as much a carebear for transferring to a realm where your faction is 80+ as you claim people who transferred to PvE realms to leave being the 20%

Not talking about you specifically, the yous are just im general


So surely, the other side deserves to not be able to do anything but die in the world due to the imbalance.

No, I understand completely.

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Yes going to SSC on whitemane when it was 90/10 was a blast, the wpvp we all desired, the 3-4 death runs of 25 alliance running into 500 horde.

They make me cool and tough.

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And how often do you kill horde now that you are in the majority on Bene?
Is what happened to you on Whitemane their fault?

world pvp never dies i promise

is this the weekly grob thread?

-Mention of world pvp, someone comes in mentions grob

-certain dwarf hunter comes in and cries about the grob cummunity

-Someone tells him hes wrong

-He goes into a long speel about how grob players are all bad and the server will be all alliance in a couple months

Am i on the money?


No I don’t kill any horde as 20 vs 1 isn’t wpvp to me.

Whitemane isn’t my fault, Guild stayed till it was 90/10, what were our choices??

Should we of gone to Faerlina?

Should we of disbanded the guild?

Or do you go to a server where your guild can thrive but not have wpvp?

If you were the GM of a guild with 2 raid teams where would you of decided to go?

I do think that there is something feeble about players that flee from a PvP server because their pixels died a few times while levelling.

Glad you’re still enjoying your pseudo-PvE server. :slight_smile:

cope and seethe retail avatar
why dont you show us your undead rogue that cant corpsecamp level 20s no more

glad you enjoy retail warmode. :slight_smile:

Grobb. :upside_down_face:

When Earthfury died and my old guild was looking at Bene, I petitioned for Grobb. But they kept @ Bene due to it being the safe option, so I came here on my own.
Then my horde friends on Earthfury now also looking at a dead server, I said Grobb is nice. A few considered it but ultimately…Faerlina won.

For most people, pve game is all that matters.
Or specifically, the safest move is.
A server with both factions as the game was meant to be played is apparently too much risk nowadays.

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