World of Wildstar

Well firstly I’m sure they’d have spent more effort/time getting degrees/knowledge/expertise to get ahead, if all you do is your GED no I don’t think you deserve their paycheck.

Yeah. It is my path.

Don’t touch mine, and I won’t touch yours. Torghast/Visions are a nice balance for me.

Don’t pigeonhole me into your content.

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That doesn’t answer the question.

Where is that CEO when all the workers decide they don’t want to work at that pay anymore.

Where are any of the ceos if the whole world does it.


So giving gear to others is bad for the game?

I’ll mention that to Tetanah and/or Senseilimb.

Well if you want a paycheck at all there will always be people that want to work, well maybe not rn with unemployment + the 600$ but what happens when that goes away and people use up what they saved. Just going to go into debt and default on your payments because you don’t want to go back to work. If you want to eat you have to work. It’s as simple as that, if you want great gear you have to put in the effort/time to get there = to the reward/difficulty.

There is a pandemic. You are asking people to die rather than find other means to pay their bills.

Giving gear you dont need to players is fine, but that has absolutely zero to do with titanforging/corruption as systems being bad for the game. Them being removed will do absolutely nothing to stop you from continuing to give players gear you dont need.

At this point i truly believe you’re purposely trying to confuse people to hide the fact you have no actual point or argument here


That or society recognizes the importance of the lower class citizen. That we are the back bone of the economy and give us fair pay that says we are the back bone.

Who is holding a gun to your head to do “my content” lmao

Dude all I’m saying is that ridiculously easy content shouldn’t provide the same rewards as ridiculously challenging content. Is this so hard of a point to get across? You and whoever else should feel free to do whatever you want, but why should every single person in the game, someone who does world quests, norma raids, visions, mythic raids all ends of the spectrum have the exact same rewards?

At this point in your argument these aren’t even rewards, they’re just par for the course of beating your version of the game.


You brought it up when, in typical elitist style, you said casuals don’t have opinions, but you’ll tell us what to think.

Why are you permitted to issue edicts for the entire playerbase, but I am not permitted to have an opinion on anything without your permission?

This is a lie you made up to stroke your ego. You have no idea what i want or how I play the game. You don’t want to hear it, because you already “know” everything you want to know about those you despise as “casuals”.


Regardless of systems, gear is gear. You are right there about not stopping my charity.

But my point being why are you conflating charity with… charity? I’m not trying to confuse and I apologize, but charity remains charity.

There are millions of people that are essential to keeping supplies and food on your table yet they aren’t getting anything for it, as far as I’m concerned they should be getting that 600$ as hazard pay so you can stay home. I agree the US is doing a crappy job of keeping us home until we get this resolved but unless they pay everyone like 2k a month we’ll never get rid of this and personally I don’t think it’ll ever go away even if everyone stayed at home right now for 6 months. But no point bickering about how incompetent the US government is this late into it, I mean they only just made wearing a mask a law after 6 months.

Tetanah with her insistence of “440 for solo”.

I am not making that up, her words, not mine.

And charity is fine, but the topic at hand is titanforging/corruption having no place in the game, not whether carrying other players through dungeons for gear is bad or not (which it is not).

If you speak of me personally, I’m going to college so I can escape the Circle of Damnation.

You clearly haven’t been paying attention to how long it took them to do that compared to other countries, they don’t care about you, they’re trying to let a big chunk of the population get infected, recover then onto the next wave. Trump is all about economics which from my perspective he’s doing great with but as far as lives go I doubt they really care as far as the house/senate, they only care about their own pockets until one of them gets infected and then and only then it becomes serious.

That is charity. If others get a TF piece, that is my efforts paying forward.

If that is the case.

Why are people so belligerent to people when they make a mistake?

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Quote me when I said you didn’t have an opinion.

Who is issuing an edict? You really want to tell me that, if looking at this game from an outsiders perspective, the amount of rng we currently have involved in loot isn’t at least confusing for people?

I don’t have a clue what you want, or how you play the game but based on this response I can tell you’ve got the smallest ego I’ve ever seen. It’s funny how the people who want things handed to them for doing nothing but paying a subscription always accuse others of attacking them, when in reality 95% of the time all people are doing is criticizing a system in a video game.

I don’t hate you, I don’t despise you. I don’t hate anybody but you seem to be really this offended that someone stated an opinion about rng affecting loot in a game where loot is supposed to be at least a tad bit linear.

And before you accuse me of doing this just to spite you or because I hate you, just remember that you’re the one that started with this identity nonsense, when all I ever said was things involving game design.

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I’m not making you do my content, I just don’t think you should be rewarded the same for not doing it lol, if it wasn’t any clearer than that I don’t know what to tell ya. It’s like you’re wanting to skip all the leg work it takes to get a degree in something and get the end reward, instead of going to school for 10 years to earn it.