World of Wildstar

When did they say you had to do “their” content though?

Pretty sure all they’re saying is effort should equate to reward. Don’t tell me a horrific vision is the same amount of effort as a raid, because it ain’t.

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Titanforging is not charity. Giving players gear you dont need is charity, but that has nothing to do with titanforging. Titanforging is a bad system that devalues gear and higher level content by giving players access to high end gear without having to put in the same effort/doing the same content as players who are doing said higher level content.

There is no reason anybody should be able to get gear comparable to that of mythic raid quality without going and doing mythic content themselves, or very high level PVP.

This reminds me of when people confuse toxicity with elitism when they get booted from a group for not being able to carry their own weight.

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There can be arguments made about that as well but I think what people forget.

This isn’t real life it’s a video game which people purchase for entertainment. Does someone else getting gear a slightly easier path yet, one that takes longer somehow adversely effect your own entertainment? If so how is that? Maybe this is something that should be examined.

Yet you know who is adversly affected by not being able to continue to progress their character in the content they enjoy?

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I just did. You dismissed it.

The game as it is now isn’t worth the sub. Maybe with the SWTOR model, maybe. But I’d rather it be a F2P MMO.

Why do people keep talking about titanforging as though it still exists? Have none of you played lately?

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What if the charity item TF’d?

What then?

I’m aware that it thankfully no longer exists. I am restating why it doesn’t belong in the game because it has been brought up in this post.

You are now flat out lying. I will try to explain this again, even giving you the benefit of the doubt that you didn’t intend to take my snippet of a sentence out of context.

“Bringing back semi-linear gear progression isn’t an opinion” is what I said. As in, this is the direction blizzard is going. This is on alpha/beta as we speak. If you took that as “if anyone thinks otherwise I hate you and think you’re an idiot”, you aren’t great at context.


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Corruption is even more volatile than titanforging. In any of these discussion you can swap the words out and the points would be exactly the same.

I still dont get what that has to do with titanforging being a bad system. The player would simply get gear they deserved even less, which again devalues gear and higher level content for higher level players

Wait, this is lying?

I’m gonna stop you right there on that.

Again, I feel as if you’re either being disingenuous on purpose or not getting the core point here. Charity can be done with or without casino systems on top of loot.

Titanforging/corruption adds a layer of volatility that makes gear progression less relevant, and as a game in a genre that is built on gear progression, many people see this as an issue.

The core point being charity of any kind is despised by anyone who agrees with you.

Now I’m thinking you are lying.

No, I’m gonna keep going. That was in response to another individual, (I think you actually) who was trying to misconstrue a statement as some sort of edict. So that’s twice now you’ve twisted words.

I will say this again. Linear loot progression is coming back. This is a fact, not an opinion.

I mean true.

They could make it so the world quests and such just reward progressively better and better loot and remove the cap at which it ends. So Titanforging is basicly still around without the RNG of it.

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The game was tuned around players of all ilvls having a certain percentage of titanforged gear. It wasn’t a matter of "oh, just get rid of that titanforged gear those people didn’t deserve. High titanforges were very rare and insignificant in the overall scheme of things. If you did much mythic+, you got more than your share. That’s why it was so odd that people who were covered in 100% perfectly itemized high titanforged gear blamed casuals getting a 5 ilvl upgrade from a world quest for everything wrong with the game.

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I’ll put it this way if you’re an lfr player you’re going to get geared for lfr, it’ll gear you out enough so you can do that content and open the door to move into normal, no I don’t think you should be able to get lucky and get a titanforge or corruption that turns your 440 item into a 475 and or a corruption that makes the ilvl irrelevant. Nor do I think you should be able to get basically what is designed to be a group reward around solo player content.

Visions should cap at like heroic but only give you one piece a week or maybe even have a currency system attached to it to buy slots like we’ve had in the past, I believe broken shore had something like that and way before in the lich king with badges etc. But you’d have to do quite a few of them to get an item, almost like residuum but the azerite vendor is kind of bad in that regard also, just as bad as the weekly cache.

You shouldn’t be able to deplete a 15 and get a 475 item as far as I’m concerned, it should scale more the higher your key goes. I like and agree m+ should be an alternative to end game but I don’t think it should surpass raiding because it’s spammable, you get more loot and it requires less people. It capping at 465 is fine with me but I would get rid of the weekly mythic cache or better yet tie it to the content you’re doing when raiding is concerned.
I didn’t mind the quests you’d get from mission boards to go kill this boss or that boss and you’d get a heroic piece of loot for killing a heroic boss, I think those were once a week at various lvls as well but at least you were doing the content to earn that ilvl of gear. Not completely negating it and going straight to mythic.

I heard a lot of shoulds and Shouldn’ts but nowhere in that Rhetoric did I see you answer the question.

100/100 Dodging skill.

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That was Ursocat.

Lording over others is meant to be opinion, not fact.