World of Wildstar

I think it’s pretty clear what I said. Bringing back semi-linear gear progression isn’t an opinion. It’s not me telling you what you want or need, I’m simply stating a fact. Blizzard is bringing back somewhat fixed gear progression again. Stop this casual identity stuff and just admit that what you really want is the gear from more difficult content to be randomly made available through lower difficulty content.

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I guess the only solution I have if I want to play solo… Is reroll as Sylvanas or Thrall.

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Why are you so stuck on Blackfuse? You absolutely can solo him even as he stands before any nerfs/hotfixes.

I’m speaking of Galakras. Or Mythic Eonar.

i know this isn’t the point, but… i kinda liked wildstar. had a small handful of features WoW should add one day…

player housing, double-jump (for ALL classes), customizable mounts (not just colour), tintable armor, the ability to dodge, having to actually aim abilities (only place i can see this being an issue is healing, i just… can’t get past the idea of someone dying cause my aim sucks)… i miss that game. only issue, the lore was kinda lame, but that’s easily fixable with either a tv-series, or spin-off mini-games.

But you said raids can be soloed as current content and maintain mechanics and difficulty

The last time someone stated superiority over others as fact, wars happened. There’s one going on right now IRL via the BLM protests. Guess who it’s against. Hint: It’s not the working class citizens.

Thread tbh didn’t have a point. I made it half hearted. While touching on some things I genuinely believe in. It is intentionally over dramatic for entertainment flaire. And mostly just here to serve as a place of discussion of the reward structure and difficulty level in general.


The only thing I will be doing in a group in shadowlands will be raids and dungeons. The rest is fully soloable in world obtained gear , Torghast is solobale content and you will get quite a bit of upgrades from there

Yeah, going forward.

With new tech borrowed from Torghast.

Obviously not with BFA or even SL 9.0’s tech. But a later patch or expansion, maybe?

so… my feelings on those wildstar systems are valid?

…good to know. :slight_smile:

Not going to get derailed here. A loot system with linear tiers like wow (lfr,n,h,mythic) has no real rhyme or reason to have a dice roll mechanic to turn lower quality loot into higher quality loot.

What do you even mean by “pay it forward culture”? The only thing i can think of is when a person who has a really easy time with heroic or normal helps someone out who doesn’t. Being kind to others because they were kind to you, that’s paying it forward.

You make it sound like blizzard has some sort of hidden tip jar where every time a mythic raider gets a piece of loot it adds a hidden .01% chance for an LFR piece to titanforge, like…what?


But you would be limiting design, there would be things you couldn’t do because you would have to design with the solo player in mind.

You can make difficult solo content, but for creative purposes it should be separate from large group content

I’m not even going to entertain a comparison about loot in an MMO to real life violence and world war 2.

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That is not correct.

I myself run Heroic Dungeons for charity. More often than not I carry, and the people I carry need gear.

That could be a good friend later on down the road. That’s paying it forward.

Issue really is the gear cap will be reached rather quickly. Titan forging left it pretty hard to ever really max out your character if you was playing what people consider lower tier content. Once a person can no longer progress their gear any further what do they do? Is there any point to remain playing at that point? So now that content will be good for maybe a month, versus when it was able to last for the entire expansion.

My dollar per hour ratio is getting gutted

tbh I will have to redo the math and determine if my money isn’t better spent somewhere else that has a better ratio per dollar of entertainment.

Good for you. What does this have to do with titanforging? Yeah, if they need gear nice of you to help them out and I regularly help out people with mythics and other such things too. Helping someone out/carrying them is very different from the “linear” loot system being fundamentally unstable.


Then quit stating superiority over others as fact.

To me it just sounds like you’re stuck in a rut and just because you sub you should be getting mythic equivalent gear for doing lfr. That’s all I’m hearing.


“I was just pretending to have a dumb argument”
This was pretty inflammatory of a post lol. You didn’t mean for this to be a “discussion”, go look at posts on the alpha forums or other threads actually wanting feedback.

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That is not correct.

I want Mythic for doing Mythic Solo, and LFR for doing LFR solo.

It’s the tuning, not the number of players.