World of Wildstar

So let me see if I get this right

So now solo play being harder then group play is also a reason it shouldn’t exist and get relevant rewards?

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Which will be designed around it, but you have to limit that design, you can’t have things that require multiple players

Which is why people aren’t fond of mechanically unsoloable encounters like Mythic Eonar.

Not what I’m saying, you can have hard solo content, but it had to be designed with that in mind

Loot should be loot, as it is in every other worth talking about MMORPG out there. I’m not sure what this diatribe is about random rng nonsense turning lower quality loot with lower effort into higher quality loot because you want to play a casino.

I have never seen such a ridiculous amount of hyperbole in a post, quite insane.

No there’s not.

What in the world are you talking about?

Classic had a tighter knit community than retail and I hate classic, this makes zero sense and is just more whining about not getting free stuff.


Stop with this victim complex nonsense, nobody is attacking casuals, nobody is trying to take anything away from you. LFR is not going anywhere, ever. It will always be there for the megacasuals who want to do it, and I’ve no issue with it, but there should be no reason an LFR piece of loot should randomly hit a dice and become mythic quality. That is not a good reward structure.

As a previous poster has said, I will quote because it summarizes my point quite well. “Losing WF/TF and corruptions re-establishes proper progression.” As a “casual” this has no bearing on them because if anything it’s even easier now to figure out what to do. You follow a BIS list or whatever and if you want to stop at normal great you’ve achieved all the best gear for the content you’re running.

WF/TF created this clownshow of no loot mattering because all it meant was you just sort of ran random things and hoped you got that TF/WF or bis corruption. You weren’t playing to get a specific piece, you were playing to roll the dice on a dopamine hit which at its core broke WoW’s established progression structure which worked for years.

Don’t worry, Blizzard will keep catering in many ways to the least common denominator, as they have been for a while, and that’s not an insult. The mythic raiders, normal raiders, casuals who don’t can exist on their own accord because everyone will play the way they want anyway, as they always have. Nothing about wow is fundamentally changing.


More like in classics direction. I personally like attunements and hope it comes back, I want class quests to be back and want this game to be more RPG heavy.


Gear should be “fit for purpose” . That is if you only do open world stuff teh gear you get from there should allow you to do it and be geared enough to enter the next level up , which it does without titan forging.

You do not need hi level gear to do world content , it makes no difference to your ability to do it one little bit.

It annoys the hell out of me that I have Mythic raid quality pieces through the residuum vendor when I havent killed a mythic boss ( though I am not going to gimp myself by not using a system thats in the game ) . It should not be , it is BAD for the game. No gear should be for sale , BOEs should not be a thing . All gear should be earned by doing the content that drops it, as well as all crafting recipies should drop from content that the gear is being made for


What does that have to do with anything? People loved blackfuse and that wasn’t soloable until we could do the dps to trivialize it

No, not at all. You should get relevant rewards in relation to what you’re doing. In no capacity should solo play award gear to get you into mythic raiding however.


Ion Hazzikostas, the Game Director, is a Mythic Raider.

The game is favoring difficult non-Torghast content in SL.

Then why are some people upset at others getting upgrades?

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Not Blackfuse.


I don’t have strong feelings that this is true. I think the move toward player-gated content and away from open content is a reflection of the devs’ view that all content being player-gated during vanilla is what made wow great.

I’m glad we have someone like you to tell us what we think, because clearly you think casuals have no opinions of their own and need to be told by paragons like you what they want.


What? Now you make no sense

Galakras at one point was mechanically impossible to solo.

Before the hotfix, you needed one other person to man the cannons.

As was blackfuse before we had the dps

I or nobody else is upset at someone getting an upgrade, I’m upset that the reward structure in this game was and is currently still broken. Gear progression is largely linear, and there SHOULD be various ways to attain a “tier” of gear. If you want heroic/mythic0 dungeon quality gear to be available from various sources sure but the very best quality gear in the game should be tied to the CONTENT, not a pair of dice that decides you can get that same gear from LFR.

And why exactly should torghast provide the same quality of gear as a heroic or mythic raid if it is no where near as difficult? Same argument as before, difficulty should equate to rewards.

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I don’t mind the boes but I agree with the rest you said, boes typically before corruptions didn’t make that big of a difference, yes it gave you a leg up but everyone had access to them from another part of the game which is economy related. Currently the economy in wow is more enjoyable to me than most if not all the game rn other than mythic raiding and maybe m+. As long as everyone has access to it I’m fine with it, it also creates a market for those at the top and the bottom to farm up some income as well.

Blackfuse is more of a mechanically interesting encounter than a mechanically impossible encounter.

It rewarded those who were extreme soloers. Galakras… no.

But blackfuse would have been impossible to design as current solo content, it couldn’t have existed in you solo raid world

That didn’t answer my quesiton.

Why are some people on the forum upset about any sort of pay it forward culture?