World of Wildstar

There isn’t any difficult solo player content in wow that’s just it lol.

That makes no sense.

You can fail Visions, and that can drop 470 loot on the first Five Mask Run if cleared. The 470 will be there if you fail, as it didn’t drop.

You don’t think Solo is more punishing of mistakes? Solo if you screw up there is no way to course correct. You are done.

There is no battle rezzes.

There is noone there to heal you threw it

noone to pick up the slack.


That’s just people overreaching that clearly don’t know what they’re doing or how to do it. visions are a joke with a rank 15 cloak no matter what gear you have, you only need to pull one pack at a time. There are over geared mages that sell carries that pull a single pack at a time carrying upwards of 2-3 people. There’s no skill required in that regard when you have one or maybe two mechanics to deal with when you aren’t pulling the whole room.


They used a technique that works on the Kalecgos encounter in Sunwell to allow both raid splitting and soloing.

“Seeing” and “meeting” other people suggests having the option of interacting with them in whatever way you want. You get to choose friends who have the same interests as you, even if your shared interests have nothing to do with wow, even if they don’t play at the same level as you.

You’re talking about forced grouping because you think people who make friends as normal humans do are doing it wrong and need to be forced into competitive play, which is occupied by angry control freaks. But they fit right in, because the game now is being designed by control freaks for control freaks.

Wanting to control who can be friends with whom and what interests they may share is remarkably antisocial. You should think about that before you declare who is permitted to share your beknighted pixels - have they sucked up to the elite enough yet? - and who should be forced to play solitaire with a deck of cards, to make you happy.

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Answer this then.

Why do people hate affixes in their runs? Like Split Personality, Leaden Foot, M+ Affixes, etc.?

That’s just it nothing since like vanilla and bc is punishing what so ever. If you’re taking examples from bfa then you clearly haven’t played for that long. BFA is by far the worse expansion ever, the bar has been lowered so far it’s embarrassing.

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You’re not explaining at all how it would work while keeping the mechanic intact.

You would have to limit creativity with raids to do solo raids while keeping the difficulty, which is why it should be separate content for solo/small group and raids

Because it slows them down, if you’re getting hit by those they need to get their eyes checked as your entire screen starts pulsating, heck there’s addons to make it even more easier.

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I get that alot, but then I bring up Cata/MOP 10/25.

You do realize that doesn’t help your argument right? 10 and 25 had wildly fluctuating difficulty between the two

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Right. It wastes time.

Now to ask another question.

Exclusivity, the OP’s concern with this thread, and wasting time have a thing in common. What is it?

Wasn’t 10s at one point harder then 25. Which people perceived as weird.

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I kinda support this direction wow is taking.

In what way? What is the direction you see it taking? Why do you support that?

It went back and forth, 10 horridon was a lot harder, and garrosh required so much dps it was one healed

Yeah, some fights favored larger sizes, others favored smaller sizes.

But the fact you say it doesn’t support my argument tells me you have an agenda to push.

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No, because it proves you can’t change raid size while maintaining equal difficulty

The point here is technology evolved since then, see Torghast.