World of Wildstar

People are entitled to their opinion /shrug. I still love doing antorus even today.

Aside from eonar, screw eonar.

Haven’t paid $ to wow since wod, gold was easy to make back then, it’s a joke now. Also I have too much time invested in this game to up and quit, I mean I’ve quit for a year there and maybe 3-6 months durations a year or two ago and then in the lich king for a few months but you never really quit, it’s only a break.

money, gold, time, why do business with people who don’t like your playstyle ?

time invested is a strange reason to keep eating poop…

people don’t want casuals 6 piece nuggets to mcforge into a 20 piece mcnuggets

while they’re stuck with 6.

Can you say that in english please.

Ralph is just the resident troll, don’t take him seriously.

I’m aware, why do you think I was being silly with my response

It really hasn’t been around that long. The forging concept as a whole has, but it changes each expansion as there are exactly zero expansions that have used the same forging concept.

Even ignoring Titanforging in BfA, you could gear to roughly 450 ilvl without touching content where people would actually care about how good are geared you are. 450 is higher than Normal Raiding and Mythic+6 Dungeons. And you can get higher than that via Horrific Visions if you are capable enough to do higher mask runs. If you’re willing to do Mythic 0 Dungeons (people still don’t care about your gear/experience much here) you can get the 460 reward from the quest, too. Same for Heroic Warfront (another thing where it really doesn’t matter if you’re ahead of the curve or not).

It is not necessary for people ignoring content because they don’t want to deal with people to have the highest ilvl. You have your own progression path set by the content you do. There’s still a large amount of progression on that path.

Not everyone has the same endpoint, because of their own choices, and that’s fine.


I mean, this could have been their big moment to introduce progression for solo players with Torghast, but they decided the only thing it will be dropping is materials for crafting legendaries and cosmetic stuff.

Not sure why they would make such a decision with something that is to be an expansion seller… but I have no idea how Blizzard’s logic works these days.

Really never had a problem with forging pre legion, 6 ilvl was a nice bonus.

Yup, if Warlords did anything right it was that raid loot could roll higher and quest items could sporadically upgrade from greens to rares or epics as well. I’m even fine with WQ content rolling higher like raid content, but the biggest problem TF had was unrestraining it to be a complete mess of where do I go for rewards.

FWIW, I do agree that Torghast should probably have some form of gear drop. Or a currency for a gear vendor if actual full drops would be too lucrative. I don’t believe solo content should be as rewarding as group content, and I don’t believe entry-level content should be able to get the highest ilvl just at a slower pace (I like the style of the Titan Residuum vendor a lot - you only get upgrades through it at a reasonable pace if you’re running content appropriate for the ilvl you’re buying), but gear as a reward is like, the baseline for a form of content to not feel like it’s just eating your time for no tangible reason.

If Torghast is just a forever grind for AP/Legendary Mats, sure, maybe it’ll be more necessary than Island Expeditions were (because of the legendaries), but each run is going to feel just as “empty”.

This is literally nothing like wildstar. Wildstar dropped loot from every dungeon boss and loot from a chest at the end depending on your medal. In wildstar your side profession was a side gig that rarely had any effects in raid.

This is eq not wildstar and Ion has very clearly wanted EQ back for a while.

There also wasn’t anything wrong with attunements it made story sense to progress through challenges.

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but torghast does drop something, and it’s not even a forever grind for mats, I think it’s like “You can only get X mats per week, then any subsiquent runs is purely for fun and optional, i mean you might get a cosmetic item here or there but nothing related to progression.” that’s what we’ve been told it’s going to be like.

WoD was great until the eq faction decided to push their no flight weirdness which killed subs hard. That led to pulling all resources out which is a shame because wod had great dungeons and raids. Legion became tolerable after the softcap was removed and it wasn’t necessary to spam 500 maws for ap. The first part of legion though was on level with BFA.

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Why not?

There really is no reason to make this statement other than to exclude. If you want to argue ‘effort’ and ‘skill’ encounters can be scaled for difficulty for solo players just as it can with M+ and even raids. Honestly, the only person who is saying that solo content need only be ‘entry level’ is you.

All methods of play should have an option and be rewarded. This MMO = raid or die is such an old and archaic mindset, imo.

We had this same argument when they introduced M+ as a concept and the raiders were more concerned with losing their exclusivity than anything else, but at the end of the day the game is made better by having more options that cater to all play styles.

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Getting BiS was literally a driving point of the game basically until legion where titanforging just made it absolute pain.

So, island expeditions then? I don’t grind content for cosmetics.

You cannot make solo player content as hard as you can make 5 man much like you can’t make 5 man as hard as you can make 20 man. There are more points of failure. The only reason that M+ eventually gets harder is it scales infinitely to the point you need to abuse stuff like los to not get one shot. It doesn’t add new mechanics or anything if raids could continuously scale they would by default be harder because of more points of failure.