World of Wildstar

The redundant currencies gets a little boring for me in FF14. You have to learn how which 3-4 currencies work currently for current gear, how each raids has it’s own currencies too. Maybe a bit too much currencies.

Also it’s kinda a weird loot system how you kinda bet on getting some items. And if you don’t win your bet, you have to do the content again to get those pieces of loot. While in wow you do the raid once you’re done.

The crafting part is great, but not a fan of the way rare ressources are gathered by being time locked basicly.

I hated attunements and was reminded of that when I played Wildstar (I personally loved that game, tbh). That’s one thing I’m glad Blizz scrapped.

There was nothing worse than when I started in BC and I got stuck in a guild with terrible people, but they were one of the few guilds that was newly formed and beginning Kara while most of the server was on SSC or BT. Plus, being a noob and a bear tank, I had very little options…

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There’s problems for sure, i don’t think i would want wow to adopt the “bosses drop currency that can only be used for 2 pieces and you need 1-4 of” route they do with their queuable 8 mans

But just the 3 main ones, the low level gear, mid level gear and the rng protection of the savage raid.


WoW isn’t too far behind, especially in BFA, with getting out of hand with varied curriences. Just to reiterate, they need to bring back Valor and JP and leave it at that. Keep it simple!

Yea, you have those two and you dump valor into jp when new gear gets put on the vendor.

Honor and conquest fully brought back as pvp currency too.

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EQ was built around forced grouping. WoW was built around being able to solo most of the game. It has been changing back to the EQ play style but it wasn’t started that way and the highest sub points people didn’t play that way.

1% saw Naxx.
Most players never saw more than Kara in BC.
Wrath was the first time most players cleared a raid.

Yeah I don’t want highly competitive gameplay - solo or group.
I want an immersive persistent world to play in.
I want the devs to stop making ilvl go as high in end game as it does in all leveling. In BFA you went from 1-what 280 level just leveling from 1-120? 120 endgame you go from 280 ilvl - 450? Too much reliance on end game and the competitive side.

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And while they’re at it, bring back PVP class sets, resil, and pvp power lmao

Sigh…I miss MoP…

For some reason they believe pvp stats “have no place in the current game”

I know I personally hate being forced to pvp for things to use in pve (hello c&s, bote), i’m sure a lot of them hate having to pve for gear to pvp.

Though, i guess if they break M+ gearing like they plan, no one can gear through m+ :stuck_out_tongue:

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I’d much rather be able to look at a list, decide what my best options are, and peruse those.

I don’t care if the best my gear will ever be is way below mythic raiders. Just knowing there’s a definite point I can reach to say I’m “done” gearing up is a huge blessing.

See I don’t care about any of what you want lol, I only care about being better than other players, being in competitive content couldn’t care less about the lore, story and this game hasn’t been immersive since I was like 13-15 when I first started playing it. If I wanted to get immersed in something I’d go watch a movie/series or even read a book. Heck watching an anime would be more immersive than this poc.

As far as Ilvl goes, everything has been inflated not just ilvl over time. This is why they’re doing the level squish. But it’s not like it’s difficult to gear, you could literally outgear a mythic raider in legion in like 3-4 weeks which I did on an alt I boosted, it outgeared and out dpsed my fully mythic geared main.

Bfa is even worse when gearing is concerned, they’re throwing out gear as if they were having a fire sale. Everything is a joke to progress with the exception of blizzard not testing their fixes when cloak catch ups and such are involved but this late into the expansion it’s not like it really matters unless it’s for an alt most people won’t play past norm or heroic content.

You forget the RPG aspect of the game. RPGs generally have progression systems for power where you do progressively harder content for progressively better rewards. No one got the Ultima Weapon in the old school Final Fantasy games for killing overworld mobs. You had to do challenging content to get the best rewards.

Frankly, I don’t care if you solo or group, but if they’re going to give out powerful rewards, then it better be from actual difficult content. Not a lucky RNG casino style titanforge from a mindlessly easy emissary daily.

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Actually, Ultima weapon in ff7 was pretty easy to get… ultima weapon for cloud.

You may hate the idea but removing LFR is the best thing Blizzard could do for the casual gamer. LFR is WHY you are so afraid of raiding at a higher level. It’s a cesspool of toxic behavior that get’s rewarded for supporting other toxic behavior with sub par loot. In a real pug raid (normal or up), it only takes the raid leader to remove a trouble maker, and since they want the run to be fast and smooth, they WILL. Toxic leader groups fall apart before they even start, without that queue to keep feeding them victims.

I feel like we’ve had enough bad RP choices thrown down our throats for the players who do quests to have to suffer through having to play the game to play the game

Sounds fair

This is where I disagree with those against wf/tf. I don’t care about it going away, I just never liked this as one of the reasons why people hated it. You can, on your own, decide when you are done gearing up. The game shouldn’t have to do it for you.

You don’t have to keep going back to that one raid you hate over and over trying to hit the jackpot on getting that trinket to wf with a socket when you got the normal version of it already. Is that extra 1% or 2% output really worth it?

There was a topic a little bit ago about developers having to save players from themselves and I think this is a prime example of that. Someone else made a comment about how the community is obsessed with optimization and I think that fits here as well. People criticize blizzard and say they design the game by spreadsheet now but ignore that all of the decisions we make as players are driven by this mindset as well. Pick the best, ignore the rest.

I barely ever get toxic people in lfr.

Without LFR we may not get such expansive raids, I have nothing against LFR.

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But when would that even be? If the sky’s the limit on how high ilvl goes, what point would I even pick as “good enough”?

Without whateverfoging that limit is clear and straight forward. You have all the gear from the highest form of content you care to tackle, you’re done.

All things in wow vecome trash when a next expansion hits.

I hate that aspect of the mmos, but is necesary aspect to make progres mor managebale

You missed the nuance. I wasn’t complaining about level inflation alone. I was calling out ilevel inflation during endgame almost as much as ilevel during 1-120. 120 Endgame raises your power almost as much as leveling from 1-120.

TIF that’s what you want, cancel levels, get rid of the world content and turn the game into a dungeon/raid simulator with a lobby to wait in. BTW - that’s not an MMORPG.

Of course you don’t, LFR is where all the non-toxic people go to avoid “real” raiders.