World of Wildstar

Yes so you personnaly don’t care, I get it.
But saying that other people don,t care and shouldn’t care is another.

More than welcome to cite where I made any point remotely close to that.

Well the store is optional, only those with addictive personalities indulge in it for one reason or another. It all boils down to priorities. There have been people that have spent like 2-20k real money on mobile games, people like that need a therapist. There is even a big controversy about micro transactions or just store items in general taking advantage of people with loot crates or what ever.

I personally think a large portion of the human population are morons and if they’d rather starve for that pixelated item in a game then they reap what they sow themselves, it’s not on the company or their problem, their priority is to make money and to give people options that they may or may not have access to other decent mounts in game and it promotes people to keep playing. Common sense or just a logical point of view isn’t as common as you’d think which is why these systems/micro transactions are such a big money maker, If I designed a game I’d add skins to it just like H1Z1, could make bank.

Difference with loot crates is that its more or less gambling, buying something on a store where you can already see what you are getting is something else entirely.

Nothing reflects the effort put in when you really get down to it. Mythic raiding which outside of high ranking PvP has no equal in terms of difficulty and M+ while uncapped in terms of numbers is capped in rewards. These three things are the current and likely future path for upgrading gear in the end-game. There is no reason to ever push keys beyond what the maximum reward is and because Mythic raiding has been determined by Blizzard to be the ultimate end game, M+ must cap at or just below Mythic raiding. With the current end game design existing every content update will invalidate all old content and push people right into the new content… this is a mistake but it seems to be the path Blizzard decided to follow. It is impossible to not invalidate old content (raids) as long as you desire to make M+ always be relevant (which in essence is old content staying relevant).

Same difference, how many mounts are there, if they buy one what’s to stop them from buying another and another. They’re still making a conscious decision to spend money on something that is digital, loot crate or not, the loot crate would probably be more profitable since you can buy the same one over and over.

I’m specifically talking about loot crates, what people buy at an individual level is their own business. If they can’t stop themselves, it’s their problem.

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Shop shouldn’t be in wow as we pay monthly sub for it.


This community always has been and always will be hot garbage. People love controlling what content other players get to experience, and that’s why they hate things like LFR. It removes that power they had over the “lesser” gamers.

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I’m one of those that understand this a lot, even if I raid mythic I don’t care that LFR exist. As long as you don’t make it so I have to do it for powers/gear if I raid mythic. It woudn’t make too much sense then right?

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I disagree.

For one thing, few want to be running the same raids all expansion, I can’t imagine more than a few did it for fun in Vanilla and TBC. One could say the same about M+, but they change it enough that the people who do it seem to get a different experience out of it. Would prefer we just get a smaller selection of dungeons each raid patch.

For another, them putting a cap on gear doesn’t mean that gear isn’t worth the effort, it’s just that gear can’t be endless, it would hurt game design. Doing a 15 and getting 465 is still about where it should be.

I have no sympathy for solo players ruining this MMO with their demands.

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I never bought into wildstar so I don’t know how bad their attunements are. Did it look like the GW2 Legendary crafting flowchart? Because that was one long, convoluted and RNG-filled disaster.

It was pretty bad

They had to nerf it early on.

While I don’t know the specifics, that does look like an awful quest as well. It’s kind of funny that it begins with you buying the attunement key - you’d figure that would be it for your attunement. It would be like, to do Antorus, you have to get the entire Lightbringer meta achievement finished. Yikes.

If you ask me, Valor and JP were the best system, especially once Blizzard allowed for players to upgrade their gear in MoP. I enjoyed how it worked BC - MoP. Never saw a reason for it to change, and I definitely enjoyed when I could use the gear at vendors to fill holes in slots that I hadn’t been lucky enough to get.

Also, bring back gemming and reforging…

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If you want to see a pretty good loot system look at ffxiv. They have crappy loot variety (only one set at each ilvl for each set of jobs), but the way you get it is pretty spot on.

You have a good set you can CRAFT and it’s very useful.
You then have an easy to get casual set from currency, uncapped
then a harder to get casual set with a capped currency
There is also a set that drops from the casual raids.
And you can upgrade the gear you get from currency by doing another raid (the 24 man)
then you have savage content with dropped gear, but to help with RNG each boss also drops a “page” and when you collect enough pages you can buy the loot.

It’s a good mix of deterministic looting and RNG.

So you want people who play solo to be forced out of the game? I really don’t understand this thread. I’ve been playing mostly solo for 13 years and enjoyed the overwhelming majority of it. I did unsub frequently early on before LFD and as late as WoD because pugs kept kicking me and LFR gave trash drops.

That’s why WoD failed, there was too much discrepancy between what you could get in a heroic 5-man and what you needed to pug normal. There were zero gap-fillers, and no one wanted to help you gear up even if you survived the encounter and the boss went down.

I level mostly through dungeons, and I take active part in the economy. Single player games tend to be linear, and as a result boring. In fact I’m so spoiled playing this I can’t even get into the single player Final Fantasies I used to enjoy.

Plus when I do group it’s most often with RL friends, they just aren’t always on and I need other things to do. I’m in a guild, I could raid if it fit my schedule, but I’m in a newish relationship now so that’s out. No one’s raiding in the AM, and that’s pretty much the only time I can play.

Bottom line is I’ve been fine soloing through thick and thin, if I run out of stuff to do it’ll be perfect time to go play FF14 or something else that’s pretty solo friendly. Frankly don’t understand this attitude that those who solo should leave, I sell you materials and contribute to the game in myriad ways. I queue all the time, if I’m gone with everyone like me, good luck with those.

If you couldn’t solo in this game, it would be dead to way too many people.

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I actually love that system in FFXIV and it reminds me a lot of how it was in Wotlk, that mix of deterministic looting and RNG you describe. That’s one of those things, similar to talent trees, I think Blizz was mistaken in revamping/scrapping. Even professions have suffered from the current loot system, to the point I don’t even bother leveling most professions. I pretty much only do that on my main.

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Speaking of Wildstar as OP mentioned , this problem of attunement was major in that game . If you were attuned literally every guild would want to grab you , they don’t care of your logs ,experience at all. You are attuned BAM!! invite sent.

However if you are not attuned , no guild would help you get it because not only does it take too much time but there is high chance you would just get poached.

Attunement sucks, its great during launch which is like 2 to 3 weeks but the major length of the game .it sucks really bad.

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