World of Wildstar

Plus all the perks of the Sub-class hall. Each one having a different thing. It sounds like different story and questing experience as well. None of this is just a “Talent”

I take it you did not love Wildstar. Wildstar blew WoW out of the window. If they did not have so many internal issues it would have been the best mmo in a long time save for FFIV which destroys WoW completely btw.

well if you dont want to put forth the effort why should you be rewarded?

I Wanted to like wildstar but they held their guns on specific things and it lead to their sunken ship.

Yes. This is what I care about. I actually want to pick a certain covenant. I actually care about a certain covenant. However, i don’t want to give up fun gameplay for lore and aesthetic. But at the same time, i don’t want to have an aesthetic and lore I dislike to have fun gameplay. Forcing someone to choose between those makes all choices feel bad. I play games to have fun. Having to choose the least bad choice out of 4 isn’t fun. I’d rather choose the most fun choice, but the way covenants currently are, there is none.

Wildstar combat system was a mess, it’s one thing to want bosses to put colors/forms on the floor for their mechanics. But when you add that players did this too… I feel they didn’t think about this long enough. Also not a fan of sci-fy mmos, but that’s more personnal. Their best system was still their player housing, but like all player housing it’s ridden with micro-transactions.

Housing was my favorite part lol. Only reason i played it for as long as i did.

FF14’s housing system has no micro transactions outside of just buying random crap to put in it which has no bearing on it anyway.

I see now where you are saying the two relate. You are talking about my views on how a game should just be for entertainment value. Thanks for explaining. I can see where that can suck for you. I just personally don’t see it different from choosing your class. We won’t really ever agree with eachother but I understand why you feel that way now.

Thats how it should be. if you want good gear do harder content.

How is this a bad thing?

The point of player housing is mainly cosmetic, I’m not sure if you understand that. So being able to buy “random crap” is actually still basing the system on micro-transactions. Same thing they do in ESO. Same thing they would do in wow if they did it, which is why I’m agaisn’t pure player housing,

It’s honestly better. You may not need internet connection with it and it’ll cause less lag for the players. Someone like me who lives near the country, our connection will go down sometimes. But if they’re willing to implement online and offline, I’m down for it!

Sorry but that’s just not accurate in the slightest. It has no bearing on the housing system itself and is 100% optional. Everything can be crafted or gotten through in game content.

yeah WoW would milk the crap out of player housing. Their shop would have all different types of instanced housing you could buy, and furniture to put in it.

Because I don’t want to be a dk with angel wings, or a nature dk. Neither of those aesthetics or storylines make sense. The biggest problem honestly, if they made covenants with class like themes. One has druid/shaman themes, one priest/pally themes, one dk themes. The only one that doesn’t really line up with a specific class theme is the vampires.

If they had made all the themes somewhat class neutral it would be better honestly. But as it stands, I’d rather pick my covenant for aesthetic and lore, and pick a talent/s for my gameplay. Imo aesthetic and lore are more than enough to make covenants meaningful.

Yes the common excuse people use for shop content, “It’s 100% optional”… xd
Why not put everything in there then? xd

Press X for doubt.

Insane how people must have their way and all others are wrong … and its not even sunday …

Grouped content is not HARDER , its harder to get into one , most group carry at least 3 to 5 out of 20 people without noticing it , theres always this 1 player in those m+12/+15 that does poorly . There’s always that guy in rated bgs that yolos.

Solo content in BFA is NOT hard enough.

Having solo content ,grouped pve or pvp doesnt make other content irrelevant , people still play what they like in this game . Im still running random bgs , capping conquest , running the raid on normal/heroic, doing 5 mask runs …

Same way i would grind the solo content , do the grouped pve content and play the grouped pvp content in shadowlands …Its nice being able to progress whenever and its also very nice to not have to group with others all the time to do so .

Ralph said it best way above ->

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Because it is. It can’t be a “micro-transaction ridden” system when the system itself isn’t even supported by said micro transactions. No one is forced to buy anything and a house can be fully furnished through the game itself. It’s literally the same thing as having a mount on a store when there are mounts in game as well.

Yes so repeating that it’s 100% optional doesn’t mean that they should do it. Micro-transactions are litteral game cancer because selling games these days is not enough. So you have to make everyone experience worse so they feel like buying micro-transactions.

How good does the mounts ingame look? How many basic horses or reskin have they released? Cosmetics might not be power so people rightfully care less. But if it you think cosmetics are not some type of endgame I’d say you’re wrong. Looking good is what a lot of people strive for ingame and even in life.

That’s a personal problem. I don’t look at the WoW store and feel like I need to buy a mount when I have a ton already waiting to be used. If you can’t control yourself, you might need to step away from the game at that point.

Subjective and irrelevant to the topic at hand.