World of Wildstar

End of the day that’s just it right. Everyone has their own content they enjoy and nobody really likes having their favored content made worse for ware. Changes to it usually just feels bad or atleast a little nerve wracking until you can confirm it’s okay.

I think Blizzard should some day just pick a lane and stop trying to cater to both sides instead of playing the pendulum. It’s just creating frustration and further pushing the us vs them divide. Granted that won’t happen they make too much money with the pendulum.

I think they can do both, but it just requires more work and tuning from them.
Or obviously they could create different type of servers.

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I think it’s possible to do both, I’m just not confident that this team can. It seems they don’t know how to do anything besides heavy swings in one way or the other. Or when they do try to even things out they end up doing whats more like the splits. Where they have all this great stuff for both sides but it all feels bad because it also is hurting both sides…

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Yea the problem with wow is when they see a problem, they don’t try fine tuning. We see this with dailies with some expansion, too much, not enough, too much xd
Bring the class not the player, bring the player not the class, etc.:stuck_out_tongue:

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And then we wonder why there is a us versus them divide always going on in the community. It’s completely created by Blizzard doing that type of thing. People are quickly to jump on anyone that may threaten what they like because they know what you mentioned could happen… I’m guilty of that myself.

It’s like you have to not like the other group because they are always in the way of your type of content.

tangent but yes. Heres to hoping renown and the covenant stuff fixes it but isn’t a nightmare for you raider types.

I never blame the other group of people, only Blizzard design.
That’s the difference here.
Players should want content be designed around them, they are not at fault here.

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I used to have that same view, I’ll honestly try harder to switch back to that… Felt like I was alone in it for a long time because I got bashed alot for wanting content that matched my playstyle. Eventually just joined. Can’t beat em you know?

No, this is an rpg. If you want the good gear you have to do the harder content.

If covenants are an rpg feature, and it’s ok that they punish players, gear is also an rpg feature. Tbf though, I wouldn’t call grouping with other players punishment. So actually getting gear without wf/tf is less punishing than covenants. So…get over it.

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Just what does this have to do with “Wildstar”, the fallen mmo of 2014?

Wildstar has long been told to have died because they stuck to their guns on having to do things like attunements and the content being difficult so if you wasn’t the type to group a lot you just didn’t really get any reward. Basicly just unfriendly to the players that did world type content.


Roger that. I would at least like to have activities to partake in when I’m waiting to get in a group, or for a que to pop, aside from parkouring around Dazar/Boralus/W.e. the new hub is.

MoP was kind of cool cause you had scenarios for that. Made waiting for a group less annoying. Just popped from Scenarios to dungeons pretty easly. DPS got to have a lot of fun in that time cause queues didn’t suck so hard.

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I agree. Covenants shouldn’t affect gameplay in any way.

I really struck a nerve with you with my support of covenants havn’t I.

I just think it’s funny that covenants being punishing is fine with you, but gear being a bit harder to acquire, whether you actually need it or not (which tbf, if you aren’t doing endgame content, you really don’t) isn’t.

I just don’t see where you are drawing the line. Having a Sub Class system, and gear are two seperate issues.

Being locked out of or having to do a grind just to change a talent is a lot more user-unfriendly than no wf/tf.

Remember when you could upgrade the item level of gear with some valor?

That was pretty cool imo


It’s not a talent though, there is more attached to covenants then just the abilities.

Functionally, it is a talent. Actually, some talents do more. Also there’s the mess that soulbinds will be, inaddition to covenant specific legendaries. If legion legendaries were any indication, covenant specific legendaries will be laughably unbalanced.