World of Wildstar

Funny they have been going agaisn’t top end players for now 3 expacs if they release covenants and soulbinds in their current form (with still all the grind needed to do outside of top end content, which is bigger if you push that content harder, called basicly the top end tax), you’re not getting a worse treatment than those players.

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What have they done that actually adversly effects the entertainment of top end players? How so?

Also Hi. LoL. seems me and you disagree on everything.

Added many grinds outside of their area that they have fun in, like ap, legion legendaries or even essences. Making rng worse for them to compete with each others with titanforging/corruption.


Corruption I can understand being bad. But my understanding with titanforging is that In higher end content your chances of titanforging was greatly increased? If not I guess I get where you are coming from. Although still believe the bottom end needs some way to remain engaged in a rewarding setting.

Not ignoring you other statement, I fully see where AP can be annoying for people that want to only raid.

In higher content it means that you often overgeared the content, which made any rewards in them meaningless. Which means that farming M+ and heroic raids more for a change of titanforging.

And there can be way without having items jumping to heroic/mythic raid level.
We had badges before, crafting and reps giving decent gear. They basicly removed all those systems and said “well rng is gonna fix it”.

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Those ways are so deterministic that you still run into the issue where it will run out early. The drive eventually goes away and usually before the next patch hits that updates the rewards. They could make it take longer but then you end up with the feeling that the stick is so long that the reward isn’t worth it. idk. Honestly personally can’t come up with a better system then TF for this but surely there is one.

It’s fine to meet an end. Did you feel grinding benthic gear was too fast? There are way even with currencies to make grinds last.


Actually kind of did feel it ended too quickly. And this recent patch I just stopped all together cause everything felt pointless outside of corruption. But how much of that you could have was rather limited unless you did the raids and such.

Just resubbed this month cause the Covid blues got me down. Lacking socialization need people to talk to. lol.

I don’t know I feel you can’t expect to have has much content to grind basicly if you refuse to do most of the content.

Maybe they just need to add more content? Is chromie scenario kind of thing something you feel that can be ok for you to resubb for?


Honestly I had a good time in MoP with the scenarios, I was hoping Islands would give that feeling but sadly something was missing.

So maybe more story driven content basicly?

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More or less with a little reward of some sort so it’s not just story. I mean I know that sounds stupid but once the character can’t grow anymore the value of everything starts to deminish.

Yes I feel with renown they basicly will try to do that. Is renown something good for you? Like for me I think ap kind of systems are for people like you to grind basicly and give them some power if not gear.

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Unknown until I try it tbh. I’m uneasy about it all cause the system I knew worked isnt there anymore.

AP was good for me yes, loved it but I fully understand why others hated it.

I just feel players pushing content should have to grind it less outside of it basicly. And there was no weekly cap which encourage basicly unhealty gaming. Renown should fix the 2nd part atleast.


I think pretty much everything in the game encourages unhealthy gaming right up to the level of competitiveness. People get so nasty because of it. Or atleast I blame that. People hate failing because they are now behind others so they get mean to the person which they believe caused that failure.

I’ll hold out hope for renown. Honestly the OP of this was a bit dramatic I know that it was done intentionally a bit. Nobody seems to talk much in these threads unless someone pokes them.

I don’t mind solo players enjoying WoW too. Not everyone is as extroverted as I am, and that’s okay.

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Yes basicly, you seems to get why I feel it’s basicly worse for me if you’re top end right now.

I personnaly feel there is a lot of interesting content and systems they want to add for people wanting to do stuff outside of group content. With new daily system, new mission table system, Thorgast, Renown etc.

I’m just super annoyed at covenants and soulbinds and all the probably insane grind we will have to do to be relevant in top end content.

I do understand. It’s why I do my best to avoid that content. That pressure just isn’t healthy. I mean not for me atleast I know others can handle it much better then myself lol.

Covenants I just don’t feel will be all that grindy. Unless their lying threw there teeth about the direction their trying to take the game. Which…I guess is possible it’s not the first time lol.

I just like challenging content and being able to compete with others. Even if I’m pushing content more casually than a lot of other people. Raiding moreover for me is wow jewel, without it it would shine a lot less for me.

I have also fun doing some type of grind when they don’t feel forced on me. Like when I did the meta achievements for mechagon and nazjatar. And I enjoy doing pet battle content. But basicly letting people grind too much something, I blame more the design than the players for doing it. Players are goal driven a lot. And adding too much forced grind doesn’t let me do other content or alts as much as I would like.