World of Wildstar

I’m going to go eat, I’m starting to understand your side of it now, I hope you didn’t take anything I said as offensive, as far as I’m concerned I’ve actually been very good compared to how I normally can be. I can be a very toxic person but the only thing I could think of that might’ve been insulting from your perspective was calling you lazy. Like I said it wasn’t a personal attack just an observation, I do feel like you’re lacking a map to get there and or what ever underlying issue you were hiding could be the problem.
But like I said I played with a paraplegic back in I think cata, he couldn’t control any part of his body below his neck, he literally had to play with a straw basically, they had used multiboxing software to make it possible for him to do so. He did great damage but like I said he couldn’t deal with mechanics, but he never got mad for never being able to progress further, he just did what he was capable of.

IT’s all good and honestly that really was the only insulting thing. I’m glad we was able to return to civil discussion.

Play a game you dont enjoy, typical Wow player right here

lol that was the part I keep mentioning was more for Flaire. The top paragraph was the only thing that mattered.

Never played it but I heard it had that as well, wish I would’ve tried it out. not

You honestly would of liked it. They had a strong sense of difficult content is important. If you don’t like it then this game isn’t for you. That really didn’t end well for them. But atleast they tried.

Personally, I typically don’t really care for creative/design side of things, I’m a pure PvPer, but even I used to spend so much time just designing/building up all sorts of nonsense with the housing system.

Then when you would visit others open-houses and see what they had came up with, it was insane. It was like transmog, but on steroids haha.

Dont worry, you guys will make a boat load of noise like usual and Daddy Blizz will listen and change their mind like they have done 10x times before.

I’m going to get going as well but please understand that adding things for “flair” typically comes across as inflammatory. It honestly sounded so dumb that most people probably thought you were trolling.

I did not ever intend to insult you. But it is frustrating to see someone call for me to put myself in their shoes while failing to see that reciprocated and just get this identity politics of mythic vs casuals thrown in my face constantly.

My point is this, if you want a game with endless progress, maybe you need to redefine what you mean by progress. Doing nothing but paying 15 dollars a month and logging on each day to open a box is little more than a skinner box. Put yourself in the shoes of someone who plays the game as a challenge and for the social interactions with others, if you got the same exact rewards they do from your participation box.

Have a good one.

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I’m honestly ok with TF being gone if they just give me another way to endlessly grind my face off with some level of character growth. I just don’t want to return to the days of Raid or die type thing. I had a taste of the perfect life and I really don’t want to go back. We’ll see how it feels. If I feel like i’m not getting what I paid for then like anyone else I’ll leave then come back when they reveal the next big thing to lure me in… . which knowing them will be the next expansion lol.

the ones being jerks are the reason people prefer solo these days.

also to the mean ones…classic-----> is that way take your toxic crap back to it.


everything boiled back down after I exploded and explained how that is bad for a constructive conversation. Thank you for your support though it means alot.

go play skyrim

They kinda have already. All my alts have more or less hit the ceiling of non-instanced progression and in the past, the chance of a lucky Titanforge made it worthwhile to do emissaries etc. Now, I struggle to find a reason to log on unless there’s a gold emissary.

This exactly. “MMO” does not equal mandatory grouping. It’s a persistent online world where many players co-exist and interact - and can play with or compete against others IF THEY CHOOSE.

Or would you rather just have World Of Instancecraft, where you level to max then sit in a lobby waiting for dungeons and raids to pop? Because that’s where the game’s heading yet again, not at all learning from the last couple of times they tried it that this is a terrible mistake.

What a load of nonsense.

Titanforging being gone is great for the game, no more needing to run older content for a hope that something from a previous raid or dungeon titanforges so it can be viable in new content. It was a horrible system and should never have replaced the item-upgrade system from Mists of Pandaria.

As for Corruption, Blizzard made it clear that was an 8.3 only thing and it would not be carrying forward into Shadowlands.

End of the day if you want the best gear, if you want to compete with the players who put in the most time, you need to do the content that puts you on their level. Don’t want to do it? Fine, no one is forcing you to, but you shouldn’t expect a free ride to awesometown by doing entry level content.

LFR isn’t going anywhere. We already have confirmation that there will be an LFR difficulty for the Castle Nathria raid. Attunements are not coming back, there’s zero reason for those older systems to return.

You need to get off whatever drugs you put yourself on before you wrote this. It’s messing with your mind.

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Progression can mean a lot of things. You can farm gold, mounts, characters, professions, friends, role play, or do something like pet battles. I think it’s a good thing to remove TF, though I am primarily a solo player in this game too, I think players feel compelled to farm lesser content when TF exists.

Then that’s a problem with the player, not the game.

Maybe some people, but that sounds more like a issue of people being unable to help themselves from always doing everything possible to eek out that 1% more efficiency.

Couldn’t disagree more with your views on RNG gear and you’re huge stretch to complain about what it means to everyone but mythic Raiders


No I understand besides Mythic raiders there is Alt lovers that dislike it as well. Because they want their progression to end as soon as possible so they can jump to their next main. I generally get into bickering matches with those people as well.

There is a couple groups that dislike it simply because they hate having so much content they can’t complete it all. Personally I think that is a good thing. It’s weird to complain about having too many things to do.