World of Wildstar

This game was not designed around endless progression. Even titan forging had a cap, just raiding mythic made that cap more likely to be reached. I don’t mean this in a disparaging way but maybe this type of game isn’t for you if what you want is a literal endless hamster wheel even if you’re on the bleeding edge. The game has an “end”. In pve it’s mythic, and In pvp it’s a high rating.

I’m stuck on gearing rn unless I choose one of these 12/12m guilds to join I’ve had offers from but there are some particulars that have been holding me back from moving which I’ll answer if asked but won’t here.

Basically back to the point no matter if it’s normal/heroic/mythic you’re still wanting to leap frog above those that put in more work/time/effort to get it.

So long as I didn’t jump into raids and mythics dungeons that is what I had though. Can’t you understand how that sucks to lose? I mean it’d be like if they just up and removed what ever favorite part of the game you have.

I’m sure everyone here can agree you yourself have removed that part of the game from you accessing it. Unless you’re referring to titanforging/corruptions which are a terrible system and we’ve moved on from that but you keep hopping backwards and you aren’t accepting the main problem why you aren’t progressing further.

A shoehorned RNG mechanic on top of loot leapfrogging gear levels is not a feature e of the game, raids are. Dungeons are. Pet battles are. None of these will ever be removed. So it really isn’t the same. Even if pet battles were my favorite aspect of wow, you can’t sit here and tell me a seemingly random change made to loot to give people a dopamine hit 1% of the time is a feature of the game, as much as youd like to believe it is. It’s an additional layer of rng on top of an already rng reliant system.

At the end of the day you aren’t making progress on your character bevause you have set an end point for yourself which is significantly before the real end point of the game.

I did jaina on lfr the other day got a 425 trinket off her, I rolled perfectly 11 times from 370 to get that, that shouldn’t be a thing. The cap at the time was 425 btw if people don’t recall. Was going for the mount btw.

But that was a feature of the game. And to say it isn’t completely ignores an entire genre which is based on just that. It’s a feature. It’s sadly not one now and it’s upsetting that its being removed.

As far as I’m concerned it was a participation reward mechanic which you are clearly one of those types of players, I disagree with what you said earlier that if you log in and sit there you deserve everything you want, no you don’t. You should put in the same or more time/effort as me to get what I have. I hope they never capitulate to players like you ever, I don’t mind there being casual content. Heck they do slightly already do that when you can deplete a 15 which is already a joke and get mythic gear but what can ya do. I just hope they fix the problem they caused and revert back to a # of people/effort/skill/time = equvalent reward.

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Again, a change made to loot to make people feel cool they got loot better than what they deserved is at its best an attempt to keep people playing at the cost of the integrity of the loot system.

Sure, call it a feature. And a whole genre you say? I can think of an entire genre that’s based on a very small chance of winning a very valuable prize. It’s called gambling.

WOW is an mmorpg. Not a casino.

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ARPG’s whole concept is just that. Yes a whole genre. Diablo, Path of Exiles, Grimm Dawn. Was one of the most exciting things for me when WoW decided to add that feature to this game. Honestly was mixing best of both worlds for me. Prior to that all I ever did was collect stuff to help the guild on there raids and never really going myself because I would offer no value there. Now suddenly I could continue to be out in the world helping my guild while progressing my self on a loop.

That’s gambling not progressing, you your self weren’t getting better, you were relying on your dice to get lucky.

Fine poor choice of words, while growing my character. Better?

Don’t equate progress to randomly getting things equal to rewards from high end raid content. Not the same thing. And at the end of the day you being of no value in raids was a side effect of your skill or as you said your being anti social. Not the games fault, you’re in a world and game with systems reliant on other people, with a reward structure based around it as such.

I wouldn’t even consider that growing your character, we’ve lost that, bfa doesn’t really have any of that left. Maybe azerite traits/essences but there’s really no character growth. I believe legion had more of that as a more recent example with artifacts and legendaries and such.

Don’t move the goal post. You can progress your character by doing the content that awards the gear you wish to acquire. Progress/grow are fundamentally the same thing.

Legion was tbh my favorite time. It had more places to get TF. Plus a chance at legendary loot from opening boxes from Daily reps.

plus not having to replace my weapon a ton was kind of nice. Although that felt a little bad.

And legion is considered by quite a few people including the devs themselves to have been a clown show in that regard. They explicitly said that the only thing they didn’t like about legion legendary items was how you acquired them and how it diluted them as a reward.

Legendary items are not participation trophies for doing daily quests. Come on man.

I’m not surprised, they are mythic players of course our views are not the same.

Enough with the identity nonsense. Accept the genre you’re playing and stop this delusion that the devs are out to get you, get better at the game or go play a mobile game where all you do is open loot boxes all day.

Say what you will about Wildstar, but man their housing system was amazing.

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